Scholarship 12/08496-2 - Retórica, Afetividade - BV FAPESP
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Between compassion and pity: tensives modulations

Grant number: 12/08496-2
Support Opportunities:Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate
Start date until: September 30, 2012
End date until: September 29, 2013
Field of knowledge:Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Linguistics
Principal Investigator:Norma Discini de Campos
Grantee:Eliane Soares de Lima
Supervisor: Denis Bertrand
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Institution abroad: Université Vincennes Saint-Denis (Paris 8), France  


Our main goal is contributing to a specific aggiornamento of semiotic models regarding the analysis of passions, checking the scope and interest of a perceptive, sensitive and affective approach to meaning, as far as these features are involved in pathemic interactions. We wish to understand passional settings in the very event of semiosis, not just on the basis of a performance/action perspective, but rather in a perceptive framework. Attention will be paid to some analog (yet not identical) passions, e. g. pity and compassion, in different kinds of texts, in order to verify if and to what extent these same passions bring up distinct ways subjects perceive and interact with each other. This description should then provide some insight for a typology of passions based upon tensive aspects of pathemic sets, which we believe could help understanding of these phenomena both in their nature/their development in discourse, and in their persuasive effects. Thus we hope to contribute, with our local descriptions and close readings of different texts, to the re-examination of the rhetorical legacy and its growing place in current semiotic research. (AU)

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