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Effects of valproic acid and trichostatin A on chromatin organization and its regulation by epigenetic factors in HepG2 cells grown under hyperglycemic conditions

Grant number: 12/03238-5
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
Effective date (Start): September 01, 2012
Effective date (End): June 30, 2016
Field of knowledge:Biological Sciences - Morphology - Cytology and Cell Biology
Principal Investigator:Maria Luiza Silveira Mello
Grantee:Marina Barreto Felisbino
Host Institution: Instituto de Biologia (IB). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant:10/50015-6 - Chromatin structure and organization with aging and diabetes compared to induced changes in epigenetic markers, AP.TEM
Associated scholarship(s):14/10198-5 - Genome-wide analysis of VPA-treated HepG2 cells under hyperglycemic conditions, BE.EP.DR


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of chronic diseases in which the relative or absolute lack of insulin leads to aberrations in the metabolism of their substrates, causing acute and late complications. DM is one of the most common non-transmissible global diseases. It is the fourth or fifth leading cause of death in developed countries and has significant effects on the public health budget of all societies. Therefore, even in the 21st century, the DM remains one of the most challenging health problems. A complex interaction among environmental, nutritional and genetic factors works in the diabetes pathogenesis, pointing to the role of epigenetic control. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are known to be involved in several relevant biological pathways to the DM etiology and pathogenesis. In the last years, HDAC inhibition has emerged as a potential strategy to reverse epigenetic changes associated with several diseases and many different structural classes of HDAC inhibitors (HDACis) have been identified. A role of HDACi preventing inflammatory damage in the pancreatic beta cells, in addition to improving insulin resistance, has already been reported. Considering that the liver is an essential organ for glucose and lipid metabolism, it is an important environment for the study of the action of HDACis, as valproic acid (VPA) and trichostatin A (TSA), under DM conditions. Thus, the focus of study, which will be developed in a liver cell model (HepG2) under hyperglycemic conditions, concentrates on changes in chromatin structure associated with changes in epigenetics marks and on the epigenetic control of FoxO1 gene, a transcription factor responsible for glucose metabolism control. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DA COSTA, THIAGO ALVES; DI GANGI, ROSARIA; THOME, RODOLFO; FELISBINO, MARINA BARRETO; BONFANTI, AMANDA PIRES; WATANABE ISHIKAWA, LARISSA LUMI; SARTORI, ALEXANDRINA; BURGER, EVA; VERINAUD, LIANA. Severe Changes in Thymic Microenvironment in a Chronic Experimental Model of Paracoccidioidomycosis. PLoS One, v. 11, n. 10, . (14/19492-3, 13/08194-9, 12/03238-5, 12/22131-7, 13/01401-9, 14/02631-0)
FELISBINO, MARINA BARRETO; DA COSTA, THIAGO ALVES; VICCARI GATTI, MARIA SILVIA; SILVEIRA MELLO, MARIA LUIZA. Differential Response of Human Hepatocyte Chromatin to HDAC Inhibitors as a Function of Microenvironmental Glucose Level. Journal of Cellular Physiology, v. 231, n. 10, p. 2257-2265, . (12/03238-5, 10/50015-6)
Academic Publications
(References retrieved automatically from State of São Paulo Research Institutions)
FELISBINO, Marina Barreto. Effects of valproic acid and trichostatin A on chromatin organization and its regulation by epigenetic factors in HepG2 cell grown under hyperglycemic conditions. 2016. Doctoral Thesis - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Biologia Campinas, SP.

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