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Assembling and characterizing a system of magnetic field for studies of Feshbach resonances on Bose-Einstein condensation

Grant number: 14/13543-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): August 01, 2014
Effective date (End): July 31, 2015
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Atomic and Molecular Physics
Principal Investigator:Kilvia Mayre Farias
Grantee:Vitor Marquioni Monteiro
Host Institution: Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:13/07276-1 - CEPOF - Optics and Photonic Research Center, AP.CEPID


In our new experiment, the condensate of two atomic species will be produced in a purely optical trap in which it becomes possible to use the technique of Feshbach resonances in order to vary the inter-species interaction. Thus, in addition to extending the preliminary studies to other species, a whole new range of experiments will be possible in which the transfer of momentum, energy and vortices between the species can be broadly characterized. The generation and decay of super-vortices, trapping of an atomic species generated by the vortex at the other, and finally the dynamics of quantum turbulence will also be explored. Control of inter-species interaction is of fundamental importance in each of the different experiments cited as each one happens in a specific regime of interaction. In this way, the design, manufacture, characterization and stabilization of fields responsible for tunning Feshbach resonances are crucial for the experiment of Na - K and include the activities proposed in this project of Scientific Initiation. Experiments involving Bose-Einstein require several steps aimed, mostly, the cooling of the atomic sample. The student of scientific initiation will closely participate of these steps and also will have tasks in parallel that at the end, will be implemented on the experiment in order to characterize the resonances Feshbach between Na - K not charactized so far. (AU)

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