Scholarship 12/24679-0 - Neuroanatomia, Hipotálamo - BV FAPESP
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Neural control of metabolism during chronic social defeat

Grant number: 12/24679-0
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Post-doctor
Start date until: April 01, 2013
End date until: March 31, 2014
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Morphology - Anatomy
Principal Investigator:Newton Sabino Canteras
Grantee:Simone Cristina Motta
Supervisor: Ivan E. de Araujo
Host Institution: Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas (ICB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Yale University, United States  
Associated to the scholarship:10/05905-3 - Neuroendocrine and autonomic responses in rats with dorsal premammilary nucleus lesion after social defeat, BP.PD


In mice chronic social defeat leads to a behavioral and physiological condition that resembles depressive states in human patients, including physiological dysfunction, anhedonia and motivational deficits. Lesions in the dorsal premammillary nucleus of the hypothalamus disrupt behavioral and neuroendocrine responses of animals exposed to one social defeat. In this project, we aim to investigate the metabolic alterations caused by the lesion of this hypothalamic nucleus in chronic social defeated animals. Once the hyper stimulation of the ventral tegmental area was implicated to be the source of these changes found in chronic social stress, we hypothesized that brain regions involved in social defense are also mediating the generation of the chronic state through the lateral column of the periaqueductal gray matter. This structure projects to the orexinergic neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area that is known to afferent the ventral tegmental area. We will test that hypothesis with optogenetic manipulations. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
HAN, WENFEI; TELLEZ, LUIS A.; RANGEL, JR., MIGUEL J.; MOTTA, SIMONE C.; ZHANG, XIAOBING; PEREZ, ISAAC O.; CANTERAS, NEWTON S.; SHAMMAH-LAGNADO, SARA J.; VAN DEN POL, ANTHONY N.; DE ARAUJO, IVAN E.. Integrated Control of Predatory Hunting by the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala. Cell, v. 168, n. 1-2, p. 311+, . (14/26742-6, 12/24679-0)

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