Scholarship 13/13988-4 - Identidade nacional, Análise do discurso - BV FAPESP
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Discursive analysis of Brazil and of being Brazilian’s images in the tourism discourse in different lusophone and francophone enunciation spaces

Grant number: 13/13988-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Start date until: October 01, 2013
End date until: December 20, 2015
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Linguistics
Principal Investigator:Mónica Graciela Zoppi Fontana
Grantee:Glória da Ressurreição Abreu França
Host Institution: Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil


This research proposes to investigate which are the images of Brazil and Brazilian in current tourism discourse, in Europe and in Brazil. We raise the hypothesis of the existence of a high presence of images/categorization around the "body" (gestures, physical attributes, behavior, dance, sport&). In order to perform this analysis this research is situated in the theoretical framework of the Materialistic Discourse Analysis (PÊCHEUX, 1969, 1975), from which we will use as a foundation the notion of Imaginary Formations (subject-position) in order to think over what we call representations constituted by these categorizations. From this theoretical framework of basis, we intend to fall back upon some observable analytical entries (designations/nominations), from concepts such as Discursive Memory, Subjectivation Process, Pre-Constructed concept, and if possible putting this last one in communication with the Pre-Discourse notion (PAVEAU, 2006). Such prospect was brought from our Master's work in which we analyzed the nomination of "Brazilian" people in Tourism Discourse in two touristic guides Guide du Routard, Petit Futé and, a discussion forum on the internet. In Doctorate research, we intend to widen the analysis material to guides used currently in France (2013-2014), beyond the ones used in Brazil, looking for to analyze the imaginary formations about "being Brazilian" in this double perspective: French and Brazilian. The corpus will be constituted from Brazilian and French touristic guides and Discussion forums on the internet, as well. At the same time our analytical material is enclosed by making a clipping around the gender related designations, in an attempt of deepening the reflection started in our Master dissertation regarding Brazilian women designations. It is an analysis that, from Brazilian people categorizations connected to significations as beach, high temperatures, warmth, soccer, code dressing, music, dance, intends to ascertain the existence of a determined signification effects slippage, associating these attributes to moral and/or derogatory axiological imaginaries concerning Brazilian people. We intend to look into, as well, the possible existence of an asymmetry in this perspective that, from these attributes referring to Brazilian men and women, to these last ones there would be a devaluating axiology, as we can see in the imaginary "Brazilian women, sexually accessible women", differently of the imaginary "Nice and sociable Brazilian men". We believe it is relevant to analyze the signification effects overarching the European and Brazilian imaginary about women, as this is historically problematical issues to Tourism, as we can see in the current association of Brazil as touristic sexual route. Thus, we intend to identify, in the materials of analysis, the enunciation places in which such signification effects circulate and the discursive processes of these representations of being Brazilian. Finally, we perceive the possibility of theoretical-methodological communication/articulation with the recent studies about: the digital discourse (PAVEAU 2007, 2012; DIAS, 2011, 2012); Discourse analysis and gender related studies; linguistic functioning of designation effects (GUIMARÃES, 2002, 2009, 2011; ZOPPI-FONTANA, 2009; PAVEAU 2006); non-verbal discursive studies MAINGUENEAU , 2012,); tourism discourse; Brazilian people identification/subjetivation process. As such, and summarizing, beyond visualizing a fruitfully communication between two Discourse Analysis traditions, Brazilian and French ones, we perceive the connection of this study with Tourism, History, Gender Studies, Porn Studies, among others. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
FRANÇA, Glória da Ressurreição Abreu. Genre, race et colonisation : la brésilianité dans le regard touristique au Brésil et en France. 2018. 363 f. Doctoral Thesis - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem.

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