Research Grants 17/11958-1 - Supercapacitores, Armazenamento de energia - BV FAPESP
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CINE - Advanced Energy Storage Division

Grant number: 17/11958-1
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Research Centers in Engineering Program
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Agreement: BG E&P Brasil (Shell Group)
Principal Investigator:Rubens Maciel Filho
Grantee:Rubens Maciel Filho
Host Institution: Faculdade de Engenharia Química (FEQ). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Host Companies:Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Faculdade de Engenharia Química (FEQ)
BG E&P Brasil Ltda
City: Rio de JaneiroCampinas
Pesquisadores principais:
Antonio Riul Júnior ; Hudson Giovani Zanin
Associated researchers:André Luiz Jardini Munhoz ; Gustavo Doubek ; Hudson Giovani Zanin ; Maria Ingrid Rocha Barbosa Schiavon
Associated research grant(s):21/14442-1 - EMU approved in grant 2017/11958-1: TGA, AP.EMU
19/04866-9 - EMU approved in grant 2017/11958-1: XPS for surface chemical analysis, AP.EMU
19/04863-0 - EMU approved in grant 2017/11958-1: high ressolution scanning electron microscope FEG-SEM, AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):21/09387-1 - In-situ FTIR and Raman spectroscopy of lithium-ion batteries and lithium-sulfur batteries, BP.DR
22/02222-0 - Development of prototype pouch cells of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries in solid-liquid state with high stability and advanced scale of technological maturity, BP.DR
22/02235-4 - Development of solid oxide fuel cells and ethanol reformer, BP.MS
+ associated scholarships 20/14968-0 - Electrodes and electrolytes characterization under dynamic conditions: analysis of evolved gases in different cell assemblies and abuse conditions, BP.MS
20/05626-9 - Control and impact of moisture content in solvents used in electrolytes for Li-O2 batteries, BP.IC
18/16663-2 - Optimized design of porous electrodes for Li-air batteries by controllable functionalized CNT, BP.DR - associated scholarships
FAPESP publication:


By 2050 it is expected that electricity will move from 18 to 50% of the worldwide energy matrix, renewable sources of energy will expand four times from the current installed capacity, but CO2 emissions are expected to be half of today's value. In this scenario it is imperative to build novel solutions for energy storage that are still unavailable today and can cope with the predicted demands. Also, the worldwide increasing of portable and wearable electronic devices encourages researches on low-cost, flexible, light-weight, and environmentally friendly energy storage and supply devices. In order to effectively store and supply energy, advancement of battery and supercapacitor is vital to make them economically more viable for applications from communications to transport. The ability of those devices to effectively and efficiently store and redistribute energy is highly dependent on the engineering of their constructions and chemistry of the electrode surfaces and electrodes/electrolytes interfaces. High surface area, chemically stable electrodes and electrode/electrolyte interface knowledge are crucial for both batteries and supercapacitors. In order to have insights into the operation and to develop new and more efficient materials and electrolytes for devices a comprehensive chemical and structural understanding of the interface phenomena is fundamental. In this project, we aim to nuclei a Center for Advanced Energy Storage, where we are going to study state-of-the-art batteries and supercapacitors under dynamic conditions by Raman and FTIR spectroscopies and high-intensity synchrotron X-ray. Raman and FTIR will be carried out using optical fibers, coupling cell to spectrometers, allowing us to monitor the reactions during charge and discharge of a device. In situ high resolution and time-resolved X-ray diffraction will be performed in the LNLS line. The in situ techniques will be developed for operando conditions to address fundamental interfacial phenomena that could be linked with multiscale calculations and molecular dynamic simulations. This tailored tool will work in synergy with novel material synthesis based on high surface carbon and fast charge transfer electrodes. The center will also rely on a strong integration from its partners at Brazil and abroad to create a better understanding of the chemistry and engineering for the devices. The Center will properly care about human resource formation, technology transfer, and education and knowledge dissemination under the HUB proposal from LNNano/CNPEM. (AU)

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Scientific publications (59)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CARVALHO, VICTOR S.; MIRANDA, ANDRE N.; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; COSTA, LENON H.; PASCON, ALINE M.; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; ZANIN, HUDSON; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. Radially ordered carbon nanotubes performance for Li-O-2 batteries: Pre- treatment influence on capacity and discharge products. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 348, n. SI, p. 299-306, . (17/11958-1)
DA SILVA, DEBORA A. C.; PAULISTA NETO, ANTENOR J.; PASCON, ALINE M.; FILETI, EUDES E.; FONSECA, LEONARDO R. C.; ZANIN, HUDSON G.. Exploring doped or vacancy-modified graphene-based electrodes for applications in asymmetric supercapacitors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 7, p. 3906-3913, . (17/11631-2, 17/11958-1)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; FREITAS, BRUNO G. A.; OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA E. R.; PASCON MARQUE, ALINE M.; MACIEL FILHO, RUBENS; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Pseudo-capacitive behavior of multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with nickel and manganese (hydr)oxides nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 31, . (16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1, 18/20756-6)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; COSTA, LENON HENRIQUE; NUNES, WILLIAN; BOAS, OTAVIO VILAS; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; ALVES, THAYANE ALMEIDA; REAL, CARLA; BUENO, CAROLINE; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO CARLOS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Direct growth of mesoporous Carbon on aluminum foil for supercapacitors devices. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 29, n. 12, p. 10573-10582, . (17/11958-1, 17/03371-0, 14/02163-7, 16/25082-8, 17/03640-1, 17/02634-8, 16/21941-6)
TELES, JOSE J. S.; FARIA, EMANUEL R.; SANTOS, JEFERSON H. M.; DE SOUSA, LINDOMAR G.; FRANCO, DEBORA V.; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; ZANIN, HUDSON; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.. Supercapacitive properties, anomalous diffusion, and porous behavior of nanostructured mixed metal oxides containing Sn, Ru, and Ir. Electrochimica Acta, v. 295, p. 302-315, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; CESAR, REINALDO; MOREIRA, CASSIO M. R.; SANTOS, JEFERSON H. M.; DE SOUZA, LINDOMAR G.; PIRES, BRUNO MORANDI; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN; ZANIN, HUDSON. Reviewing the fundamentals of supercapacitors and the difficulties involving the analysis of the electrochemical findings obtained for porous electrode materials. ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS, v. 27, p. 555-590, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
PAULISTA NETO, ANTENOR J.; DA SILVA, DEBORA A. C.; GONCALVES, VANESSA A.; ZANIN, HUDSON; FREITAS, RENATO G.; FILETI, EUDES E.. An evaluation of the capacitive behavior of supercapacitors as a function of the radius of cations using simulations with a constant potential method. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 24, n. 5, p. 3280-3288, . (17/11631-2, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
PIRES, BRUNO MORANDI; NUNES, WILLIAN GONCALVES; FREITAS, BRUNO GUILHERME; OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA ELENICE RODRIGUES; KATIC, VERA; RODELLA, CRISTIANE BARBIERI; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Characterization of porous cobalt hexacyanoferrate and activated carbon electrodes under dynamic polarization conditions in a sodium-ion pseudocapacitor. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 54, p. 53-62, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
DE MIRANDA, ANDRE NAVARRO; NUNES, WILLIAN GONSALVES; MASCHIO, LEANDRO JOSE; PEREIRA, LUIS GUSTAVO FERRONI; OKAMOTO, SAYURI; VIEIRA, RICARDO; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. Conversion of Co-Mn-Al hydrotalcites in highly active spinel-type catalysts for peroxide decomposition. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 397, p. 10-pg., . (18/20756-6, 17/11958-1)
FREITAS, BRUNO; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; RUFINO, FERNANDO C.; MOREIRA, CASSIO MURILO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Robust, flexible, freestanding and high surface area activated carbon and multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite material with outstanding electrode properties for aqueous-based supercapacitors. MATERIALS ADVANCES, v. 2, n. 13, p. 13-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; PIRES, BRUNO M.; THAINES, ERICSON H. N. S.; PEREIRA, GABRIEL M. A.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FREITAS, RENATO G.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Operando Raman spectroelectrochemical study of polyaniline degradation: A joint experimental and theoretical analysis. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 55, p. 12-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FRANCO, DEBORA V.; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; FIATES, JULIANE; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; FRANCO, LUIS F. M.; FREITAS, RENATO G.; FANTINI, CRISTIANO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Raman probing carbon & aqueous electrolytes interfaces and molecular dynamics simulations towards understanding electrochemical properties under polarization conditions in supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 60, p. 279-292, . (17/11958-1, 18/02713-8, 16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
REAL, CARLA G.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; PASCON, ALINE M.; CAMPOS, FEIK AMIL; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FREITAS, RENATO GARCIA; ZANIN, HUDSON. Analyses of dispersive effects and the distributed capacitance in the time and frequency domains of activated carbon nanofiber electrodes as symmetric supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, v. 402, . (14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
C. DA SILVA, DEBORA A.; PINZON C., MANUEL J.; MESSIAS, ANDRESA; FILETI, EUDES E.; PASCON, ALINE; FRANCO, DEBORA V.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON G.. Effect of conductivity, viscosity, and density of water-in-salt electrolytes on the electrochemical behavior of supercapacitors: molecular dynamics simulations and in situ characterization studies. MATERIALS ADVANCES, . (14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; BERALDO, RENATO; AGUIAR, JOAO PEDRO; OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA ELENICE; RUFINO, FERNANDO CESAR; GONZALEZ LARRUDE, DUNIESKYS ROBERTO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Niobium pentoxide nanoparticles decorated graphene as electrode material in aqueous-based supercapacitors: Accurate determination of the working voltage window and the analysis of the distributed capacitance in the time domain. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 44, n. B, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; PINZON, MANUEL J. C.; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; RUFINO JUNIOR, CARLOS A.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Robust, freestanding, and bendable multi-walled carbon nanotube buckypapers as electrode materials for quasi-solid-state potassium-ion supercapacitors. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, v. 115, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
POLICANO, MARTIM CHIQUETTO; ANCHIETA, CHAYENE GONCALVES; DE MORAIS NEPEL, THAYANE CARPANEDO; MAIA, FRANCISCO CARLOS BARBOSA; FILHO MACIEL, RUBENS; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. The Double-Edged Effect of Water on Li-O-2 Aprotic Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 170, n. 4, p. 11-pg., . (17/11958-1)
FIATES, JULIANE; ZHANG, YONG; FRANCO, LUIS F. M.; MAGINN, EDWARD J.; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. Impact of anion shape on Li+ solvation and on transport properties for lithium-air batteries: a molecular dynamics study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 28, p. 15842-15852, . (17/11958-1, 18/02713-8)
VENANCIO, RAISSA; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; COSTA, LENON H.; TEOFILO, REINALDO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. In-situ electrochemical and operando Raman techniques to investigate the effect of porosity in different carbon electrodes in organic electrolyte supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 50, p. 12-pg., . (14/02163-7, 20/14968-0, 17/11958-1, 18/20756-6)
DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; DE SOUSA, LINDOMAR G.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; AGUIAR, JOAO PEDRO; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Proposal of a novel methodology for the electrochemical characterization of well-behaved redox-active materials used in supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, v. 457, p. 15-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS DA; DOS SANTOS, JOAO PEDRO AGUIAR; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; DE OLIVEIRA, JOAO PEDRO JENSON; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Dissipative effects in nonideal supercapacitors and batteries. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 69, p. 11-pg., . (17/11958-1, 16/08645-9, 14/02163-7)
RUFINO JUNIOR, CARLOS ANTONIO; SANSEVERINO, ELEONORA RIVA; GALLO, PIERLUIGI; KOCH, DANIEL; KOTAK, YASH; SCHWEIGER, HANS -GEORG; ZANIN, HUDSON. Towards a business model for second-life batteries-barriers, opportunities, uncertainties, and technologies. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 78, p. 19-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
CARVALHO, VICTOR S.; MIRANDA, ANDRE N.; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; COSTA, LENON H.; PASCON, ALINE M.; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; ZANIN, HUDSON; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. Radially ordered carbon nanotubes performance for Li-O-2 batteries: Pre- treatment influence on capacity and discharge products. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 348, p. 8-pg., . (17/11958-1)
DOS SANTOS, JOAO PEDRO AGUIAR; PAGAN, CESAR J. B.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; TEOFILO, REINALDO F.; BERALDO, RENATO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Ion dynamics into different pore size distributions in supercapacitors under compression. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 80, p. 10-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
FREITAS, BRUNO; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; RUFINO, FERNANDO C.; MOREIRA, CASSIO MURILO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Robust, flexible, freestanding and high surface area activated carbon and multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite material with outstanding electrode properties for aqueous-based supercapacitors. MATERIALS ADVANCES, . (18/20756-6, 17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; FREITAS, BRUNO G. A.; BERALDO, RENATO M.; MACIEL FILHO, RUBENS; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. A rational experimental approach to identify correctly the working voltage window of aqueous-based supercapacitors. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (18/20756-6, 17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; AGUIAR, JOAO PEDRO; BERALDO, RENATO; VENANCIO, RAISSA; RUFINO, FERNANDO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Ragone Plots for Electrochemical Double-Layer Capacitors. BATTERIES & SUPERCAPS, v. 4, n. 8, p. 1291-1303, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN; FREITAS, BRUNO G. A.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; CESAR, REINALDO; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Niobium pentoxide nanoparticles @ multi-walled carbon nanotubes and activated carbon composite material as electrodes for electrochemical capacitors. ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS, v. 22, p. 311-322, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
ZAMBIANCO, NAIARA ALANA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; ZANIN, HUDSON; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Novel electrochemical sensor based on nanodiamonds and manioc starch for detection of diquat in environmental samples. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, v. 98, . (17/21898-6, 17/11958-1, 17/21097-3, 14/02163-7)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; PIRES, BRUNO M.; DE OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA E. R.; DE MARQUE, ALINE M. P.; CREMASCO, LETICIA F.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Study of the aging process of nanostructured porous carbon-based electrodes in electrochemical capacitors filled with aqueous or organic electrolytes. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 28, . (18/20756-6, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; COSTA, LENON H.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; PASCON, ALINE; JACKSON, PALOMA; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Highly stable nickel-aluminum alloy current collectors and highly defective multi-walled carbon nanotubes active material for neutral aqueous-based electrochemical capacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 23, p. 116-127, . (16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1, 17/19222-4)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; VENANCIO, RAISSA; NUNES, WILLIAN; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. ew Insights on the Sodium Water-in-Salt Electrolyte and Carbon Electrode Interface from Electrochemistry and Operando Raman Studie. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 13, n. 51, . (14/02163-7, 17/11958-1, 18/20756-6)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; NUNES, WILLIAN; FREITAS, BRUNO; COSTA, LENON; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Core-niobium pentoxide carbon-shell nanoparticles decorating multiwalled carbon nanotubes as electrode for electrochemical capacitors. Journal of Power Sources, v. 434, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
ALEXANDRELI, MURILO; BROCCHI, CESAR B.; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; FREITAS, BRUNO G.; DE OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA E. R.; ARANHA SCHIAVO, LUIZ EDUARDO CAMARGO; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Pseudocapacitive behaviour of iron oxides supported on carbon nanofibers as a composite electrode material for aqueous-based supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 42, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
SOARES, DAVI M.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Tungsten oxide and carbide composite synthesized by hot filament chemical deposition as electrodes in aqueous-based electrochemical capacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 26, . (17/11958-1, 17/19222-4, 16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 17/03640-1)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; PASCON, ALINE M.; FREITAS, BRUNO; DE SOUSA, LINDOMAR G.; FRANCO, DEBORA, V; ZANIN, HUDSON; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.. Electrochemical Behavior of Symmetric Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors and Pseudocapacitors and Identification of Transport Anomalies in the Interconnected Ionic and Electronic Phases Using the Impedance Technique. NANOMATERIALS, v. 12, n. 4, p. 23-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; DA COSTA, LENON H.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FREITAS, BRUNO; PASCON, ALINE M.; VILAS-BOAS, OTAVIO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes and activated carbon composite material as electrodes for electrochemical capacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 33, . (16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1, 17/03640-1)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; YUKUHIRO, VICTOR Y.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FERNANDEZ, PABLO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Direct observation of the CO2 formation and C-H consumption of carbon electrode in an aqueous neutral electrolyte supercapacitor by in-situ FTIR and Raman. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 71, p. 9-pg., . (16/25082-8, 17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 20/04431-0, 17/11986-5, 14/02163-7, 18/02713-8, 20/04281-8)
LI, JINYANG; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; MCMILLON-BROWN, LYNDSEY; TAYLOR, ANDRE D.. Recent Advances in Metallic Glass Nanostructures: Synthesis Strategies and Electrocatalytic Applications. Advanced Materials, v. 31, n. 7, . (17/11958-1)
SANTOS, JOAO PEDRO A.; PINZON, MANUEL J.; SANTOS, ERICK A.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; PAGAN, CESAR J. B.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Boosting energy-storage capability in carbon-based supercapacitors using low-temperature water-in-salt electrolytes. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 70, p. 10-pg., . (14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
RUFINO JUNIOR, CARLOS ANTONIO; SANSEVERINO, ELEONORA RIVA; GALLO, PIERLUIGI; KOCH, DANIEL; SCHWEIGER, HANS-GEORG; ZANIN, HUDSON. Blockchain review for battery supply chain monitoring and battery trading. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, v. 157, p. 26-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; MIRANDA, ANDRE N.; FREITAS, BRUNO; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; OLIVEIRA, ALINE C.; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; FREITAS, RENATO G.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Charge-storage mechanism of highly defective NiO nanostructures on carbon nanofibers in electrochemical supercapacitors. NANOSCALE, v. 13, n. 21, p. 9590-9605, . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
FREITAS, BRUNO; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; REAL, CARLA G.; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; THAINES, ERICSON H. N. S.; POCRIFKA, LEANDRO A.; FREITAS, RENATO G.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Combining in situ electrochemistry, operando XRD & Raman spectroscopy, and density functional theory to investigate the fundamentals of Li2CO3 formation in supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v. 11, n. 38, p. 15-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
VENANCIO, RAISSA; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; PINZON, C. MANUEL J.; CORREA, DEBORA A.; MIRANDA, ANDRE N.; QUEIROZ, ADRIANA C.; DEGASPERI, FRANCISCO TADEU; SIQUEIRA, LEONARDO J. A.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Combining electrochemical, molecular simulation and operando techniques to investigate the stability of electrodes and organic electrolytes used in EDLCs. ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS, v. 62, p. 15-pg., . (19/18125-0, 17/11958-1, 18/20756-6)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; MUJIB, SHAKIR BIN; ZANIN, HUDSON; SINGH, GURPREET. A perspective on silicon-based polymer-derived ceramics materials for beyond lithium-ion batteries. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
NEPEL, THAYANE C. M.; ANCHIETA, CHAYENE G.; CREMASCO, LETICIA F.; SOUSA, BIANCA P.; MIRANDA, ANDRE N.; OLIVEIRA, LORRANE C. C. B.; FRANCISCO, BRUNO A. B.; JULIO, JULIA P. DE O.; MAIA, FRANCISCO C. B.; FREITAS, RAUL O.; et al. In Situ Infrared Micro and Nanospectroscopy for Discharge Chemical Composition Investigation of Non-Aqueous Lithium-Air Cells. ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 11, n. 45, . (17/11958-1)
DA SILVA, DEBORA A. C.; PAULISTA NETO, ANTENOR J.; PASCON, ALINE M.; FILETI, EUDES E.; FONSECA, LEONARDO R. C.; ZANIN, HUDSON G.. Combined Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics Simulations To Investigate the Effects of Quantum and Double-Layer Capacitances in Functionalized Graphene as the Electrode Material of Aqueous-Based Supercapacitors. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 10, p. 5518-5524, . (17/11958-1, 17/11631-2)
FIATES, JULIANE; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. Theoretical Insights into Impact of Electrode and Electrolyte Over Li-Air Battery. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 169, n. 3, p. 10-pg., . (17/11958-1)
POLICANO, MARTIM C.; ANCHIETA, CHAYENE G.; NEPEL, THAYANE C. M.; FILHO, RUBENS M.; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. Water in Aprotic Li-O-2 Batteries: A Critical Review. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (17/11958-1)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; REAL, CARLA G.; YUKUHIRO, VICTOR Y.; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; FERNANDEZ, PABLO S.; SINGH, GURPREET; ZANIN, HUDSON. In situ and operando infrared spectroscopy of battery systems: Progress and opportunities. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 81, p. 20-pg., . (20/04431-0, 17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
FRANCISCO, BRUNO A. . B.; JULO, JULIA P. O.; ANCHIETA, CHAYENE G.; NEPEL, THAYANE C. M.; FILHO, RUBENS M.; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. Systematic Study of O2 Supply in Li-O2 Batteries with High and Low Doner Number Solvents. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 10, p. 10-pg., . (17/11958-1)
OLIVEIRA, LORRANE C. C. B.; VENANCIO, RAISSA; DE AZEVEDO, PAULO V. F.; ANCHIETA, CHAYENE G.; NEPEL, THAYANE C. M.; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; ZANIN, HUDSON; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. Reviewing perovskite oxide sites influence on electrocatalytic reactions for high energy density devices. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 81, p. 19-pg., . (20/14968-0, 17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
DOS SANTOS, JOAO PEDRO AGUIAR; RUFINO, FERNANDO CESAR; OTA, JOAO I. YUTAKA; FERNANDES, RODOLFO C.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; PAGAN, CESAR J. B.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Best practices for electrochemical characterization of supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 80, p. 19-pg., . (17/11958-1, 16/08645-9, 14/02163-7)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; VENANCIO, RAISSA; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Recent advances on quasi-solid-state electrolytes for supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 67, p. 21-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 20/14968-0)
LOURENCO, TUANAN C.; BARROS, LETICIA M. S.; ANCHIETA, CHAYENE G.; NEPEL, THAYANE C. M.; JULIO, JULIA P. O.; DIAS, LUIS GUSTAVO; MACIEL FILHO, RUBENS; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Tuning aprotic solvent properties with long alkyl chain ionic liquid for lithium-based electrolytes. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v. 10, n. 21, p. 18-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/21401-7, 17/11631-2, 19/23681-0)
REAL, CARLA G.; THAINES, ERICSON H. N. S.; POCRIFKA, LEANDRO A.; FREITAS, RENATO G.; SINGH, GURPREET; ZANIN, HUDSON. Freestanding niobium pentoxide-decorated multiwalled carbon nanotube electrode: Charge storage mechanism in sodium-ion pseudocapacitor and battery. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 52, p. 16-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)

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DISPOSITIVO ELETROQUÍMICO PARA CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE ELETRODOS EM REGIME DINÂMICO DE OPERAÇÃO BR1020200262980 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) . Gustavo Doubek ; André Navarro De Miranda ; Leticia Frigerio Cremasco ; Thayane Carpanedo De Morais Nepel ; Chayene Gonçalves Anchieta ; Rubens Maciel Filho - December 2020, 21

ELETRÓLITO, BATERIAS QUE COMPREENDEM UM LÍQUIDO IÔNICO CRISTALINO COMO ADITIVO EM ELETRÓLITO E O USO DO LÍQUIDO IÔNICO CRISTALINO EM BATERIAS BR102021016975-3 - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) . Gustavo Doubek ; Chayene Gonçalves Anchieta ; Rubens Maciel Filho ; Thayane Carpanedo De Morais Nepel ; Letícia Maria Sampaio Barros - August 2021, 26