Scholarship 14/01513-4 - Política educacional, Rede estadual de ensino - BV FAPESP
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The coordinator teacher in the pedagogical core network state of São Paulo: the trainer, the training and the challenges of professional practice

Grant number: 14/01513-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
Start date until: April 01, 2014
End date until: March 31, 2015
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Education - Specific topics in Education
Principal Investigator:Luiz Carlos Novaes
Grantee:Letícia Moraes Rodrigues
Host Institution: Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (EFLCH). Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Campus Guarulhos. Guarulhos , SP, Brazil


The restructuring of the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo (SEE/ SP) performed by means of Decree No. 57.141/2011 created different coordinations, including the Management Coordination of Basic Education (CGEB) and the Coordination of the Information, Monitoring and Evaluation educational (CIMA). These coordinations are in constant contact with the Regional Directories of Education (DRE), through the Cores Teaching (NP), also created in this restructuring process, which is a unit of management support the curriculum of the state public school system, and that acts preferentially through existing educational workshop in the DRE. Thus, the NP is constantly demanded by CGEB in regarding to the standardization of curriculum, selection and evaluation of educational materials and resources, in the use of new information technologies, among others, as well as the CIMA, especially in to the analysis of assessment results and information from the State schools of São Paulo, for example, the Saresp (Yield Assessment System) and Idesp (Education Development Index) system. We wish, through this research, analyze the work done by a professional within the NP, in this case, the coordinator teacher pedagogical core (PCNP), since it is that professional under education legislation, the responsible for carry out activities and take responsibilities to ensure the implementation of educational policy, in this sense, we intend to better understand the profile of these persons, their training, the reasons that led them to accept such a position and the challenges they face in professional practice. Thus, we formulated some preliminary questions, which will be supplemented and / or detailed, throughout the investigation: who are the PCNP? What actions are developed in the NP? How is the relationship these professionals with the schools and teachers who are in the classroom? What kind of in-service training is offered to teachers by the PCNP? What are the goals of these actions? How it and what are the criteria for selection of PCNP? At this research will be conducted semi-structured interviews with PCNP involved with schools in the early years of elementary school, documentary analysis (especially technical documents and normative character, published by SEE / SP) and the follow up the work of the PCNP held at DRE. With this research, we intend to contribute to the discussion about the profile of this new subject that emerges in the educational scenario of the Sao Paulo state public schools, now with more explicit and regulated functions in relation to the implementation of the official curriculum and monitoring of performance indices of the schools under their responsibility; the nature of its work, as well as the challenges of professional practice, often marked by ambiguity of who occupies the same time, different places of teacher and coach in the service of educational policy.

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