Research Grants 17/10581-1 - Fenomenologia (física de partículas), Materiais nanoestruturados - BV FAPESP
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Emergent phenomena in reduced dimension systems

Grant number: 17/10581-1
Support Opportunities:Special Projects
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Condensed Matter Physics
Principal Investigator:Pascoal Jose Giglio Pagliuso
Grantee:Pascoal Jose Giglio Pagliuso
Host Institution: Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin (IFGW). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Carlos Rettori ; Iakov Veniaminovitch Kopelevitch ; Kleber Roberto Pirota ; Marcelo Knobel ; Marcos de Abreu Avila ; Ricardo Rodrigues Urbano
Associated researchers: Camilo Bruno Ramos de Jesus ; Carlos Rettori ; Cris Adriano ; Diego Muraca ; Eduardo David Martínez ; Eduardo Granado Monteiro da Silva ; Fanny Béron ; Fernando Fabris ; Kousik Samanta ; Letície Mendonça Ferreira ; Marcelo Knobel ; Marcos de Abreu Avila ; Maria Helena Carvalho da Costa ; Mauro Melchiades Doria ; Michael Cabrera Baez ; Oscar Ferreira de Lima ; Oscar Moscoso Londono ; Raquel de Almeida Ribeiro ; Ricardo Rodrigues Urbano ; Robson Ricardo da Silva ; Samuel Gomes de Mercena
Associated research grant(s):23/13411-0 - XII Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials, & their Applications (LAW3M 2023), AR.EXT
21/02763-8 - Multi-User Equipment approved in the grant 2017/10581-1: total reflexion X-rays fluorescence equipment S4 T-STAR, AP.EMU
19/17616-0 - 14th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), AR.EXT
+ associated grants 19/00403-4 - Growth and study of magnetic nanostructures., AV.BR
18/22274-9 - Two dimensional (2D) nanomaterials for gas sensing applications, AP.R SPRINT
18/13572-6 - Multi-user equipment approved in grant 2017/10581 - Ablation Laser, AP.EMU
18/08040-5 - Multi-user equipament approved in grant 2017/10581-1: MPMS squid 7.0 Tesla third generation magnetometer, AP.EMU - associated grants
Associated scholarship(s):24/13248-5 - Behavior of topological magnetic textures interacting with interfaces aiming for control and stability in spintronics, BP.PD
22/16839-9 - Multifunctional nanowires based on Heusler alloys for energy harvesting in microscopic devices, BP.PD
23/00137-8 - Pattern recognition protocol applied to artificial spins systems, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 22/04496-0 - Growth and study of magnetic Heusler nanowires, BP.PD
21/13592-0 - Magnetoliposomes for remote controlled drug release, activated through the application of an alternating magnetic field, BP.PD
21/03298-7 - Superconductivity and magnetism in graphene-based Moiré superlattices, BP.PD
19/23317-6 - Spin waves in artificial spin ice formed by ferro- and antiferromagnets: a new magnonic crystal representative, BP.DD
20/10580-8 - Synthesis and characterization of superconducting heavy fermion nanowires of the CeMnIn3n+2 (M = Co, Rh, In; n = 0,1) series, BP.PD
19/26247-9 - Emergent phenomena in Bi-based systems with low dimensionality, BP.DR
19/13678-1 - Magnetic properties of confined nanostructures: metallic and insulating rare-earth doped nanoparticles prepared by Laser Ablation and Chemical Syntheses., BP.PD
19/11161-1 - Individual nanostructure magneto-transport measurements, BP.IC
18/17384-0 - Flux-grown high performance thermoelectric materials with ultra low thermal conductivity, BP.PD
19/10401-9 - Study of emergent phenomena in new materials by magnetic x-ray diffraction, neutron scattering and Raman spectroscopy, BP.DR
19/04196-3 - Investigation of crystalline electric field effects in magnetic and superconducting states in the Ce2RhIn8-xCdx compounds, BP.MS
19/09673-4 - Technical and computational support for synthesis and characterization of metallic and insulator nanoparticles, BP.TT
18/19096-1 - Developing 1D magnetocaloric inter-metallic nanostructures for environmentally friendly magnetic refrigerant cooling systems, BP.PD
18/18653-4 - Search for emergent electronic states in the two-dimensional Iridates (Sr1-xAx)2IrO4 (A=Ca, BA), BP.MS
18/21623-0 - Majorana fermions in topological non-trivial materials, BP.PD
18/11364-7 - Magnetic properties of complex systems with non-trivial topology, BP.DR
18/21025-5 - Technical and computational support for synthesis and characterization of metallic and insulator nanoparticles, BP.TT
18/10585-0 - Magnetism and superconductivity under extreme conditions by x-ray techniques, BP.DR
16/00756-6 - Synthesis and Fundamental Investigation of Novel Correlated Electron Systems with Strong Spin-orbit Coupling, BP.PD - associated scholarships


Collective behavior of interacting electrons in solids usually leads to the emergence of several complex phenomena in condensed matter such as superconductivity, magnetoresistance, thermoelectricity, complex magnetic ordering, multiferroic properties, metal-insulator transitions, non-Fermi-Liquid behavior (NFL), manifestation of topologically protected egde and/or surface states, etc. All these phenomena are governed by non-trivial microscopic parameters that are very hard to determine experimental and/or to model theoretically. Therefore, in this project, our goal is to investigate the evolution of these emergent phenome in system with reduced dimensionality, which included small size systems (nanoparticle, nanowires, etc.) and low dimensional (2D, 1D) massive systems. In order to reach our goals, we will make use of our expertise in synthesis and both microscopic and macroscopic materials characterization techniques using the following experiments: resistivity, Hall effect, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility ac/dc, specific heat, magneto impedance, torquimetry, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), Nuclear Magnetic and Quadrupolar Resonance (NMR and NQR), Raman scattering, X-ray powder/magnetic diffraction/absorption (XANES, EXAFS, XMCD) elemental analysis (EDS e WDS) and Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES). The deep understanding of these complex phenomena in condensed matters is crucial to drive new scientific and technological developments to strategic areas of research in condensed matters, such as: new materials design, devices design and functionalization, Nanoscience and Medicine, energy efficiency, high field generation, quantum computing, optical devices, spintronic, etc. (AU)

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Scientific publications (91)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; GILES, C.; MENDONCA-FERREIRA, L.; LEAO, J.; RATCLIFF, W.; LYNN, J. W.; RAMOS, S.; HERING, E. N.; HIDAKA, H.; BAGGIO-SAITOVICH, E.; et al. Spin rotation induced by applied pressure in the Cd-doped Ce2RhIn8 intermetallic compound. Physical Review B, v. 100, n. 16, . (06/60440-0, 17/10581-1, 09/09247-3, 19/04196-3)
RIGITANO, D.; VAKNIN, D.; BARBERIS, G. E.; GRANADO, E.. Raman scattering from one and two magnons in magnetoelectric LiNiPO4. Physical Review B, v. 101, n. 2, . (17/10581-1, 18/20142-8)
FREITAS, G. S.; PIVA, M. M.; GROSSI, R.; JESUS, C. B. R.; SOUZA, J. C.; CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; OLIVEIRA, N. F.; LEAO, J. B.; ADRIANO, C.; LYNN, J. W.; et al. Tuning the crystalline electric field and magnetic anisotropy along the CeCuBi2-xSbx series. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 15, . (17/10581-1, 17/25269-3, 18/11364-7, 15/16191-5, 19/04196-3, 15/15665-3, 19/26247-9)
PIVA, M. M.; TARTAGLIA, R.; FREITAS, G. S.; SOUZA, J. C.; CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; THOMAS, S. M.; LEAO, J. B.; RATCLIFF, W.; LYNN, J. W.; LANE, C.; et al. Electronic and magnetic properties of stoichiometric CeAuBi2. Physical Review B, v. 101, n. 21, . (17/10581-1, 19/04196-3, 17/25269-3, 15/15665-3, 18/11364-7)
LESSEUX, G. G.; SAKAI, H.; HATTORI, T.; TOKUNAGA, Y.; KAMBE, S.; KUHNS, P. L.; REYES, A. P.; THOMPSON, J. D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; URBANO, R. R.. Orbitally defined field-induced electronic state in a Kondo lattice. Physical Review B, v. 101, n. 16, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6)
VEIGA, I, L. S.; MARDEGAN, J. R. L.; ZIMMERMANN, V, M.; MAIMONE, D. T.; CARNEIRO, F. B.; FONTES, M. B.; STREMPFER, J.; GRANADO, E.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; BITTAR, E. M.. Possible quantum fluctuations in the vicinity of the quantum critical point of (Sr, Ca)(3)Ir4Sn13 revealed by high-energy x-ray diffraction. Physical Review B, v. 101, n. 10, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7)
CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; FREITAS, G. S.; PIVA, M. M.; SOUZA, J. C.; MALCOLMS, M. O.; CANTON, O. L.; LEAO, J. B.; RATCLIFF, W.; LYNN, J. W.; ADRIANO, C.; et al. Evolution of the magnetic properties in the antiferromagnet Ce2RhIn8 simultaneously doped with Cd and Ir. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 19, . (19/04196-3, 06/60440-0, 18/11364-7, 17/10581-1, 09/09247-3, 19/26247-9, 18/26512-1, 15/15665-3)
SEGAT FRARE, BRUNO LUIS; PUYDINGER DOS SANTOS, MARCOS VINICIUS; BERON, FANNY. Alignment Optimization of the Dielectrophoresis of Ni Nanowires Through External Magnetic Field. IEEE MAGNETICS LETTERS, v. 10, . (17/10581-1)
PIVA, M. M.; ZHU, W.; RONNING, F.; THOMPSON, J. D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; ROSA, P. F. S.. CeAu2Bi: A new nonsymmorphic antiferromagnetic compound. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v. 3, n. 7, . (17/10581-1, 15/15665-3, 17/25269-3)
ARZUZA, LUIS C. C.; VEGA, VICTOR; PRIDA, VICTOR M.; MOURA, KAROLINE O.; PIROTA, KLEBER R.; BERON, FANNY. Single Diameter Modulation Effects on Ni Nanowire Array Magnetization Reversal. NANOMATERIALS, v. 11, n. 12, . (17/10581-1, 20/07397-7)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS; CARLOS, LUIS D.. Hyperspectral imaging thermometry assisted by upconverting nanoparticles: Experimental artifacts and accuracy. PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 629, . (11/19924-2, 17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 15/21290-2, 15/23882-4, 12/05903-6, 15/21289-4)
PIVA, MARIO M.; RAHN, MAREIN C.; THOMAS, SEAN M.; SCOTT, BRIAN L.; PAGLIUSO, PASCOAL G.; THOMPSON, JOE D.; SCHOOP, LESLIE M.; RONNING, FILIP; ROSA, PRISCILA F. S.. Robust Narrow-Gap Semiconducting Behavior in Square-Net La3Cd2As6. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v. 33, n. 11, p. 4122-4127, . (17/10581-1, 15/15665-3)
SOUZA, J. C.; KOENIG, M.; CRIVILLERO, M. V. ALE; MALCOLMS, M. O.; URBANO, R. R.; FISK, Z.; ROSA, P. F. S.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; WIRTH, S.; SICHELSCHMIDT, J.. Surface excitations relaxation in the Kondo insulator Sm1-xGdxB6. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 3, n. 3, . (17/10581-1, 18/11364-7, 20/12283-0)
DE FIGUEIREDO, A. G.; CANTARINO, M. R.; NETO, W. R. DA SILVA; PAKUSZEWSKI, K. R.; GROSSI, R.; CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; SOUZA, J. C.; PIVA, M. M.; FREITAS, G. S.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; et al. Orbital localization and the role of the Fe and As 4p orbitals in BaFe2As2 probed by XANES. Physical Review B, v. 105, n. 4, . (17/10581-1, 18/11364-7, 19/05150-7, 15/15665-3, 20/12283-0, 20/13701-0, 19/23879-4, 19/04196-3)
BROLLO, MARIA E. F.; PINHEIRO, IVANEI F.; BASSANI, GABRIEL S.; VARET, GUILLAUME; GUERSONI, VANESSA C. B.; KNOBEL, MARCELO; BANNWART, ANTONIO C.; MURACA, DIEGO; VAN DER GEEST, CHARLIE. ron Oxide Nanoparticles in a Dynamic Flux: Implications for Magnetic Hyperthermia-Controlled Fluid Viscosit. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 12, p. 13633-13642, . (17/10581-1)
MENEGASSO, P.; SOUZA, J. C.; VINOGRAD, I; WANG, Z.; EDWARDS, S. P.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; CURRO, N. J.; URBANO, R. R.. Hyperfine couplings as a probe of orbital anisotropy in heavy-fermion materials. Physical Review B, v. 104, n. 3, . (17/10581-1, 16/14436-3, 18/11364-7, 12/05903-6, 20/12283-0)
PIVA, M. M.; AJEESH, M. O.; CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; DOS REIS, R. D.; JESUS, C. B. R.; ROSA, P. F. S.; ADRIANO, C.; URBANO, R. R.; NICKLAS, M.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. High-pressure studies on heavy-fermion antiferromagnet CeCuBi2. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 30, n. 37, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 15/15665-3, 12/05903-6, 17/25269-3)
BRANDAO, J.; DUGATO, D. A.; PUYDINGER DOS SANTOS, M. V.; CEZAR, J. C.. Evolution of Zero-Field Ferrimagnetic Domains and Skyrmions in Exchange-Coupled Pt/CoGd/Pt Confined Nanostructures: Implications for Antiferromagnetic Devices. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 12, p. 7532-7539, . (12/51198-2, 17/10581-1)
DUGATO, D. A.; BRANDAO, J.; SEEGER, R. L.; BERON, F.; CEZAR, J. C.; DORNELES, L. S.; MORI, T. J. A.. Magnetic domain size tuning in asymmetric Pd/Co/W/Pd multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Applied Physics Letters, v. 115, n. 18, . (17/10581-1, 12/51198-2)
KANEKO, U. F.; PIVA, M. M.; JESUS, C. B. R.; SALETA, M. E.; URBANO, R. R.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; GRANADO, E.. Evidence of precursor orthorhombic domains well above the electronic nematic transition temperature in Sr(Fe1-xCox)(2)As-2. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 31, n. 49, . (17/10581-1, 15/15665-3)
CRIVILLERO, M. VICTORIA ALE; KONIG, M.; SOUZA, J. C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; SICHELSCHMIDT, J.; ROSA, PRISCILA F. S.; FISK, Z.; WIRTH, S.. Systematic manipulation of the surface conductivity of SmB6. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 3, n. 2, . (17/10581-1, 20/12283-0, 18/11364-7)
ABAD, BEGONA; ALBERI, KIRSTIN; AYERS, KATHERINE E.; BADHULIKA, SUSHMEE; BAN, CHUNMEI; BEA, HELENE; BERON, FANNY; CAIRNEY, JULIE; CHANG, JANE P.; CHARLES, CHRISTINE; et al. The 2022 applied physics by pioneering women: a roadmap. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, v. 56, n. 7, p. 53-pg., . (20/07397-7, 17/10581-1)
SANTILLAN, JESICA M. J.; MUNETON ARBOLEDA, DAVID; MURACA, DIEGO; SCHINCA, DANIEL C.; SCAFFARDI, LUCIA B.. Highly fluorescent few atoms silver nanoclusters with strong photocatalytic activity synthesized by ultrashort light pulses. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (17/10581-1)
MERCENA, S. G.; SILVA, L. S.; LORA-SERRANO, R.; GARCIA, D. J.; SOUZA, J. C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; DUQUE, J. G. S. Crystalline electrical field effects on powdered RE Cu4Al8 (RE = Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) intermetallic compounds. INTERMETALLICS, v. 130, . (17/10581-1, 18/11364-7)
PRABHAKARAN, T.; MANGALARAJA, R. V.; BERON, F.; JIMENEZ, J. A.; DENARDIN, JULIANO C.; ARUN, T.; AKBARI-FAKHRABADI, ALI. Thermally Reduced Soft Magnetic CuFe Nanoparticles for High-Performance Electrical Devices. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v. 57, n. 2, . (17/10581-1, 18/19096-1)
CARLONE, M.; SOUZA, J. C.; SICHELSCHMIDT, J.; ROSA, P. F. S.; URBANO, R. R.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; FISK, Z.; VENEGAS, P. A.; SCHLOTTMANN, P.; RETTORI, C.. Slow crystalline electric field fluctuations in the Kondo lattice SmB6. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 105, n. 20, p. 9-pg., . (18/11364-7, 12/05903-6, 17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 20/12283-0)
SINGH, SHIVA KUMAR; MUNEVAR, JULIAN; MENDONCA-FERREIRA, LETICIE; AVILA, MARCOS A. A.. Next-Generation Quantum Materials for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion. CRYSTALS, v. 13, n. 7, p. 27-pg., . (17/10581-1, 18/17384-0)
PIVA, M. M.; SOUZA, J. C.; BROUSSEAU-COUTURE, V.; SORN, SOPHEAK; PAKUSZEWSKI, K. R.; JOHN, JANAS K.; ADRIANO, C.; COTE, M.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; PARAMEKANTI, ARUN; et al. Topological features in the ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi: Role of domain walls. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 5, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (17/10581-1, 20/12283-0, 18/11364-7)
ANDRADE, V. M.; BELO, J. H.; CHECCA, N. R.; ROSSI, A.; GARCIA, F.; ALMEIDA, B.; TEDESCO, J. C. G.; POULAIN, A.; PEREIRA, A. M.; REIS, M. S.; et al. Unit cell volume reduction of Gd5(Si,Ge)4 nanoparticles controlled by bulk compressibility. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 849, p. 9-pg., . (17/10581-1)
OROZCO-HENAO, J. M.; MURACA, D.; SANCHEZ, F. H.; MENDOZA ZELIS, P.. Palmitic acid-coated magnetite nanocubes with high-quality crystallinity and bulk-like magnetic features. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, v. 53, n. 38, . (17/10581-1)
NAVARRO, ELENA; UJUE GONZALEZ, MARIA; BERON, FANNY; TEJO, FELIPE; ESCRIG, JUAN; MIGUEL GARCIA-MARTIN, JOSE. Large-Area Nanopillar Arrays by Glancing Angle Deposition with Tailored Magnetic Properties. NANOMATERIALS, v. 12, n. 7, p. 20-pg., . (20/07397-7, 17/10581-1)
OROZCO-HENAO, J. M.; MURACA, D.; SANCHEZ, F. H.; MENDOZA ZELIS, P.. Determination of the effective anisotropy of magnetite/maghemite nanoparticles from Mossbauer effect spectra. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, v. 55, n. 33, p. 9-pg., . (17/10581-1)
SOUZA, J. C.; CARLONE, M.; LESSEUX, G. G.; PIZZI, H. B.; FREITAS, G. S.; URBANO, R. R.; VENEGAS, A.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Magnetic interactions of 4f electrons in the topological insulator chalcogenide Bi2Se3. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 106, n. 23, p. 9-pg., . (20/12283-0, 22/09240-3, 12/04870-7, 19/26247-9, 17/10581-1, 18/11364-7)
DUGATO, DANIAN A.; BRANDAO, JEOVANI; BERON, FANNY; DA SILVA, RICARDO B.; FLEWETT, SAMUEL; SHAPIRO, DAVID A.; CEZAR, JULIO C.; DORNELES, LUCIO S.; MORI, THIAGO J. A.. Proximity induced moment at Pt/Co interfaces and isolated skyrmion bubble stabilization at zero magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 566, p. 8-pg., . (20/07397-7, 17/10581-1)
LANE, CHRISTOPHER; PIVA, M. M.; ROSA, P. F. S.; ZHU, JIAN-XIN. Correlation versus hybridization gap in CaMn2Bi2. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 13, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (17/25269-3, 17/10581-1, 15/15665-3)
GARCIA, FERNANDO A.; IVASHKO, OLEH; MCNALLY, DANIEL E.; DAS, LAKSHMI; PIVA, MARIO M.; ADRIANO, C.; PAGLIUSO, PASCOAL G.; CHANG, JOHAN; SCHMITT, THORSTEN; MONNEY, CLAUDE. Anisotropic magnetic excitations and incipient Neel order in Ba(Fe1-xMnx)(2)As-2. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 99, n. 11, p. 7-pg., . (15/15665-3, 17/10581-1, 17/25269-3)
KLOSTER, GIANINA A.; MOSCOSO LONDONO, OSCAR; PIROTA, KLEBER R.; MOSIEWICKI, MIRNA A.; MARCOVICH, NORMA E.. Design of super-paramagnetic bilayer films based on chitosan and sodium alginate. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMER TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS, v. 2, p. 11-pg., . (14/26672-8, 17/10581-1)
FLORES, ALI F. GARCIA; MUNEVAR, JULIAN; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCOS; RETTORI, CARLOS; URBANO, RICARDO R.; DE QUEIROZ, THIAGO B.. Relaxation Processes in Rare-Earth-Doped a-NaYF4 Nanoparticles by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 127, n. 37, p. 11-pg., . (22/02974-1, 19/09673-4, 20/13466-1, 17/10581-1)
GARCIA-FLORES, A. F.; MARTINEZ, E. D.; MUNEVAR, J.; GARCIA, D. J.; CORNAGLIA, P. S.; FABRIS, F.; URBANO, R. R.; RETTORI, C.. Crystal-field Stark effect on the upconversion light emission spectrum of alpha-NaYF4 nanoparticles doped with Dy3+, Er3+, or Yb3+. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 106, n. 12, p. 9-pg., . (19/13678-1, 19/09673-4, 18/21025-5, 15/23882-4, 17/10581-1)
VEIGA, L. S., I; MARDEGAN, J. R. L.; ZIMMERMANN, M., V; MAIMONE, D. T.; CARNEIRO, F. B.; FONTES, M. B.; STREMPFER, J.; GRANADO, E.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; BITTAR, E. M.. Possible quantum fluctuations in the vicinity of the quantum critical point of (Sr, Ca)(3)Ir4Sn13 revealed by high-energy x-ray diffraction. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 101, n. 10, p. 8-pg., . (12/04870-7, 17/10581-1)
ALVAREZ-QUICENO, J. C.; AVILA, M. A.; OSORIO-GUILLEN, J. M.; DALPIAN, G. M.. Doping quantum materials: Defects and impurities in FeGa3. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 9, p. 8-pg., . (17/10581-1, 17/02317-2, 11/19924-2)
FREITAS, G. S.; PIVA, M. M.; GROSSI, R.; JESUS, C. B. R.; SOUZA, J. C.; CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; OLIVEIRA, N. F.; LEAO, J. B.; ADRIANO, C.; LYNN, J. W.; et al. Tuning the crystalline electric field and magnetic anisotropy along the CeCuBi2-xSbx series. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 15, p. 7-pg., . (15/16191-5, 17/25269-3, 17/10581-1, 18/11364-7, 19/26247-9, 15/15665-3, 19/04196-3)
CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; FREITAS, G. S.; PIVA, M. M.; SOUZA, J. C.; MALCOLMS, M. O.; CANTON, O. L.; LEAO, J. B.; RATCLIFF, W.; LYNN, J. W.; ADRIANO, C.; et al. Evolution of the magnetic properties in the antiferromagnet Ce2RhIn8 simultaneously doped with Cd and Ir. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 19, p. 9-pg., . (18/26512-1, 06/60440-0, 17/10581-1, 09/09247-3, 18/11364-7, 19/26247-9, 15/15665-3, 19/04196-3)
VELO, MURILO FERREIRA; CECCHI, BRENO MALVEZZI; PIROTA, KLEBER ROBERTO. Micromagnetic simulations of magnetization reversal in kagome artificial spin ice. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 22, p. 10-pg., . (17/10581-1, 19/23317-6)
PIVA, M. M.; SOUZA, J. C.; LOMBARDI, G. A.; PAKUSZEWSKI, K. R.; ADRIANO, C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; NICKLAS, M.. Topological Hall effect in CeAlGe. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v. 7, n. 7, p. 8-pg., . (17/10581-1, 20/12283-0, 18/11364-7)
PIVA, M. M.; THOMAS, S. M.; FISK, Z.; ZHU, J-X; THOMPSON, J. D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; ROSA, P. F. S.. Putative hybridization gap in CaMn2Bi2 under applied pressure. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 100, n. 4, p. 7-pg., . (17/25269-3, 17/10581-1, 15/15665-3)
CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; GILES, C.; MENDONCA-FERREIRA, L.; LEAO, J.; RATCLIFF, W.; LYNN, J. W.; RAMOS, S.; HERING, E. N.; HIDAKA, H.; BAGGIO-SAITOVICH, E.; et al. Spin rotation induced by applied pressure in the Cd-doped Ce2RhIn8 intermetallic compound. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 100, n. 16, p. 6-pg., . (17/10581-1, 09/09247-3, 19/04196-3, 06/60440-0)
GARCIA, FERNANDO A.; IVASHKO, OLEH; MCNALLY, DANIEL E.; DAS, LAKSHMI; PIVA, MARIO M.; ADRIANO, C.; PAGLIUSO, PASCOAL G.; CHANG, JOHAN; SCHMITT, THORSTEN; MONNEY, CLAUDE. Anisotropic magnetic excitations and incipient Neel order in Ba(Fe1-xMnx)(2)As-2. Physical Review B, v. 99, n. 11, . (15/15665-3, 17/25269-3, 17/10581-1)
ALVAREZ-QUICENO, J. C.; AVILA, M. A.; OSORIO-GUILLEN, J. M.; DALPIAN, G. M.. Doping quantum materials: Defects and impurities in FeGa3. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 9, . (17/10581-1, 17/02317-2, 11/19924-2)
SAMANTA, K.; TARTAGLIA, R.; KANEKO, U. F.; SOUZA-NETO, N. M.; GRANADO, E.. Anisotropic lattice compression and pressure-induced electronic phase transitions in Sr2IrO4. Physical Review B, v. 101, n. 7, . (17/10581-1, 16/00756-6, 18/20142-8)
GRANADO, E.; CEZAR, J. C.; AZIMONTE, C.; GOPALAKRISHNAN, J.; RAMESHA, K.. Electronic structure of Fe and magnetism in the 3d/5d double perovskites Ca2FeReO6 and Ba2FeReO6. Physical Review B, v. 99, n. 19, . (17/10581-1, 18/20142-8)
VELO, MURILO FERREIRA; CECCHI, BRENO MALVEZZI; PIROTA, KLEBER ROBERTO. Micromagnetic simulations of magnetization reversal in kagome artificial spin ice. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 22, . (17/10581-1, 19/23317-6)
PIVA, M. M.; THOMAS, S. M.; FISK, Z.; ZHU, J-X; THOMPSON, J. D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; ROSA, P. F. S.. Putative hybridization gap in CaMn2Bi2 under applied pressure. Physical Review B, v. 100, n. 4, . (15/15665-3, 17/10581-1, 17/25269-3)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; URBANE, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS. Thermoplasmonic Maskless Lithography on Upconverting Nanocomposites Assisted by Gold Nanostars. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 11, p. 6889-6897, . (15/23882-4, 15/21290-2, 12/05903-6, 12/04870-7, 15/21289-4, 17/10581-1, 11/19924-2)
BARBOSA, C. C. S.; JESUS, J. R.; BITTAR, E. M.; MENDONCA-FERREIRA, L.; MERCENA, S. G.; CARVALHO, M. H.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; DUQUE, J. G. S.; MENESES, C. T.. Coexistence of positive and negative exchange bias effect in Pr-doped NdCrO3 samples. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 939, p. 7-pg., . (20/12283-0, 20/10580-8, 17/10581-1)
SOUZA, J. C.; ROSA, P. F. S.; SICHELSCHMIDT, J.; CARLONE, M.; VENEGAS, P. A.; MALCOLMS, M. O.; MENEGASSO, P. M.; URBANO, R. R.; FISK, Z.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Metallic islands in the Kondo insulator SmB6. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 2, n. 4, . (12/04870-7, 16/14436-3, 17/10581-1, 12/05903-6, 18/11364-7)
FABRIS, F.; GARCIA-FLORES, A. F.; URBANO, R. R.; RETTORI, C.. Exchange interaction between localized magnetic moments and conduction-electrons in Er doped gold nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in water. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 131, n. 21, p. 8-pg., . (17/10581-1, 14/50906-9, 19/09673-4, 19/13678-1)
THANDAPANI, PRABHAKARAN; RAMALINGA VISWANATHAN, MANGALARAJA; VINICIUS-ARAUJO, MARCUS; BAKUZIS, ANDRIS F.; BERON, FANNY; THIRUMURUGAN, ARUN; DENARDIN, JULIANO C.; JIMENEZ, JOSE A.; AKBARI-FAKHRABADI, ALI. Single-phase and binary phase nanogranular ferrites for magnetic hyperthermia application. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 103, n. 9, . (17/10581-1)
FAHL, A.; GROSSI, R.; RIGITANO, D.; CABRERA-BAEZ, M.; AVILA, M. A.; ADRIANO, C.; GRANADO, E.. Crystal, local atomic, and local electronic structures of YbFe2Zn20-xCdx (0 <= x <= 1.4): A multiband system with possible coexistence of light and heavy fermions. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 103, n. 15, p. 8-pg., . (17/10581-1, 11/19924-2)
CRIVILLERO, MARIA VICTORIA ALE; SOUZA, JEAN C.; HASSE, VICKY; SCHMIDT, MARCUS; SHITSEVALOVA, NATALYA; GABANI, SLAVOMIR; SIEMENSMEYER, KONRAD; FLACHBART, KAROL; WIRTH, STEFFEN. Detection of Surface States in Quantum Materials ZrTe2 and TmB4 by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. CONDENSED MATTER, v. 8, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (17/10581-1, 20/12283-0, 18/11364-7)
RADAELLI, M.; PIVA, M. M.; SOUZA, J. C.; LESSEUX, G. G.; JESUS, C. B. R.; TOBIA, D.; URBANO, R. R.; ROSA, P. F. S.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Probing putative orbital differentiation effects via Eu2+spin dynamics in Sr1-xEuxFe2As2. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 107, n. 13, p. 8-pg., . (12/04870-7, 17/10581-1, 18/11364-7, 20/12283-0, 15/09701-7)
MENDONCA, E. C.; JESUS, C. B. R.; DUQUE, J. G. S.; GARCIA, D. J.; BITTAR, E. M.; SOUZA, J. C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Y-Substitution effects in the crystal field of the trigonal YxRE1-xNi3Ga9 (RE = Tb, Dy, and Ho). Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 947, p. 10-pg., . (12/04870-7, 17/10581-1, 20/12283-0, 18/11364-7)
CAMARGO, BRUNO CURY; EL-KERDI, BANAN; ALAFERDOV, ANDREI; ZURI, SHAHAR; BIROWSKA, MAGDALENA; ESCOFFIER, WALTER. Self-doped graphite nanobelts. Carbon, v. 207, p. 5-pg., . (17/10581-1, 18/21623-0)
GRANADO, E.; CEZAR, J. C.; AZIMONTE, C.; GOPALAKRISHNAN, J.; RAMESHA, K.. Electronic structure of Fe and magnetism in the 3d/5d double perovskites Ca2FeReO6 and Ba2FeReO6. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 99, n. 19, p. 6-pg., . (17/10581-1, 18/20142-8)
CECCHI, BRENO MALVEZZI; CRUZ, NATHAN; KNOBEL, MARCELO; PIROTA, KLEBER ROBERTO. Magnetic phase recognition of artificial kagome spin ice through initial magnetization curve. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 108, n. 1, p. 7-pg., . (17/10581-1, 23/00137-8, 19/23317-6)
RIGITANO, D.; VAKNIN, D.; BARBERIS, G. E.; GRANADO, E.. Raman scattering from one and two magnons in magnetoelectric LiNiPO4. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 101, n. 2, p. 6-pg., . (17/10581-1, 18/20142-8)
SAMANTA, K.; TARTAGLIA, R.; KANEKO, U. F.; SOUZA-NETO, N. M.; GRANADO, E.. Anisotropic lattice compression and pressure-induced electronic phase transitions in Sr2IrO4. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 101, n. 7, p. 6-pg., . (17/10581-1, 18/20142-8, 16/00756-6)
LESSEUX, G. G.; SAKAI, H.; HATTORI, T.; TOKUNAGA, Y.; KAMBE, S.; KUHNS, P. L.; REYES, A. P.; THOMPSON, J. D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; URBANO, R. R.. Orbitally defined field-induced electronic state in a Kondo lattice. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 101, n. 16, p. 6-pg., . (12/05903-6, 17/10581-1, 12/04870-7)
BROLLO, MARIA E. F.; PINHEIRO, IVANEI F.; BASSANI, GABRIEL S.; VARET, GUILLAUME; MERINO-GARCIA, DANIEL; GUERSONI, VANESSA C. B.; KNOBEL, MARCELO; BANNWART, ANTONIO C.; VAN DER GEEST, CHARLIE; MURACA, DIEGO. Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in a Dynamic Flux: Magnetic Hyperthermia Effect on Flowing Heavy Crude Oil. ACS OMEGA, v. 8, n. 36, p. 6-pg., . (17/10581-1, 22/16460-0)
BRANDAO, J.; DUGATO, D. A.; DOS SANTOS, M. V. PUYDINGER; BERON, FANNY; CEZAR, J. C.. Tuning isolated zero-field skyrmions and spin spirals at room-temperature in synthetic ferrimagnetic multilayers. Applied Surface Science, v. 585, p. 7-pg., . (20/07397-7, 17/10581-1, 12/51198-2)
CARDONA-RODRIGUEZ, A.; RODRIGUEZ, EDWIN RAMOS; CARRANZA-CELIS, D.; VERGARA-DURAN, N.; DA CRUZ, A. S. E.; LONDONO, O. MOSCOSO; KNOBEL, M.; REIBER, A.; MURACA, DIEGO; RAMIREZ, JUAN GABRIEL. Resolving magnetic contributions in BiFeO3 nanoparticles using First order reversal curves. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 556, p. 7-pg., . (20/07397-7, 17/10581-1)
FERREIRA, MYLLA C.; PIMENTEL, BRUNO; ANDRADE, VIVIAN; ZVEREV, VLADIMIR; GIMAEV, RADEL R.; POMOROV, ANDREI S.; PYATAKOV, ALEXANDER; ALEKHINA, YULIA; KOMLEV, ALEKSEI; MAKAROVA, LIUDMILA; et al. Understanding the Dependence of Nanoparticles Magnetothermal Properties on Their Size for Hyperthermia Applications: A Case Study for La-Sr Manganites. NANOMATERIALS, v. 11, n. 7, . (17/10581-1)
SOUZA, J. C.; JESUS, C. B. R.; LESSEUX, G. G.; ROSA, P. F. S.; URBANO, R. R.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Crystalline electric field study in a putative topologically trivial rare-earth doped YPdBi compound. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 31, n. 46, . (11/23650-5, 10/11949-3, 09/09247-3, 12/05903-6, 11/01564-0, 12/04870-7, 18/11364-7, 17/10581-1, 06/60440-0)
SOUZA, J. C.; THOMAS, S. M.; BAUER, E. D.; THOMPSON, J. D.; RONNING, F.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; ROSA, P. F. S.. Microscopic probe of magnetic polarons in antiferromagnetic Eu5In2Sb6. Physical Review B, v. 105, n. 3, . (18/11364-7, 20/12283-0, 17/10581-1)
KOGAN, V. G.; TANATAR, M. A.; PROZOROV, R.. London penetration depth at zero temperature and near the superconducting transition. Physical Review B, v. 101, n. 10, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7)
SAMANTA, K.; RIGITANO, D.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.; GRANADO, E.. Isospin-phonon coupling and Fano-interference in spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr2IrO4. Applied Physics Letters, v. 114, n. 15, . (17/10581-1, 16/00756-6)
MERCENA, S. G.; MENDONCA, E. C.; MENESES, C. T.; SILVA, L. S.; DUQUE, J. G. S.; JESUS, C. B. R.; SOUZA, J. C.; PAGLIUSO, P. G.. Complex magnetic behavior along the Gdln (NixCu1-x)(4) (0.00 <= x <= 1.00) series of compounds. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 125, n. 6, . (18/11364-7, 17/10581-1, 12/04870-7)
PIMENTEL, B.; ANDRADE, V. M.; DE PAULA, V. G.; PIROTA, K. R.; BERON, F.; CARDOSO, M. A.; GONCALVES, J. N.; AMARAL, J. S.; DOS SANTOS, A. M.; REIS, M. S.. Cubic to hexagonal tuning in Fe2Mn(Si1-xGex) Heusler alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 893, . (17/10581-1)
SAMANTA, KOUSIK; SOUZA, JEAN C.; RIGITANO, DANILO; MORALES, ADIMIR I.; PAGLIUSO, PASCOAL G.; GRANADO, EDUARDO. Quantum criticality in a layered iridate. COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, v. 4, n. 1, . (18/11364-7, 18/18653-4, 17/10581-1, 16/00756-6, 18/20142-8)
CRUZ, ALEXSANDRO DOS SANTOS E. DA; PUYDINGER DOS SANTOS, MARCOS V.; CAMPANELLI, RAUL B.; PAGLIUSO, PASCOAL G.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; PIROTA, KLEBER R.; BERON, FANNY. Low-temperature electronic transport of manganese silicide shell-protected single crystal nanowires for nanoelectronics applications. NANOSCALE ADVANCES, v. 3, n. 11, p. 3251-3259, . (17/10581-1)
CABRERA-BAEZ, M.; MUNEVAR, J.; COUTO-MOTA, R. M.; CAMEJO, Y. M.; CONTRERAS, C.; BAGGIO-SAITOVITCH, E.; AVILA, M. A.; RETTORI, C.. Unconventional enhancement of ferromagnetic interactions in Cd-doped GdFe2Zn20 single crystals studied by ESR and Fe-57 Mossbauer spectroscopies. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 14, . (17/10581-1, 11/19924-2)
VELO, MURILO FERREIRA; PUYDINGER DOS SANTOS, MARCOS VINICIUS; CECCHI, BRENO MALVEZZI; PIROTA, KLEBER ROBERTO. General approach for anisotropic magnetoresistance calculations used for revealing the role of cobalt nanowire?s geometrical details. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 532, . (17/10581-1, 19/23317-6)
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO D.; GARCIA-FLORES, ALI F.; CARNEIRO NETO, ALBANO N.; BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; CARLOS, LUIS D.; URBANO, RICARDO R.; RETTORI, CARLOS. Controlling the thermal switching in upconverting nanoparticles through surface chemistry. NANOSCALE, v. 13, n. 38, . (15/21290-2, 12/04870-7, 12/05903-6, 11/19924-2, 15/21289-4, 17/10581-1, 15/23882-4)
PUYDINGER DOS SANTOS, V, MARCOS; BRANDAO, JEOVANI; DUGATO, DANIAN A.; BERON, FANNY; PIROTA, KLEBER R.; UTKE, IVO. Annealed Cobalt-Carbon Nanocomposites for Room-Temperature Spintronic Applications. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 3, n. 7, p. 7143-7151, . (17/10581-1)
ROSA, PRISCILA; XU, YUANFENG; RAHN, MAREIN; SOUZA, JEAN; KUSHWAHA, SATYA; VEIGA, LARISSA; BOMBARDI, ALESSANDRO; THOMAS, SEAN; JANOSCHEK, MARC; BAUER, ERIC; et al. Colossal magnetoresistance in a nonsymmorphic antiferromagnetic insulator. NPJ QUANTUM MATERIALS, v. 5, n. 1, . (17/10581-1, 12/04870-7, 18/11364-7)
PIVA, M. M.; XIANG, L.; THOMPSON, J. D.; BUD'KO, S. L.; RIBEIRO, R. A.; CANFIELD, P. C.; ROSA, P. F. S.. Effects of external pressure on the narrow-gap semiconductor Ce3Cd2As6. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 105, n. 9, p. 7-pg., . (17/25269-3, 15/15665-3, 17/10581-1)
PINHEIRO, IVANEI F.; BROLLO, MARIA E. F.; BASSANI, GABRIEL S.; VARET, GUILLAUME; MERINO-GARCIA, DANIEL; GUERSONI, VANESSA C. B.; KNOBEL, MARCELO; BANNWART, ANTONIO C.; MURACA, DIEGO; VAN DER GEEST, CHARLIE. Effect of viscosity and colloidal stability on the magnetic hyperthermia of petroleum-based nanofluids. FUEL, v. 331, p. 7-pg., . (17/10581-1)
PIVA, M. M.; TARTAGLIA, R.; FREITAS, G. S.; SOUZA, J. C.; CHRISTOVAM, D. S.; THOMAS, S. M.; LEAO, J. B.; RATCLIFF, W.; LYNN, J. W.; LANE, C.; et al. Electronic and magnetic properties of stoichiometric CeAuBi2. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 101, n. 21, p. 7-pg., . (18/11364-7, 15/15665-3, 19/04196-3, 17/25269-3, 17/10581-1)

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