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Malaria risk factors in rural Amazonia: modeling human-environment dynamics

Grant number: 14/25255-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
Effective date (Start): March 01, 2015
Effective date (End): June 30, 2015
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Collective Health - Epidemiology
Principal Investigator:Marcelo Urbano Ferreira
Grantee:Susana Do Carmo Pinto Barbosa
Supervisor: Marcia Caldas de Castro
Host Institution: Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas (ICB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Research place: Harvard University, Cambridge, United States  
Associated to the scholarship:13/23770-6 - Optimising malaria case detection in a low transmission setting in rural Brazilian Amazon, BP.PD


This a proposal for a five month period internship at the Harvard School of Public Health under the supervision of Dr Márcia Castro, co-supervisor of the original research project. The main objective of this short-term research project is for the applicant to obtain training in epidemiological geospatial techniques. While at Harvard we will investigate the quick decline in malaria transmission in an area of Brazilian rural Amazon: Remansinho. We will use satellite imagery to analyze in great detail environmental changes over time (2010-2014) in this area and model its impact on malaria transmission, while adjusting for a number of other factors. These techniques shall later be used to compare malaria control strategies as proposed in the original project, for which complete epidemiological data is not yet fully available. (AU)

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