Scholarship 13/17685-6 - Desenvolvimento animal, Ontogenia - BV FAPESP
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Application of confocal microscopy and 3D reconstruction in anatomical investigations on Pectinidae (Bivalvia): new perspectives for understanding bivalve mantle margin development

Grant number: 13/17685-6
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Master's degree
Start date until: October 15, 2013
End date until: December 14, 2013
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Zoology - Morphology of Recent Groups
Principal Investigator:Sônia Godoy Bueno Carvalho Lopes
Grantee:Jorge Alves Audino
Supervisor: Andreas Wanninger
Host Institution: Instituto de Biociências (IB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: University of Vienna, Austria  
Associated to the scholarship:12/11708-1 - Anatomy and morphogenesis of the mantle edge of the scallop Nodipecten nodosus (L. 1758)(Bivalvia: Pectinidae), BP.MS


The plasticity of the molluscan body plan is remarkable, which makes these animals excellent models for studies aiming at understanding mechanisms underlying body plan diversification and system morphogenesis. In recent years, integrative microscopy techniques have increasingly been applied to developmental investigations. Particularly, specialized micromorphological tools, such as Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy and 3D reconstruction, revealed to be very insightful for anatomical purposes. For bivalves, a large amount of data on development is available, most of them describing the stage sequences and the general larval morphology. However, the bivalve morphogenesis remains scarcely studied, except for the development of hard parts (e.g., hinge, ligament and shell). Particularly, the bivalve pallial margin development remains poorly known, as well as the formation and differentiation of the mantle folds. The complex pallial organs of scallops (Pectinidae), such as their image-forming eyes, make these bivalves very suitable models for developmental studies of the pallial margin. In this context, the present project aims at learning procedures and analyses involved with Confocal Microscopy and 3D reconstruction at the Department of Integrative Zoology, during an internship of the candidate (Jorge Audino) under supervision of Prof. Andreas Wanninger. We expect also to apply these techniques in samples of the scallop Nodipecten nodosus to investigate mantle margin development in this species. Special focus will be given on neuro- and myogenesis, contributing to the understanding of the functional ontogeny of scallop pallial folds, which comprises the main goal of the candidate's M.Sc. project in the University of São Paulo. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
AUDINO, JORGE A.; MARIAN, JOSE EDUARDO A. R.; WANNINGER, ANDREAS; LOPES, SONIA G. B. C.. Development of the pallial eye in Nodipecten nodosus (Mollusca: Bivalvia): insights into early visual performance in scallops. ZOOMORPHOLOGY, v. 134, n. 3, p. 403-415, . (12/11708-1, 13/17685-6, 10/17000-5)
AUDINO, JORGE A.; MARIAN, JOSE EDUARDO A. R.; WANNINGER, ANDREAS; LOPES, SONIA G. B. C.. Anatomy of the pallial tentacular organs of the scallop Nodipecten nodosus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bivalvia: Pectinidae). ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, v. 258, p. 39-46, . (12/11708-1, 13/17685-6)
AUDINO, JORGE A.; MARIAN, JOSE EDUARDO A. R.; KRISTOF, ALEN; WANNINGER, ANDREAS. Inferring muscular ground patterns in Bivalvia: Myogenesis in the scallop Nodipecten nodosus. Frontiers in Zoology, v. 12, . (12/11708-1, 13/17685-6)

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