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Educommunication and spaces of formal education: the concept resemantization

Grant number: 13/16243-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Effective date (Start): November 01, 2013
Effective date (End): June 30, 2015
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Communications
Principal Investigator:Ismar de Oliveira Soares
Grantee:Silene de Araujo Gomes Lourenço
Host Institution: Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


In 2005, Fundhas - Hélio Augusto de Souza Foundation - an institution created by the Municipality of São José dos Campos (SP) in order to supplement the training of children and adolescents between 7 and 18 years old, from low-income families and social vulnerability, recognizes Educomunication and, in partnership with the Center for Communication and Education School of Communication and Arts, University of São Paulo (NCE-ECA-USP), decides to invest in the training of professionals and teenagers in their 21 units in order to promote ownership of the means and their languages as tools for social change.Systematic monitoring of the actions undertaken under Fundhas, between the years 2005 and 2011, allowed the meeting several records (action plans, assessment tools, guidelines, statements, interviews, media productions, news) that are being organized, analyzed and faced with our observations and direct perceptions of reality. It is, therefore, a research participant qualitative.Our first research hypothesis is that the Educomunication while teaching methodology - media educacion - gains a new dimension of social pedagogy from the experiments in Fundhas.In 2013, the Municipal Education (SME), after receiving public proposals for implementing a policy Educomunication the municipality decides to invest in the training of teachers of municipal schools. A contract formed between the researcher and SME (June, August, September and October of this year) will allow new data collection and analysis in order to verify the relevance of our second research hypothesis: the concept of widespread Educomunication by NCE, in institutionalized spaces is ressemantizado from a school culture that was over time strongly rooted. In the case of the Municipal Education in São José dos Campos, Educomunication is perceived as theoretical foundation for the curriculum component "Consumer Education". In this process, the Educomunication would act dialectically about the transformation of the school.The theoretical framework is being built mainly in dialogue with authors who reflect on the interrelation Communication / Education as M. Kaplun, J. Martín-Barbero, F. Sierra, G. Orozco, I. Soares, and those who focus on the formation and nature (s) of culture (s) school (s) as A. Escolano, V. Frago, R. Souza, D. Vidal and R. Gallego, among others.

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