Scholarship 14/04603-4 - Biodiversidade, Predação - BV FAPESP
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Global warming effects on the trophic structure and ecosystem functioning in tank-bromeliads

Grant number: 14/04603-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Start date until: June 01, 2014
End date until: October 31, 2016
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Ecology - Theoretical Ecology
Principal Investigator:Gustavo Quevedo Romero
Grantee:Pablo Augusto Poleto Antiqueira
Host Institution: Instituto de Biologia (IB). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):15/06646-5 - The effects of global warming on the trophic structure and ecosystem functioning in tank-bromeliads, BE.EP.DR


Even though studies about the effect of climate change on biodiversity have increased over the past 10 years, few studies to date have investigated empirically the effect of global warming on the ecosystem and trophic structure of aquatic environments, especially in neotropical environments. In this study, will be investigated the effect of global warming (expected within the climate change scenario in Brazil for the next 100 years) combined with the effect of predator diversity on community structure (richness and composition of species and functional groups) and the aquatic ecosystem functions (productivity, decomposition and nutrient cycling) in fitotelmatas from tank-bromeliads. The heating system will consist of heaters and thermostats with temperature control systems and digital monitoring. The heating will be composed of three temperature levels: i) average projected for 2040 (increase to 2°C), ii ) 2100 (4°C increase) and iii ) control (current temperature). Predation possesses three levels combined orthogonally with heating treatments: 1) high diversity (three species of predators), 2) low diversity (only one species of predator) and 3) no predator (control). Thus, each block will consist of nine treatments randomly distributed, and the experiment consists of five blocks. This study will be conducted in the Restinga of the Serra do Mar State Park, Picinguaba, Ubatuba - SP. The main issues are: i) How the increase in temperature affects the structure and trophic composition of the community (e.g., abundance and biomass within functional trophic groups, predator-prey ratio)? ii) Does the temperature increase affect the productivity rate of decomposition of waste nitrogen stream and fitotelmatas? iii) Does the heating decreases the average size of aquatic organisms by altering the trophic structure (e.g., predator-prey ratio) and ecosystem responses? iv) Does the effect of temperature increases and the trophic ecosystem functioning structure are minimized in the presence of predators? v) Are the communities with greater diversity of top predators less affected by climate change? It is expected that, for example, the warming causes changes in trophic structure and aquatic ecosystem functions, primarily affecting organisms of higher trophic levels. Thus, there would be a change in the dynamics of trophic networks controlled by top-down relationships, increasing the detritivorous effect. However, in situations with higher diversity of predators may be a minor impact of warming and more prey removing. It is therefore likely that there is greater cascading effect decreasing rates of decomposition and nutrient cycling

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Scientific publications (16)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DE OMENA, PAULA M.; SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.. Consumptive effects and mismatch in predator-prey turnover rates cause inversion of biomass pyramids. Oecologia, v. 190, n. 1, p. 159-168, . (14/04603-4)
BERNABE, TIAGO N.; DE OMENA, PAULA M.; DOS SANTOS, VIVIANE PICCIN; DE SIQUEIRA, VIRGINIA M.; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA M.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.. Warming weakens facilitative interactions between decomposers and detritivores, and modifies freshwater ecosystem functioning. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, v. 24, n. 7, p. 3170-3186, . (12/51143-3, 14/04603-4)
ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO AUGUSTO P.; PETCHEY, OWEN L.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO QUEVEDO. Warming and top predator loss drive ecosystem multifunctionality. ECOLOGY LETTERS, v. 21, n. 1, p. 72-82, . (16/01209-9, 14/04603-4)
MARINO, NICHOLAS A. C.; CEREGHINO, REGIS; GILBERT, BENJAMIN; PETERMANN, JANA S.; SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S.; DE OMENA, PAULA M.; BAUTISTA, FABIOLA OSPINA; GUZMAN, LAURA MELISSA; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; TRZCINSKI, M. KURTIS; et al. Species niches, not traits, determine abundance and occupancy patterns: A multi-site synthesis. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, v. 29, n. 2, . (16/09699-5, 16/01209-9, 14/04603-4)
SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S.; CEREGHINO, REGIS; TRZCINSKI, M. KURTIS; MACDONALD, A. ANDREW M.; MARINO, NICHOLAS A. C.; MERCADO, DIMARIS ACOSTA; LEROY, CELINE; CORBARA, BRUNO; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; FARJALLA, VINICIUS F.; et al. Ecological response to altered rainfall differs across the Neotropics. ECOLOGY, v. 101, n. 4, . (16/01209-9, 14/04603-4, 12/51143-3)
CEREGHINO, REGIS; TRZCINSKI, MARK KURTIS; MACDONALD, A. ANDREW M.; MARINO, NICHOLAS A. C.; ACOSTA MERCADO, DIMARIS; LEROY, CELINE; CORBARA, BRUNO; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; FARJALLA, VINICIUS F.; BARBERIS, IGNACIO M.; et al. Functional redundancy dampens precipitation change impacts on species-rich invertebrate communities across the Neotropics. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, v. 36, n. 7, p. 14-pg., . (14/04603-4, 19/08474-8, 12/51143-3)
SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S.; CEREGHINO, REGIS; TRZCINSKI, M. KURTIS; MACDONALD, A. ANDREW M.; MARINO, NICHOLAS A. C.; MERCADO, DIMARIS ACOSTA; LEROY, CELINE; CORBARA, BRUNO; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; FARJALLA, VINICIUS F.; et al. Ecological response to altered rainfall differs across the Neotropics. ECOLOGY, v. 101, n. 4, . (16/01209-9, 12/51143-3, 14/04603-4)
ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; MARINO, NICHOLAS A. C.; MACDONALD, A. ANDREW M.; CEREGHINO, REGIS; TRZCINSKI, M. KURTIS; MERCADO, DIMARIS ACOSTA; LEROY, CELINE; CORBARA, BRUNO; FARJALLA, VINICIUS F.; BARBERIS, IGNACIO M.; et al. Extreme rainfall events alter the trophic structure in bromeliad tanks across the Neotropics. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 11, n. 1, . (16/01209-9, 14/04603-4, 17/26243-8, 12/51143-3, 17/09052-4)
REZENDE, FELIPE; ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO A. P.; PETCHEY, OWEN L.; VELHO, LUIZ FELIPE M.; RODRIGUES, LUZIA C.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.. Trophic downgrading decreases species asynchrony and community stability regardless of climate warming. ECOLOGY LETTERS, v. 24, n. 12, . (14/04603-4, 19/08474-8, 17/26243-8, 18/12225-0)
NASH, LIAM N.; ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO A. P.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; DE OMENA, PAULA M.; KRATINA, PAVEL. Warming of aquatic ecosystems disrupts aquatic-terrestrial linkages in the tropics. Journal of Animal Ecology, v. 90, n. 7, p. 1623-1634, . (17/26243-8, 17/09052-4, 19/08474-8, 14/04603-4)
CEREGHINO, REGIS; PILLAR, VALERIO D.; SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S.; DE OMENA, PAULA M.; MACDONALD, A. ANDREW M.; BARBERIS, IGNACIO M.; CORBARA, BRUNO; GUZMAN, LAURA M.; LEROY, CELINE; OSPINA BAUTISTA, FABIOLA; et al. Constraints on the functional trait space of aquatic invertebrates in bromeliads. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, v. 32, n. 10, p. 2435-2447, . (16/01209-9, 14/04603-4)
ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO AUGUSTO P.; PETCHEY, OWEN L.; DOS SANTOS, VIVIANE PICCIN; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; ROMERO, GUSTAVO QUEVEDO. Environmental change and predator diversity drive alpha and beta diversity in freshwater macro and microorganisms. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, v. 24, n. 8, p. 3715-3728, . (16/01209-9, 15/06646-5, 14/04603-4)
GUZMAN, LAURA MELISSA; TRZCINSKI, M. KURTIS; BARBERIS, IGNACIO M.; CEREGHINO, REGIS; SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S.; GILBERT, BENJAMIN; PILLAR, VALERIO D.; DE OMENA, PAULA M.; MACDONALD, A. ANDREW M.; CORBARA, BRUNO; et al. Climate influences the response of community functional traits to local conditions in bromeliad invertebrate communities. ECOGRAPHY, v. 44, n. 3, p. 440-452, . (14/04603-4, 16/01209-9, 16/09699-5)
BUSSE, ANNIKA; ANTIQUEIRA, PABLO A. P.; NEUTZLING, ALEXANDRE S.; WOLF, ANNA M.; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; PETERMANN, JANA S.. Different in the dark: The effect of habitat characteristics on community composition and beta diversity in bromeliad microfauna. PLoS One, v. 13, n. 2, . (14/04603-4)
SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S.; MACDONALD, A. ANDREW M.; PILLAR, VALERIO D.; KRATINA, PAVEL; DEBASTIANI, VANDERLEI J.; GUZMAN, LAURA MELISSA; TRZCINSKI, MARK KURTIS; DEZERALD, OLIVIER; BARBERIS, IGNACIO M.; DE OMENA, PAULA M.; et al. Geographical variation in the trait-based assembly patterns of multitrophic invertebrate communities. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, v. 37, n. 1, p. 14-pg., . (16/09699-5, 18/12225-0, 19/08474-8, 14/04603-4)
SRIVASTAVA, DIANE S.; CEREGHINO, REGIS; TRZCINSKI, M. KURTIS; MACDONALD, A. ANDREW M.; MARINO, NICHOLAS A. C.; MERCADO, DIMARIS ACOSTA; LEROY, CELINE; CORBARA, BRUNO; ROMERO, GUSTAVO Q.; FARJALLA, VINICIUS F.; et al. Ecological response to altered rainfall differs across the Neotropics. ECOLOGY, v. 101, n. 4, p. 15-pg., . (12/51143-3, 14/04603-4, 16/01209-9)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
ANTIQUEIRA, Pablo Augusto Poleto. Effects of climate change on cummunity structure and ecosystem functioning using tank-bromeliads as a model system. 2017. Doctoral Thesis - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Biologia Campinas, SP.

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