Research and Innovation: Automatization of the vectorization process of planting lines using orthomosaics from UAVs for their use in autonomous tractors at harvest, Besides the analysis of sugarcane planting failure to increase productivity
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Automatization of the vectorization process of planting lines using orthomosaics from UAVs for their use in autonomous tractors at harvest, Besides the analysis of sugarcane planting failure to increase productivity

Grant number: 17/08676-4
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Geosciences
Principal Investigator:Alexandre Camilo Cruz
Grantee:Alexandre Camilo Cruz
Company:Terratecno Geotecnologias Ltda. - ME
CNAE: Atividades de apoio à agricultura
Serviços de engenharia
Atividades técnicas relacionadas à arquitetura e engenharia
City: São Paulo
Associated scholarship(s):18/04791-6 - Automatization of the vectorization process of planting lines using orthomosaics from UAVs for their use in autonomous tractors at harvest, besides the analysis of sugarcane planting failure to increase productivity, BP.PIPE


The company TerraTecno Geotecnologias Ltda., a geotecnology solution provider for the Brazilian agribusiness market, in the market since 2012. The company´s principal product is the aerial imaging with UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) to elaborate harvest line, plantation failures, competing growth, in areas of sugar cane plantations. With the popularization of UAV´s technology in agriculture, especially in the sugar cane plantations, new challenges arise from the processing of the primary data base of the collected aerial images, the orthomosaic (planimetric mosaic composed by georeferenced aerial photos and orthogonally corrected through the ground plane) and the DSM ("Digital Surface Model" with the Planialtimetric data that permits the 3D visualization of the mapped surface and the level curse). TerraTecno is present in all stages of the described process above, in addition to provide consulting and training. The research project in question aims to automate vectorization tools of the harvest lines of the orthomosaic, analyzing all the context of the geoinformation. The manipulation of those primary products became crucial to extract the information in a fast, reliable and precise way, for the decision taking of the sugar cane productors. With the vectorized lines in a GIS software, like "Quantum GIS" and "Arc GIS", is possible to utilize in a fast, reliable and precise way, the same lines that are used by the tractors to harvest through their precision GPS and utilize those lines to calculate the plantation failures in a short period. The small and medium sugar cane producers will be able to have a precise and fast report to take the decision of replanting, or others interventions in the plantation. (AU)

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