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Aspects of bacteria Siphonops annulatus-skin interaction

Grant number: 14/04397-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): July 01, 2014
Effective date (End): December 31, 2014
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Morphology - Histology
Principal Investigator:Cecilia Mari Abe
Grantee:Flávia Ferreira Barbosa
Host Institution: Instituto Butantan. Secretaria da Saúde (São Paulo - Estado). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:10/06716-0 - Interaction between bacteria and amphibian skin: morphological and immunological aspects, AP.JP


Currently, there are approximately 6.322 described species of frogs. However, factors such as climate change, diseases caused by microorganisms and the introduction of new species, have been increasingly contributing to the decline of global population of these vertebrates. The skin of these animals plays a crucial role in protection against the adversities of the environment. However, this moisturized skin also favors the growth of various microorganisms that are not always associated to the skin in a beneficial association. It is believed that many of these microorganisms associated with skin are opportunistic and potentially pathogenic, and that they contribute to the amphibian population decline. Little is known about the interaction between microorganisms and amphibians skin. This project aims to evaluate the interaction between bacteria-amphibian skins by means of microbiological, histological, and histochemical methods, both in natural and experimental infection conditions. This project is closely related to a project already in progress at the Laboratory of Cellular Biology, Instituto Butantan (JP FAPESP Project - No.2010/06716-0), which aims to study the morphological and immunological aspects of the bacteria-skin interaction in different amphibian species of the Brazilian fauna. In this project we emphasize the study of the interaction of microorganisms with the skin of Siphonops annulatus and the development of an assay to facilitate the study of the bacteria-amphibia. (AU)

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