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Nuclear magnetic ressonance applied to nondestructive analysis of polymer composites laminates for cirugical structural implants on humans

Grant number: 14/00030-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Effective date (Start): April 01, 2014
Effective date (End): July 30, 2015
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Materials and Metallurgical Engineering - Nonmetallic Materials
Principal Investigator:José Ricardo Tarpani
Grantee:Carine Lourenço Alves
Host Institution: Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):14/20798-0 - Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of damage and defects in fibber-reinforced polymer matrix composite laminated coupons and real-scale components with a single-sided sensor (NMR-MOUSE), BE.EP.IC


A detailed literature research recently conducted by these researchers allowed to infer an extraordinary lack in the number of in-vivo inspection techniques of structural integrity of implants on humans made by fiber composites biomaterials of polymer matrices, showing high mechanic performance and structural efficiency. Indeed, only one technique based on acoustic waves was proposed until this moment, just to this objective. The development of new safe techniques, trustful and precise of monitoring in-loco of the integrity of these high-tech implants have to be implanted quickly as possible and used on cases of high potential of failure, due to the functionality of the external environment of the device, as well in damage caused by unexpected events. In both cases, the mechanical properties of these structural elements can be drastically reduced with clear damages to the individual that is using the respective implant. In accordance the previous experience of the coordinator of this project, the technique of imaging by nuclear magnetic resonance show a great potential of obtaining quick, painless and trustful diagnostics, to the structural integrity of structural implants made of non-magnetic fibrous polymer composites biomaterials. In this work , two types of polymer composites, reinforced with continue carbon fibers, one with a term rigid matrix (epox) e another thermoplastic (poly-sulfide of phenyl-PPS), and a laminate polymer composite of epox thermofixed reinforced with continuous glass fibers will be submitted to analysis by INMR after intentional mechanical fracturing made in controlled situations, and afterwards a exposure to fluid that will simulate corporal fluids. This way, it will be possible to catch a glimpse of the possibility to estimate the residual life of the implant by means of analysis and interpretation of the corresponding INMR images, or see the extension of useful life of the device in the most favorable cases.

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