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Impact of sensorial information in the performance of the sit-to-stand movement in children with cerebral palsy

Grant number: 13/13380-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Effective date (Start): December 01, 2013
Effective date (End): May 09, 2017
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Principal Investigator:Nelci Adriana Cicuto Ferreira Rocha
Grantee:Silvia Leticia Pavão Rago
Host Institution: Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (CCBS). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Associated scholarship(s):14/10562-9 - Nonlinear analysis of postural control in children with cerebral palsy: relationship with sensory processing, BE.EP.DR


Postural control regulation involves the integration of multiples sources of sensorial inputs. Children with cerebral palsy (CP) exhibit postural control deficits due to sensoriomotor impairments. Nevertheless, a few studies have assessed the impact of sensorial manipulation (visual and tactile) on the postural control of children with cerebral palsy, especially during the performance of functional activities such as sit-to-stand movement (STS). Thus the present study aims to assess the impact of the availability of vision and manual touch on postural control of children with CP during the performance of the STS movement. Fifty children between 5 and 12 years will be evaluated, 30 with typical motor development and 20 with CP, GMFCS I and II. The children will perform the STS movement in four different conditions: with vision and support of upper limbs, with vision and without support, without vision and with support and finally, without vision and without support of upper limbs. The assessment of postural control during the STS performance will be conducted by means of kinetic and electromyographyc analyses. A load cell positioned beneath the upper limb support will record the amount of load discharged on the support during the STS performance. The comparisons between the groups and the conditions will be performed by means of test suitable for the normality of distribution. The significance level adopted will be of 5%. We believe that the availability of vision and support will be provide and additional reference to the postural control system, allowing the postural sway similar to the typical children

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Scientific publications (10)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
PAVAO, SILVIA LETICIA; FERREIRA ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA CICUTO. Hands Support and Postural Oscillation During Sit-to-Stand Movement in Children With Cerebral Palsy and Typical Children. JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, v. 50, n. 2, p. 194-201, . (13/13380-6)
PAVAO, SILVIA LETICIA; DOS SANTOS SILVA, FERNANDA PEREIRA; SAVELSBERGH, GEERT J. P.; CICUTO FERREIRA ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA. Use of Sensory Information During Postural Control in Children With Cerebral Palsy: Systematic Review. JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, v. 47, n. 4, p. 291-301, . (13/13380-6)
PAVAO, SILVIA LETICIA; VISICATO, LIVIA PESSARELLI; NEVES DA COSTA, CAROLINA SOUZA; DE CAMPOS, ANA CAROLINA; ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA C. F.. Effects of Suit-Orthosis on Postural Adjustments During Seated Reaching Task in Children With Cerebral Palsy. PEDIATRIC PHYSICAL THERAPY, v. 30, n. 3, p. 231-237, . (17/11259-6, 13/13380-6, 12/01252-0)
BRUNO ARNONI, JOICE LUIZA; PAVAO, SILVIA LETICIA; DOS SANTOS SILVA, FERNANDA PEREIRA; CICUTO FERREIRA ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA. Effects of virtual reality in body oscillation and motor performance of children with cerebral palsy: A preliminary randomized controlled clinical trial. COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, v. 35, p. 189-194, . (17/11259-6, 13/13380-6, 16/10396-7)
PAVAO, SILVIA L.; SILVA, FERNANDA P. S.; DUSING, STACEY C.; ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA C. F.. Clinical tools designed to assess motor abilities in children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, v. 20, n. 3, p. 149-159, . (12/24371-5, 13/13380-6)
PAVAO, SILVIA LETICIA; DE CAMPOS, ANA CAROLINA; CICUTO FERREIRA ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA. Age-related Changes in Postural Sway During Sit-to-stand in Typical Children and Children with Cerebral Palsy. JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, v. 51, n. 2, p. 185-192, . (17/11259-6, 13/13380-6)
PAVAO, SILVIA LETICIA; DOS SANTOS, ADRIANA NEVES; CICUTO FERREIRA ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA. Sex and age influence on postural sway during sit-to-stand movement in children and adolescents: Cross-sectional study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE, . (10/15010-3, 17/11259-6, 13/13380-6, 10/12688-9)
PAVAO, SILVIA LETICIA; LEDEBT, ANNICK; SAVELSBERGH, GEERT J. P.; ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA C. F.. Dynamical structure of center-of-pressure trajectories with and without functional taping in children with cerebral palsy level I and II of GMFCS. HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE, v. 54, p. 137-143, . (14/10562-9, 13/13380-6)
PAVAO, SILVIA LETICIA; GAMBARO LIMA, CAMILA RESENDE; CICUTO FERREIRA ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA. Association between sensory processing and activity performance in children with cerebral palsy levels I-II on the gross motor function classification system. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, v. 25, n. 2, p. 194-202, . (13/13380-6, 17/11259-6)
PAVAO, SILVIA LETICIA; DOS SANTOS, ADRIANA NEVES; CICUTO FERREIRA ROCHA, NELCI ADRIANA. Sex and age influence on postural sway during sit-to-stand movement in children and adolescents: Cross-sectional study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE, v. 81, n. 6, p. 520-528, . (17/11259-6, 13/13380-6, 10/15010-3, 10/12688-9)

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