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The photojournalism of news stories in photographs

Grant number: 11/15178-4
Support Opportunities:Scholarships in Brazil - Master
Effective date (Start): March 01, 2012
Effective date (End): June 30, 2013
Field of knowledge:Applied Social Sciences - Communications - Journalism and Publishing
Principal Investigator:Dulcilia Helena Schroeder Buitoni
Grantee:Anna Letícia Pereira de Carvalho
Host Institution: Faculdade Cásper Líbero. Fundação Cásper Líbero (FCL). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


This project intends to elaborate an analysis of the photojournalistics digital images bound on the Internet with the function of transmiting and telling news. It porposes a more rigorous analysis of the website known for its impressive high definition images which intend to tell news trhough images. The work will contemplate not only the on line photojournalism, but the new era of information as well, wich utilisate a non palpable plataform promoting to the users a new way to read the news. There will be reflection about the contemporary society's photojournalistics images transmitted through the internet, the new formatation of this images as transmissors of news in the so called "post-photographig era" and the visual culture of atuality. The discussion and reading of images will include not only the journalistic approach, as the possibility of this photographic images of causing a imagetic reflexion in its readers in such a way to disseminate various types of representations through visual retoric and colective imaginarium. (AU)

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