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Vulnerability to HIV/aids: contribution of action-research to enhancement Primary Care prevention programs.

Grant number: 13/08048-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
Effective date (Start): July 01, 2013
Effective date (End): February 05, 2016
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Nursing - Public Health Nursing
Principal Investigator:Lúcia Yasuko Izumi Nichiata
Grantee:Luciane Ferreira do Val
Host Institution: Escola de Enfermagem (EE). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


There have been advances in prevention actions and health care networks on HIV/aids. However, the implementation of actions by the Basic Health Units (BHU) teams, in a broadly and permanently way, remains as a challenge to Primary Care. Facing this scenario, it is crucial to analyze the vulnerability of Primary Care in relation to the development of prevention of HIV/aids, according to markers related to management and organization, in order to promote skills for adjustments. For this reason, qualitative methods of study, such as type of action-research, are potentially positive to lead to changes in policy and actions alignment. This current study has the purpose to identify conditions regarding to management and organization that can interfere in actions of HIV coping realized at BHU Primary Care; vulnerability markers in Primary Care, which focus in the main and critical problems in health care network on HIV/aids; the creative solutions to the problems identified and subsidies to encourage local planning in attention to HIV/aids. The study will be exploratory, descriptive of quantitative and qualitative approaches, in where the first one will be based on conceptual perspective of vulnerability, its programmatic dimension, along to 22 counties of Sao Paulo State selected to predetermined criteria. The subjects are 676 BHU managers, whom were invited to answer an online survey, available on the platform FormSUS, from Datasus. The second approach will be based on action-research by comparing focal groups with those managers and health teams of BHU on these municipalities, others care workers and NGO representatives involved with HIV/aids attention in municipalities. The study will cooperate to better clarify the mediations between real conditions that occur in the actions of HIV/ aids in Primary Care, densifying the concept of vulnerability, to plan investigation strategies from the perspective of integral health practices, to support qualification of managers and employees.

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