Research Grants 17/21917-0 - Saúde pública, Imigração - BV FAPESP
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Promotion of research on quantitative-qualitative methodologies


This Request of Visiting Professor is inserted as an action of the Department of Nursing in Collective Health and of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo. It aims to foster the production of researchers with national and international academic partnerships. The Visiting Professor has significant experience in the area of Medicine, Philosophy, Anthropology and Sociology. It is recognized internationally for its research and its participation in research networks. It presents expertise in issues related to immigration and women's health, as well as the development of mixed methodology. In this perspective, the Visiting Professor will support the development of multicentric research with teaching and research institutions from Brazil, Portugal, Argentina, Ecuador and Spain. In addition, it will collaborate with research groups linked to the Department of Nursing in Collective Health of USP, participating in the elaboration of scientific articles, educational materials, manuals of good practices, discussion and support to projects in development. He will participate in the undergraduate and postgraduate courses of the Nursing School of the University of São Paulo, in the area of concentration of Nursing in Collective Health. It will also be proposed the formulation of a joint course between EEUSP and the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto, aiming at a possible partnership for joint formation in Master and Doctorate. With regard to the development of research projects, the Visiting Professor will coordinate the research entitled "Perinatal Health in Immigrants: Accessibility, Obstacles and Results". Also, it will advise six other research projects being prepared by the professors of the Department of Nursing in Public Health. The Visiting Professor will too participate in the qualification and defense exams of masters and doctoral students of the EE Graduate Programs; as speaker at an event organized by the institution and three other institutions that will be visited. (AU)

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