Scholarship 13/04855-0 - Nanociência, Microscopia de tunelamento - BV FAPESP
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Study of self-assembly of terpyridyl molecules on metallic surfaces

Grant number: 13/04855-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Master's degree
Start date until: August 01, 2013
End date until: January 31, 2014
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Condensed Matter Physics
Principal Investigator:Abner de Siervo
Grantee:Shadi Passam Fatayer
Supervisor: Thomas A. Jung
Host Institution: Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin (IFGW). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: University of Basel, Switzerland  
Associated to the scholarship:12/16860-6 - Study of the electronic and atomic structure of tetraphenyl porfirin nanoribbons self-assembled on vicinal surfaces, BP.MS


This project proposes the realization of a scientific investigation funded by the BEPE program from FAPESP-Brasil on behalf of the master student, Shadi Passam Fatayer, with the intuit of completing part of his Master's project named "Study of the atomic and electronic structures of self-assembled nanoribbons of tetraphenyl porphyrins on vicinal surfaces" (FAPESP process 2012/16860-6). The project will be developed at the University of Basel on Switzerland under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Jung, Full Professor in the Department of Physics. In this project we want to establish a better understanding on the physical mechanisms of molecular self-assembling and how can it be systematically controlled. The goal of this project is to understand the growth, topology, topography and morphology of surface-template coordination polymers as they evolve from 2D monolayer islands to the multilayers and surface supported bulk-like structures. The main techniques that will be used during this project will be Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (LT-STM), which probes the self-assemble at the nanometric scale and atomic structures of the system, and photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), that allows probing of the electronic structures. Prof. Jung is an expert on the area of self-assembling of molecules utilizing scanning probe techniques, having been one of the first researchers to observe its behavior through this technique. The student Shadi Passam Fatayer will have the opportunity to gain experience both on molecular self-assembly and scanning probe experiments, a technique that is starting to be explored in our group in Brazil. This will allow not only a gain by the student but also to the whole group as well. (AU)

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Scientific publications (7)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
NIJS, THOMAS; MALZNER, FREDERIK J.; FATAYER, SHADI; WAECKERLIN, ANELIIA; NOWAKOWSKA, SYLWIA; CONSTABLE, EDWIN C.; HOUSECROFT, CATHERINE E.; JUNG, THOMAS A.. Programmed assembly of 4,2 `:6 `,4 `'-terpyridine derivatives into porous, on-surface networks. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 51, n. 61, p. 12297-12300, . (13/04855-0)
WACKERLIN, ANELIIA; FATAYER, SHADI; NIJS, THOMAS; NOWAKOWSKA, SYLWIA; MOUSAVI, S. FATEMEH; POPOVA, OLHA; AHSAN, AISHA; JUNG, THOMAS A.; WACKERLIN, CHRISTIAN. Molecular Chessboard Assemblies Sorted by Site-Specific Interactions of Out-of-Plane d-Orbitals with a Semimetal Template. Nano Letters, v. 17, n. 3, p. 1956-1962, . (13/04855-0)
NOWAKOWSKA, SYLWIA; WACKERLIN, ANELIIA; PIQUERO-ZULAICA, IGNACIO; NOWAKOWSKI, JAN; KAWAI, SHIGEKI; WACKERLIN, CHRISTIAN; MATENA, MANFRED; NIJS, THOMAS; FATAYER, HADI; POPOVA, OLHA; et al. Configuring Electronic States in an Atomically Precise Array of Quantum Boxes. SMALL, v. 12, n. 28, p. 3757-3763, . (13/04855-0)
FATAYER, SHADI; VEIGA, ROBERTO G. A.; PRIETO, MAURICIO J.; PERIM, ERIC; LANDERS, RICHARD; MIWA, ROBERTO H.; DE SIERVO, ABNER. Self-assembly of NiTPP on Cu(111): a transition from disordered 1D wires to 2D chiral domains. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 17, n. 28, p. 18344-18352, . (11/12566-3, 13/04855-0, 14/10294-4, 11/19564-6)
NIJS, THOMAS; MALZNER, FREDERIK J.; FATAYER, SHADI; WAECKERLIN, ANELIIA; NOWAKOWSKA, SYLWIA; CONSTABLE, EDWIN C.; HOUSECROFT, CATHERINE E.; JUNG, THOMAS A.. Programmed assembly of 4,2 ':6 ',4 ''-terpyridine derivatives into porous, on-surface networks. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 51, n. 61, p. 4-pg., . (13/04855-0)
SHCHYRBA, ANELIIA; WAECKERLIN, CHRISTIAN; NOWAKOWSKI, JAN; NOWAKOWSKA, SYLWIA; BJOERK, JONAS; FATAYER, SHADI; GIROVSKY, JAN; NIJS, THOMAS; MARTENS, SUSANNE C.; KLEIBERT, ARMIN; et al. Controlling the Dimensionality of On-Surface Coordination Polymers via Endo- or Exoligation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v. 136, n. 26, p. 9355-9363, . (13/04855-0)
NOWAKOWSKA, SYLWIA; WAECKERLIN, ANELIIA; KAWAI, SHIGEKI; IVAS, TONI; NOWAKOWSKI, JAN; FATAYER, SHADI; WAECKERLIN, CHRISTIAN; NIJS, THOMAS; MEYER, ERNST; BJORK, JONAS; et al. Interplay of weak interactions in the atom-by-atom condensation of xenon within quantum boxes. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 6, . (13/04855-0)

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