Research Grants 17/02317-2 - Isolantes topológicos, Big data - BV FAPESP
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Interfaces in materials: electronic, magnetic, structural and transport properties

Grant number: 17/02317-2
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Condensed Matter Physics
Principal Investigator:Adalberto Fazzio
Grantee:Adalberto Fazzio
Host Institution: Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM). Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brasil). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Alexandre Reily Rocha ; Antonio José Roque da Silva ; Caetano Rodrigues Miranda ; Carlos César Bof Bufon ; Flavio Leandro de Souza ; Gustavo Martini Dalpian ; Iseli Lourenço Nantes Cardoso ; José Antonio Souza ; Wendel Andrade Alves
Associated researchers: Alex Zunger ; Antonio Tavares da Costa Junior ; Caio Henrique Lewenkopf ; Cedric Rocha Leão ; Flavio Leandro de Souza ; Jeverson Teodoro Arantes Junior ; José Antonio Souza ; José Eduardo Padilha de Sousa ; Juliana Casares Araújo Chaves ; Luana Sucupira Pedroza ; Matheus Paes Lima ; Mauricio Domingues Coutinho Neto ; Pedro Paulo de Mello Venezuela ; Renato Borges Pontes ; Roberto Gomes de Aguiar Veiga ; Roberto Hiroki Miwa ; Tome Mauro Schmidt
Associated research grant(s):22/04150-6 - Study of nanoceramics for energy application: sintering and interface, AV.EXT
21/13720-8 - 2D Semiconductors for Photovoltaic Applications: Eletron-Phonon and Exciton-Phonon Coupling Effects on Carriers Lifetimes and Optical Properties, AV.BR
20/06257-7 - Atomic Resolution in Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), AV.BR
18/02065-6 - Grain boundaries in the 3D topological insulator, AV.BR
Associated scholarship(s):23/03493-0 - Symmetry breaking in condensed matter: from wavefunctions to crystal structures, BP.DD
22/07350-6 - Water-stable luminescent metal-organic framework as selective biosensors for the prognosis of Head and Neck Câncer, BP.PD
22/08478-6 - Investigation of topological boundary states for design of quantum devices, BP.PD
+ associated scholarships 22/03716-6 - Controlling fluid-fluid interfaces by nanostructured materials: a multiscale molecular simulation study, BP.PD
20/13172-8 - Temperature dependence of band gap in hybrid perovskites: a first-principles study, BP.PD
21/10501-3 - Water on silica nanofluidic devices: molecular dynamics simulations and NMR response, BP.DD
21/10500-7 - Interfaces in materials: dissemination science for the general public, BP.JC
21/04967-0 - Designing hematite photoelectrode via chemical routes for sunlight-induced water splitting, BP.DD
20/14067-3 - Two-Dimensional Nano-Heteroestructures: DFT Simulations and Machine Learning of Interacting Interfaces, BP.PD
20/11560-0 - Computational assessment of the influence of polymorphic domains on the properties of hybrid perovskites, BP.PD
20/09563-1 - Synthesis and characterization of CH3NH3PbX3 perovskite films, BP.PD
19/21430-0 - Computational nanofluidics studies on the confinement effects on fluid-solid interfaces, BP.PD
19/26919-7 - Photochemical and photophysical properties of phenothiazinic dyes at the interface of metallic nanoparticles, BP.DD
19/11230-3 - Doping effects in quantum materials, BP.PD
19/25277-1 - Electronic device for the diagnosis of Human Visceral Leishmaniasis, BP.DD
19/21656-8 - Big Data methods to tune perovskites to target properties: alloys, defects and doping, BP.PD
19/24394-4 - Boosting hematite photoelectrode water splitting activity by dopant addition, BP.DD
19/06654-9 - Incorporation of metallic nanoparticles in hematite photoelectrodes: effect of solid-solid interface on optical and electrical properties, BP.PD
19/04527-0 - Interface between crystalline topological insulators and 2D-trivial materials: defect proximity study, BP.DD
19/04176-2 - Searching for new two dimensional materials: thermodynamic properties, BP.IC
18/25103-0 - Interfaces - functionalized graphenes and organic pollutans: theoretical-experimental approach in environmental nanotechnology, BP.DD
19/01425-1 - Synthesis and interaction of metal oxide nanostructures and topological insulating materials with biomolecules, BP.DD
19/01785-8 - Synthesis and characterization of CH3NH3PbX3 perovskites films, BP.PD
18/12545-5 - Non-equilibrium properties of water/metal interfaces, BP.PD
18/16491-7 - Influence of nickel hydroxide nanoparkets in self-assemble structure of fibroin microparticles, BP.DD
18/14181-0 - Synthesis, characterization and computational simulation of hybrid APbX3 (a = CS and CH3NH3; X = i, CL e Br) perovskites, BP.DD
18/11856-7 - Interface-induced effects in quantum materials, BP.PD
18/11641-0 - Machine learning methods applied to the study of interfaces between semiconductors, BP.DD
17/25553-3 - Fabrication and characterization of self-rolled up nanomembranes of surface-supported metal-organic frameworks (SURMOFs) for applications in ultracompact electronic devices, BP.PD
18/05888-3 - Biosensors based on amphiphilic peptides for detection and diagnosis of diseases, BP.PD
18/05565-0 - Weyl semi-metal surfaces, BP.PD - associated scholarships


Research in the field of Materials Science has advanced enormously in recent years, from an essentially applied, engineering-related approach to a position where it has great impact in other areas, including Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. This is mostly due to the advancement of theoretical and experimental techniques that have allowed us to probe, and interact with matter at the atomic and molecular scale.This project intends to work in this niche of atomic scale materials design, unveiling their properties, searching for new materials and developing even more advanced methodologies for their treatment and understanding. The project will focus mainly on the properties of surfaces and interfaces, studying emerging phenomena. Particularly, we will set our attention on: 1) the study of topological insulators when interfaced with other materials; 2) the study of the interface between solids and liquids, focusing on energy applications, such as photoelectrochemistry and oil physics; 3) the study of low-dimensional materials when in contact with other systems including biological ones; 4) the study of optical processes in interfaced materials and heterostructures for designing next-generation solar cells In this joint experimental/theoretical endeavor we will use state-of-the-art techniques. From the theoretical side, materials design will be achieved by big data methods in Materials Science, which includes the use of large material repositories and the development of "high throughput" codes, scanning different families of materials. Candidates with appropriate properties will then be more thoroughly studied using classical (molecular dynamics) and quantum (density functional theory) methods. These materials will also be studied experimentally involving techniques of nano and micro synthesis of semiconductor and magnetic materials, and their interaction with biomolecules and organic molecules. (AU)

Articles published in Agência FAPESP Newsletter about the research grant:
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Scientific publications (188)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FOCASSIO, BRUNO; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; PEZO, ARMANDO; COSTA, MARCIO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Dual topological insulator device with disorder robustness. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 4, . (17/02317-2, 16/14011-2, 19/04527-0, 17/18139-6)
MUKIM, S.; AMORIM, F. P.; ROCHA, A. R.; MUNIZ, R. B.; LEWENKOPF, C.; FERREIRA, M. S.. Disorder information from conductance: A quantum inverse problem. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 7, . (17/10292-0, 17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
MIRANDA, ERICA G. A.; ARAUJO-CHAVES, JULIANA C.; KAWAI, CINTIA; BRITO, ADRIANNE M. M.; DIAS, IGOR W. R.; ARANTES, JEVERSON T.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Cardiolipin Structure and Oxidation Are Affected by Ca2+ at the Interface of Lipid Bilayers. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, v. 7, . (15/17688-0, 17/02317-2)
DE LIMA, F. CRASTO; MIWA, R. H.; FAZZIO, A.. Jacutingaite-family: A class of topological materials. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 23, . (19/20857-0, 17/02317-2)
DE MELLO, LUCAS R.; CARRASCOSA, VINICIUS; REBELATO, EDUARDO; JULIANO, MARIA A.; HAMLEY, IAN W.; CASTELLETTO, VALERIA; VASSILIADES, SANDRA V.; ALVES, WENDEL A.; NAKAIE, CLOVIS R.; DA SILVA, EMERSON R.. Nanostructure Formation and Cell Spheroid Morphogenesis of a Peptide Supramolecular Hydrogel. Langmuir, v. 38, n. 11, p. 12-pg., . (18/23269-9, 19/19719-1, 17/02317-2, 21/10092-6, 14/50867-3)
NICOLICHE, CAROLINE Y. N.; PASCON, ALINE M.; BEZERRA, ITALO R. S.; DE CASTRO, ANA C. H.; MARTOS, GABRIEL R.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; ALVES, WENDEL A.; SANTHIAGO, MURILO; LIMA, RENATO S.. In Situ Nanocoating on Porous Pyrolyzed Paper Enables Antibiofouling and Sensitive Electrochemical Analyses in Biological Fluids. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 14, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (14/50867-3, 17/02317-2)
FOCASSIO, BRUNO; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; COSTA, MARCIO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; LEWENKOPF, CAIO. Structural and electronic properties of realistic two-dimensional amorphous topological insulators. 2D MATERIALS, v. 8, n. 2, . (17/18139-6, 16/14011-2, 17/02317-2, 19/04527-0)
ROJAS, WUDMIR Y.; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Ab initio modelling of spin relaxation lengths in disordered graphene nanoribbons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 21, n. 47, p. 26027-26032, . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
LIMA, MATHEUS P.. Spatial anisotropy of the quantum spin liquid system YbMgGaO4 revealed by ab initio calculations. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 32, n. 2, . (17/02317-2)
COSTA, MARCIO; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; NARDELLI, MARCO BUONGIORNO; LEWENKOPF, CAIO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Toward Realistic Amorphous Topological Insulators. Nano Letters, v. 19, n. 12, p. 8941-8946, . (17/18139-6, 17/02317-2, 16/14011-2)
DA SILVA, GIULIA S.; DE OLIVEIRA, LUIZA P.; COSTA, GABRIEL F.; GIORDANO, GABRIELA F.; NICOLICHE, CAROLINE Y. N.; DA SILVA, ALEXANDRE A.; KHAN, LATIF U.; DA SILVA, GABRIELA H.; GOBBI, ANGELO L.; SILVEIRA, JOSE V.; et al. Ordinary microfluidic electrodes combined with bulk nanoprobe produce multidimensional electric double-layer capacitances towards metal ion recognition. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 305, . (17/18139-6, 17/00463-1, 17/02317-2)
KHANRA, SOMA; VASSILIADES, SANDRA V.; ALVES, WENDEL A.; YANG, KAIDI; GLASER, RAINER; GHOSH, KARTIK; BHATTACHARYA, PAYAL; YU, PING; GUHA, SUCHISMITA. Enhanced piezoresponse and nonlinear optical properties of fluorinated self-assembled peptide nanotubes. AIP ADVANCES, v. 9, n. 11, . (17/02317-2)
ACOSTA, CARLOS MERA; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.. Zeeman-type spin splitting in nonmagnetic three-dimensional compounds. NPJ QUANTUM MATERIALS, v. 4, . (18/11856-7, 17/02317-2)
ADRIANNE M.M. BRITO; ELISANGELA BELLETI; LUCIVALDO R. MENEZES; ALEXANDRE J.C. LANFREDI; ISELI L. NANTES-CARDOS. Proteins and Peptides at the Interfaces of Nanostructures. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 91, n. 4, . (15/17688-0, 17/02317-2)
ARAGON, F. F. H.; VILLEGAS-LELOVSKY, L.; CABRAL, L.; LIMA, M. P.; MESQUITA, A.; COAQUIRA, J. A. H.. Tuning the magnetic properties of Sn1-x-yCe4+xCe3+yO2 nanoparticles: an experimental and theoretical approach. NANOSCALE ADVANCES, v. 3, n. 5, p. 1484-1495, . (13/12993-4, 17/02317-2, 18/20729-9)
SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO BATISTA; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL RAVANHANI; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA COSTA; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO. Pair Distribution Function Obtained from Electron Diffraction: An Advanced Real-Space Structural Characterization Tool. MATTER, v. 4, n. 2, p. 441-460, . (13/07296-2, 17/18139-6, 18/05159-1, 17/02317-2)
SOARES, BRUNA M.; SODRE, PEDRO T.; AGUILAR, ANDREA M.; GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; ARGUELLO, KARINA B.; SILVA, EMERSON R.; DE FARIAS, MARCELO A.; PORTUGAL, RODRIGO V.; SCHMUCK, CARSTEN; et al. Structure optimization of lipopeptide assemblies for aldol reactions in an aqueous medium. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 23, n. 18, p. 10953-10963, . (17/02317-2, 18/05888-3, 15/20446-9, 14/50867-3)
CRASTO DE LIMA, F.; FAZZIO, A.. Bandgap evolution in nanographene assemblies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 23, n. 19, p. 11501-11506, . (19/20857-0, 17/02317-2)
FREITAS, ANDRE L. M.; MUCHE, DERECK N. F.; LEITE, EDSON R.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Interface engineering of nanoceramic hematite photoelectrode for solar energy conversion. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 103, n. 12, p. 6833-6846, . (14/11736-0, 17/02317-2)
KRAYER, LISA J.; PALM, KEVIN J.; GONG, CHEN; TORRES, ALBERTO; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.; LEITE, MARINA S.; MUNDAY, JEREMY N.. Enhanced near-Infrared Photoresponse from Nanoscale Ag-Au Alloyed Films. ACS PHOTONICS, v. 7, n. 7, p. 1689-1698, . (18/12545-5, 17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
DE LIMA, F. CRASTO; FAZZIO, A.. Emergent quasiparticles in Euclidean tilings. NANOSCALE, v. 13, n. 10, . (19/20857-0, 17/02317-2)
BEDIN, KAREN CRISTINA; MOURINO, BEATRIZ; RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO BATISTA; DOS SANTOS, GABRIEL TRINDADE; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; RODRIGUES COSTA, CARLOS ALBERTO; VAYSSIERES, LIONEL; SOUZA, FLAVIO LEANDRO. Solution chemistry back-contact FTO/hematite interface engineering for efficient photocatalytic water oxidation. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, v. 43, n. 5, p. 11-pg., . (17/02317-2, 17/11986-5)
PETRY, ROMANA; SILVESTRE, GUSTAVO H.; FOCASSIO, BRUNO; DE LIMA, FELIPE CRASTO; MIWA, ROBERTO H.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Machine Learning of Microscopic Ingredients for Graphene Oxide/Cellulose Interaction. Langmuir, v. 38, n. 3, p. 7-pg., . (17/02317-2, 19/20857-0, 18/25103-0, 19/04527-0)
TORRES, ALBERTO; PEDROZA, LUANA S.; FERNANDEZ-SERRA, MARIVI; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Using Neural Network Force Fields to Ascertain the Quality of Ab Initio Simulations of Liquid Water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 125, n. 38, p. 10772-10778, . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7, 17/10292-0)
TELLES DA CRUZ, ADRIANA FALCONI; SANCHES, RAMON DOMINGUES; MIRANDA, CAETANO RODRIGUES; BROCHSZTAIN, SERGIO. Evaluation of Cyclodextrins as Environmentally Friendly Wettability Modifiers for Enhanced Oil Recovery. COLLOIDS AND INTERFACES, v. 2, n. 1, . (17/02317-2, 16/05496-2)
SCHLEDER, GABRIEL RAVANHANI; PADILHA, ANTONIO CLAUDIO M.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO MARTINI; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Ab lnitio Simulations and Materials Chemistry in the Age of Big Data. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. 60, n. 2, p. 452-459, . (17/18139-6, 18/05565-0, 17/02317-2)
SUBTIL, EDUARDO L.; GONCALVES, JAMILE; LEMOS, HUGO G.; VENANCIO, EVERALDO C.; MIERZWA, JOSE CARLOS; DE SOUZA, JULIANA DOS SANTOS; ALVES, WENDEL; LE-CLECH, PIERRE. Preparation and characterization of a new composite conductive polyethersulfone membrane using polyaniline (PANI) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO). CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 390, . (14/50867-3, 11/16615-9, 17/02317-2, 16/23684-0)
JULIANA CASARES ARAÚJO-CHAVES; BIANCA BELLINI; HEBERT FREITAS DOS SANTOS; DERVAL SANTOS ROSA; ISELI LOURENÇO NANTES-CARDOSO. Duplo Benefício Ambiental pela Remoção de Corantes Fotosensibilizadores da Água com Uso de Resíduo Sólido Particulado. MATERIA-RIO DE JANEIRO, v. 24, n. 3, . (15/17688-0, 17/02317-2)
DE PAULA, VINICIUS G.; DE OLIVEIRA, LEONARDO S.; MENDES FILHO, ANIBAL A.; RIOS, CARLOS T.; SOUZA, JOSE A.. Thermal annealing influence on structural, magnetic, electronic, and mechanical properties of off-stoichiometric Ni40Cu10Mn35Ti15 all-d-metal Heusler alloy. Journal of Materials Research, v. 35, n. 21, p. 3004-3011, . (18/15682-3, 17/02317-2)
GABRIEL G. DE TOLEDO; VICTOR H. TOLEDO; ALEXANDRE J.C. LANFREDI; MARCIA ESCOTE; ANA CHAMPI; MARIA CRISTINA C. DA SILVA; ISELI L. NANTES-CARDOSO. Promising Nanostructured Materials against Enveloped Virus. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 92, n. 4, . (17/02317-2, 19/26919-7)
CARLA C. DECANDIO; SANDRA V. VASSILIADES; BARBARA B. GERBELLI; ANDREA M. AGUILAR; WENDEL A. ALVES. Hybrid Hydrogels Based on Polyethylene Glycol Bioconjugated with Silylated-Amyloidogenic Peptides. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 31, n. 11, p. 2200-2210, . (17/02317-2, 14/50867-3)
PEZO, ARMANDO; LIMA, MATHEUS P.; COSTA, MARCIO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Electronic transport properties of MoS2 nanoribbons embedded in butadiene solvent. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 21, n. 21, p. 11359-11366, . (17/02317-2, 16/14011-2)
SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; AZEVEDO, GUSTAVO M.; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA C.; REBELO, QUEREM H. F.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; LEITE, EDSON R.. Decreasing Nanocrystal Structural Disorder by Ligand Exchange: An Experimental and Theoretical Analysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v. 10, n. 7, p. 1471-1476, . (17/18139-6, 17/02317-2, 13/07296-2)
SOMBRIO, G.; POMAR, C. A. D.; DE OLIVEIRA, L. S.; FREITAS, A. L. M.; SOUZA, F. L.; SOUZA, J. A.. Novel design of photocatalyst coaxial ferromagnetic core and semiconducting shell microwire architecture. JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, v. 370, p. 61-69, . (17/02317-2)
LIMA, MATHEUS PAES; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; ROQUE DA SILVA, ANTONIO JOSE. Silicene-Based FET for Logical Technology. IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, v. 39, n. 8, p. 1258-1261, . (17/02317-2)
PEREZ, A.; AMORIM, RODRIGO G.; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Nanogap-based all-electronic DNA sequencing devices using MoS2 monolayers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 46, p. 27053-27059, . (16/01343-7, 17/02317-2)
DE BARROS, MARCELO PAES; ARAUJO-CHAVES, JULIANA CASARES; BRITO, ADRIANNE MARLISE MENDES; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI LOURENCO. Oxidative/Nitrative Mechanism of Molsidomine Mitotoxicity Assayed by the Cytochrome c Reaction with SIN-1 in Models of Biological Membranes. Chemical Research in Toxicology, v. 33, n. 11, p. 2775-2784, . (15/17688-0, 17/06032-2, 17/02317-2)
PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; EDWARDS-GAYLE, CHARLOTTE J. C.; CASTELLETTO, VALERIA; AGUILAR, ANDREA M.; ALVES, WENDEL A.; SEITSONEN, JANI; RUOKOLAINEN, JANNE; HAMLEY, IAN W.. Self-Assembly, Nematic Phase Formation, and Organocatalytic Behavior of a Proline-Functionalized Lipopeptide. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 12, n. 12, p. 13671-13679, . (15/20446-9, 18/12535-0, 17/02317-2)
DE FREITAS MARTINS, ERNANE; PINOTTI, LUIS FRANCISCO; CASTRO SILVA, CECILIA DE CARVALHO; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY. Addressing the Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Low-Dimensional-Materials-Based FET Immunosensors: A Review. CHEMOSENSORS, v. 9, n. 7, . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
ALBANO, LUIZ G. S.; DE CAMARGO, DAVI H. S.; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; DEEKE, SAMANTHA G.; VELLO, TATIANA P.; PALERMO, LEIRSON D.; CORREA, CATIA C.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; WOELL, CHRISTOF; BUFON, CARLOS C. B.. Room-Temperature Negative Differential Resistance in Surface-Supported Metal-Organic Framework Vertical Heterojunctions. SMALL, v. 17, n. 35, . (17/18139-6, 14/25979-2, 16/25346-5, 14/50906-9, 19/01561-2, 17/02317-2, 17/25553-3)
MUTISYA, SYLVIA M.; DE ALMEIDA, JAMES M.; MIRANDA, CAETANO R.. Probing the dynamics of water over multiple pore scales in cement by atomistic simulations. Applied Surface Science, v. 565, . (17/02317-2)
GANHARUL, GRACE KELLY Q.; TOFANELLO, ARYANE; BONADIO, ARIANY; FREITAS, ANDRE L. M.; ESCOTE, MARCIA T.; POLO, ANDRE S.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.; SOUZA, JOSE ANTONIO. Outstanding cooperation of all-inorganic CsPbI3 perovskite with TiO2 forming composites and heterostructures for photodegradation. Journal of Materials Science, v. 57, n. 36, p. 17-pg., . (17/02317-2, 20/09563-1, 19/23277-4, 18/15682-3)
FREIRE, RAFAEL L. H.; DE LIMA, FELIPE CRASTO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Vacancy localization effects on MX2 transition-metal dichalcogenides: A systematic ab initio study. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 8, p. 7-pg., . (17/02317-2, 20/14067-3)
ROJAS, JOSE EDUARDO U.; GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; RIBEIRO, ANDERSON O.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.; GIUNTINI, FRANCESCA; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Silk fibroin hydrogels for potential applications in photodynamic therapy. Biopolymers, v. 110, n. 2, . (17/02317-2, 15/24018-1, 14/18527-8, 14/50972-1)
BARRETO, G. R.; KAWAI, C.; TOFANELLO, A.; NEVES, A. A. R.; ARAUJO-CHAVES, J. C.; BELLETI, E.; LANFREDI, A. J. C.; CRESPILHO, F. N.; NANTES-CARDOSO, I. L.. Magnetoliposomes as model for signal transmission. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE, v. 6, n. 1, . (15/17688-0, 17/02317-2, 13/14262-7)
DA SILVA, RAFAEL; BARBOSA, RAFAEL; MANCANO, ROSANA RABELO; DURAES, NATHALIA; PONTES, RENATO BORGES; MIWA, R. H.; FAZZIO, A.; PADILHA, JOSE EDUARDO. Metal Chalcogenides Janus Monolayers for Efficient Hydrogen Generation by Photocatalytic Water Splitting. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 2, p. 890-897, . (17/02317-2)
MELLO, LUCAS R.; HAMLEY, IAN W.; CASTELLETTO, VALERIA; GARCIA, BIANCA B. M.; LOURENCO, THIAGO C.; VASSILIADES, SANDRA V.; ALVES, WENDEL A.; HAN, SANG W.; SILVA, EMERSON R.. Self-assembly and intracellular delivery of DNA by a truncated fragment derived from the Trojan peptide Penetratin. SOFT MATTER, v. 16, n. 20, p. 4746-4755, . (14/50867-3, 17/02317-2, 16/24409-3, 15/24018-1)
GOMEZ, CYNTHIA MARINA; PAN, SHUANG; BRAGA, HELDER MOREIRA; DE OLIVEIRA, LEONARDO SOARES; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO MARTINI; BIESOLD-MCGEE, GILL VINCENT; LIN, ZHIQUN; SANTOS, SYDNEY FERREIRA; SOUZA, JOSE ANTONIO. Possible Charge-Transfer-Induced Conductivity Enhancement in TiO2 Microtubes Decorated with Perovskite CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals. Langmuir, v. 36, n. 19, p. 5408-5416, . (17/02317-2, 15/10900-4, 18/15682-3)
SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; ACOSTA, CARLOS MERA; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Exploring Two-Dimensional Materials Thermodynamic Stability via Machine Learning. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 12, n. 18, p. 20149-20157, . (18/11856-7, 17/18139-6, 17/02317-2)
ACOSTA, CARLOS MERA; YUAN, LINDING; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.; ZUNGER, ALEX. Different shapes of spin textures as a journey through the Brillouin zone. Physical Review B, v. 104, n. 10, . (18/11856-7, 19/03663-7, 17/02317-2)
MARTINS, ERNANE DE FREITAS; AMORIM, RODRIGO G.; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO TROIANO; SCHEICHER, RALPH HENDRIK; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY. The role of water on the electronic transport in graphene nanogap devices designed for DNA sequencing. Carbon, v. 158, p. 314-319, . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
ARAGON, F. F. H.; VILLEGAS-LELOVSKY, L.; CABRAL, L.; LIMA, M. P.; AQUINO, J. C. R.; MATHPAL, M. C.; COAQUIRA, J. A. H.; DA SILVA, S. W.; NAGAMINE, L. C. C. M.; PARREIRAS, S. O.; et al. Tailoring the physical and chemical properties of Sn1-xCoxO2 nanoparticles: an experimental and theoretical approach. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 6, p. 3702-3714, . (16/21371-5, 14/19142-2, 17/02317-2)
GARCIA-BASABE, YUNIER; GORDO, VANESSA ORSI; DAMINELLI, LARA M.; MENDOZA, CESAR D.; VICENTIN, FLAVIO C.; MATUSALEM, FILIPE; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; LARRUDE, DUNIESKYS G.. Interfacial electronic coupling and band alignment of P3HT and exfoliated black phosphorous van der Waals heterojunctions. Applied Surface Science, v. 541, . (18/08988-9, 15/11779-4, 17/02317-2)
PEZO, ARMANDO; FOCASSIO, BRUNO; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; COSTA, MARCIO; LEWENKOPF, CAIO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Disorder effects of vacancies on the electronic transport properties of realistic topological insulator nanoribbons: The case of bismuthene. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v. 5, n. 1, . (17/02317-2, 19/04527-0, 17/18139-6, 16/14011-2)
BONADIO, A.; ESCANHOELA, JR., C. A.; SABINO, F. P.; SOMBRIO, G.; DE PAULA, V. G.; FERREIRA, F. F.; JANOTTI, A.; DALPIAN, G. M.; SOUZA, J. A.. Entropy-driven stabilization of the cubic phase of MaPbI(3) at room temperature. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v. 9, n. 2, p. 1089-1099, . (19/21656-8, 17/02317-2, 18/14181-0, 19/01785-8, 18/15682-3)
BONADIO, A.; SABINO, F. P.; TOFANELLO, A.; FREITAS, A. L. M.; DE PAULA, V. G.; DALPIAN, G. M.; SOUZA, J. A.. Tailoring the Optical, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties of MAPbI(3) through Self-Assembled Fe Incorporation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 28, p. 15636-15646, . (18/14181-0, 20/09563-1, 19/21656-8, 18/15682-3, 17/02317-2)
BRONZATO, JULIA D.; TOFANELLO, ARYANE; OLIVEIRA, MARTHA T.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; BRITO, ADRIANNE M. M.; COSTA, SILGIA A.; COSTA, SIRLENE M.; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; NASCIMENTO, OTACIRO R.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Virucidal, photocatalytic and chiromagnetic cobalt oxide quantum dots. Applied Surface Science, v. 576, n. A, . (19/01425-1, 17/02317-2)
PIRES, FABIO A.; DOS SANTOS, GABRIEL T.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; COSTA, CARLOS A. R.; GONCALVES, RENATO V.; CASTRO, RICARDO H. R.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Selective placement of modifiers on hematite thin films for solar water splitting. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (17/11986-5, 17/02317-2, 22/04150-6, 21/04967-0)
FREITAS, ANDRE LUIZ MARTINS; TOFANELLO, ARYANE; SABINO, FERNANDO PEREIRA; FELEZ, MARISSOL RODRIGUES; MORAIS, ELIANE APARECIDA; BROCHSZTAIN, SERGIO; ACUNA, JOSE JAVIER SAEZ; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO MARTINI; SOUZA, JOSE ANTONIO. Finite-Size Effects on Cs3Cu2I5 0D Electronic Nanostructures for Ultraviolet-Emitting Applications. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 9, p. 10-pg., . (17/02317-2, 20/09563-1, 21/14422-0, 22/07350-6, 19/21656-8)
AMORIM, FELIPPE P.; TORRES, ALBERTO; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Gate voltage enhances the thermoelectric transport of quantum dots in graphene nanoribbons. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 227, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
DE ANDRADE, DENISE MARIA; MERCES, LEANDRO; NAWAZ, ALI; BUFON, CARLOS CESAR BOF. Pushing On-Chip Photosensitivity Forward Using Edge-Driven Vertical Organic Phototransistors. ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 5, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (19/14949-9, 17/02317-2, 14/50906-9, 18/18136-0, 14/25979-2)
DO NASCIMENTO, EDUARDO R.; GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; FERREIRA, FABIO F.; COSTA, FANNY N.; CHATER, PHILIP A.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Interfacial Self-Assembly of Silk Fibroin Polypeptides and alpha-NiCo(OH)(2) Nanocrystals with Tunable Energy Storage Applications. ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 3, p. 11-pg., . (18/16491-7, 18/05888-3, 14/50867-3, 17/02317-2)
RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; BEDIN, KAREN CRISTINA; MOURINO, BEATRIZ; SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO BATISTA; SOUZA, FLAVIO LEANDRO. Advances in Engineered Metal Oxide Thin Films by Low-Cost, Solution-Based Techniques for Green Hydrogen Production. NANOMATERIALS, v. 12, n. 12, p. 21-pg., . (17/11986-5, 19/06654-9, 17/02317-2, 13/07296-2)
VELLO, TATIANA PARRA; ALBANO, LUIZ GUSTAVO SIMAO; DOS SANTOS, THAMIRIS CESCON; COLLETTI, JULIA CANTOVITZ; SANTOS BATISTA, CARLOS VINICIUS; LEME, VITORIA FERNANDES CINTRA; DOS SANTOS, THAMIRIS COSTA; MIGUEL, MARIA PAULA DIAS CARNEIRO; DE CAMARGO, DAVI HENRIQUE STARNINI; BOF BUFON, CARLOS CESAR. Electrical Conductivity Boost: In Situ Polypyrrole Polymerization in Monolithically Integrated Surface-Supported Metal-Organic Framework Templates. SMALL, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (17/02317-2, 14/50906-9, 16/25346-5, 19/01561-2, 14/25979-2, 17/25553-3)
PAULIN, JOAO V.; BAYRAM, SINAN; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.; BUFON, CARLOS C. B.. Exploring the Charge Transport of a Natural Eumelanin for Sustainable Technologies. ACS APPLIED BIO MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 9, p. 5-pg., . (17/02317-2, 20/15869-6, 14/50906-9, 14/25979-2)
PIRES, FABIO A.; DOS SANTOS, GABRIEL T.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; COSTA, CARLOS A. R.; GONCALVES, RENATO V.; CASTRO, RICARDO H. R.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Selective placement of modifiers on hematite thin films for solar water splitting. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS, v. 7, n. 20, p. 14-pg., . (17/11986-5, 17/02317-2, 22/04150-6, 21/04967-0)
SABINO, FERNANDO P.; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.; ZUNGER, ALEX. Light-Induced Frenkel Defect Pair Formation Can Lead to Phase-Segregation of Otherwise Miscible Halide Perovskite Alloys. ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (17/02317-2, 21/14422-0, 21/11786-1)
THOMAZ, KELLY T. C.; BEDIN, KAREN C.; RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; VERISSIMO, NATHALIA C.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Interfacial engineering of hematite photoanodes toward high water splitting performance. MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY, v. 37, p. 11-pg., . (17/11986-5, 17/02317-2, 21/07459-5, 19/06654-9)
NUNEZ, FREDDY A.; CASTRO, ANA C. H.; DE OLIVEIRA, VIVIAN L.; LIMA, ARIANE C.; OLIVEIRA, JAMILLE R.; DE MEDEIROS, GIULIANA X.; SASAHARA, GREYCE L.; SANTOS, KEITY S.; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Electrochemical Immunosensors Based on Zinc Oxide Nanorods for Detection of Antibodies Against SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein in Convalescent and Vaccinated Individuals. ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, v. N/A, p. 16-pg., . (14/50867-3, 17/02317-2)
PACAKOVA, BARBARA; VULLUM, PER ERIK; KIRCH, ALEXSANDRO; BREU, JOSEF; MIRANDA, CAETANO RODRIGUES; FOSSUM, JON OTTO. Large bandgap insulating superior clay nanosheets. MRS BULLETIN, v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2)
BRONZATO, JULIA D.; BRONZATO, JULIANA D.; BRITO, ADRIANNE M. M.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; PASSINI, MAICON R. Z.; GOMES, BRENDA P. F. A.; NANTES, ISELI L.. Degradation of ciprofloxacin by green cobalt oxide quantum dots. Applied Surface Science, v. 609, p. 8-pg., . (17/02317-2)
GOMES-FILHO, MARCIO S.; PEREIRA, ALINE O.; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO T.; PEDROZA, LUANA S.; COUTINHO-NETO, MAURICIO D.. Extending the applicability of popular force fields for describing water/metal interfaces: application to water/Pd(111). PHYSICA SCRIPTA, v. 98, n. 1, p. 14-pg., . (20/09011-9, 17/10292-0, 17/02317-2)
CLARO, PEDRO I. C.; BORGES, EGON P. B. S.; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R. R.; ARCHILHA, NATHALY L. L.; PINTO, ALLAN; CARVALHO, MURILO; DRIEMEIER, CARLOS E. E.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; GOUVEIA, RUBIA F. F.. From micro- to nano- and time-resolved x-ray computed tomography: Bio-based applications, synchrotron capabilities, and data-driven processing. APPLIED PHYSICS REVIEWS, v. 10, n. 2, p. 19-pg., . (21/03097-1, 17/18139-6, 17/02317-2, 14/50884-5, 18/16453-8, 20/08651-4)
PETRY, ROMANA; SILVESTRE, GUSTAVO H.; FOCASSIO, BRUNO; DE LIMA, FELIPE CRASTO; MIWA, ROBERTO H.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Machine Learning of Microscopic Ingredients for Graphene Oxide/Cellulose Interaction. Langmuir, v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (17/02317-2, 18/25103-0, 19/04527-0, 19/20857-0)
OKAZAKI, ANDERSON K.; DE OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL FURLAN; FREIRE, RAFAEL LUIZ HELENO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; DE LIMA, FELIPE CRASTO. Uncovering the Structural Evolution of Arsenene on SiC Substrate. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 127, n. 16, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2, 21/06238-5, 19/14949-9, 19/20857-0, 20/14067-3)
PAULIN, JOAO V.; PEREIRA, MARIANE P.; BREGADIOLLI, BRUNA A.; CACHANESKI-LOPES, JOAO P.; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.; BATAGIN-NETO, AUGUSTO; BUFON, CARLOS C. B.. Controlling ions and electrons in aqueous solution: an alternative point of view of the charge-transport behavior of eumelanin-inspired material. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 11, n. 18, p. 12-pg., . (17/02317-2, 17/07627-0, 14/50906-9, 20/15869-6, 14/25979-2)
NICOLICHE, CAROLINE Y. N.; DE OLIVEIRA, RICARDO A. G.; SILVA, GIULIA S.; FERREIRA, LARISSA F.; RODRIGUES, IAN L.; FARIA, RONALDO C.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; CARRILHO, EMANUEL; DE PONTES, LETICIA G.; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; et al. Converging Multidimensional Sensor and Machine Learning Toward High-Throughput and Biorecognition Element-Free Multidetermination of Extracellular Vesicle Biomarkers. ACS SENSORS, v. 5, n. 7, p. 8-pg., . (17/02317-2, 18/24214-3, 14/50867-3, 17/18139-6)
BARAL, ANSHUL; BHANGU, SUKHVIR K.; CIMINO, RITA; PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; ALVES, WENDEL A.; CHATTOPADHYAY, SANTANU; ASHOKKUMAR, MUTHUPANDIAN; CAVALIERI, FRANCESCA. Sono-Assembly of the [Arg-Phe](4) Octapeptide into Biofunctional Nanoparticles. NANOMATERIALS, v. 10, n. 9, p. 12-pg., . (17/02317-2, 14/50867-3)
FOCASSIO, BRUNO; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; PEZO, ARMANDO; COSTA, MARCIO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Dual topological insulator device with disorder robustness. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 4, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2, 19/04527-0, 16/14011-2, 17/18139-6)
ALVAREZ-QUICENO, J. C.; AVILA, M. A.; OSORIO-GUILLEN, J. M.; DALPIAN, G. M.. Doping quantum materials: Defects and impurities in FeGa3. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 9, p. 8-pg., . (17/10581-1, 17/02317-2, 11/19924-2)
GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; VASSILIADES, SANDRA V.; ROJAS, JOSE E. U.; PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; MANCINI, RODRIGO S. N.; PEREIRA, WALLACE S. G.; AGUILAR, ANDREA M.; VENANZI, MARIANO; CAVALIERI, FRANCESCA; GIUNTINI, FRANCESCA; et al. Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Peptides and its Applications in Bionanotechnology. MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, v. 220, n. 14, p. 22-pg., . (18/05888-3, 17/02317-2, 14/50867-3, 16/50188-4, 14/50972-1)
MIRANDA, ERICA G. A.; ARAUJO-CHAVES, JULIANA C.; KAWAI, CINTIA; BRITO, ADRIANNE M. M.; DIAS, IGOR W. R.; ARANTES, JEVERSON T.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Cardiolipin Structure and Oxidation Are Affected by Ca2+ at the Interface of Lipid Bilayers. RONTIERS IN CHEMISTR, v. 7, p. 12-pg., . (17/02317-2, 15/17688-0)
GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; LY, ISABELLE; PEDEMAY, SANDRA; ALVES, WENDEL A.; DE OLIVEIRA, ELISABETH A.. The Role of Amylogenic Fiber Aggregation on the Elasticity of a Lipid Membrane. ACS APPLIED BIO MATERIALS, v. 3, n. 2, p. 8-pg., . (18/05888-3, 17/02317-2, 14/50867-3)
GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; VASSILIADES, SANDRA V.; ROJAS, JOSE E. U.; PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; MANCINI, RODRIGO S. N.; PEREIRA, WALLACE S. G.; AGUILAR, ANDREA M.; VENANZI, MARIANO; CAVALIERI, FRANCESCA; GIUNTINI, FRANCESCA; et al. Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Peptides and its Applications in Bionanotechnology. MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, v. 220, n. 14, SI, . (18/05888-3, 16/50188-4, 17/02317-2, 14/50972-1, 14/50867-3)
ALVAREZ-QUICENO, J. C.; AVILA, M. A.; OSORIO-GUILLEN, J. M.; DALPIAN, G. M.. Doping quantum materials: Defects and impurities in FeGa3. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 9, . (17/10581-1, 17/02317-2, 11/19924-2)
ARAUJO-CHAVES, JULIANA C.; MIRANDA, ERICA G. A.; LOPES, DAVID M.; YOKOMIZO, CESAR H.; CARVALHO-JR, WALDEMIR M.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. ntioxidant cytochrome c-like activity of para-(MnTMPyP)-T-(III. Biochimie, v. 184, p. 116-124, . (17/02317-2)
MENEZES, LUCIVALDO R.; SOMBRIO, GUILHERME; COSTA, CLAUDIA A.; BRONZATO, JULIA D.; RODRIGUES, TIAGO; SOUZA, JOSE A.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Nanostructured Hematite Decorated with Gold Nanoparticles for Functionalization and Biocompatibility. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, . (19/01785-8, 17/02317-2)
PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; EDWARDS-GAYLE, CHARLOTTE J. C.; MARTINHO, HERCULANO; GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; CASTELLETTO, VALERIA; HAMLEY, IAN W.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Self-assembled gold nanoparticles and amphiphile peptides: a colorimetric probe for copper(ii) ion detection. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 49, n. 45, p. 16226-16237, . (18/05888-3, 15/20446-9, 18/12535-0, 17/02317-2)
TOFANELLO, ARYANE; BRONZATO, JULIA D.; RETTORI, CARLOS; NASCIMENTO, OTACIRO R.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Conversion of ferritin ferrihydrite core to magnetite by gold ions binding and the derived nanoparticle formation. JOURNAL OF NANOSTRUCTURE IN CHEMISTRY, . (19/01425-1, 17/02317-2)
PEREIRA, ALINE O.; LOPES, ISABELLA M. I.; SILVA, THIAGO R.; CORREA, THAILA Q.; PASCHOALIN, RAFAELLA T.; INADA, NATALIA M.; IERMAK, IEVGENIIA; NETO, FRANCISCO VAN RIEL; ARAUJO-CHAVES, JULIANA C.; MARLETTA, ALEXANDRE; et al. Bacterial Photoinactivation Using PLGA Electrospun Scaffolds. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 13, n. 27, p. 31406-31417, . (13/14262-7, 13/03609-6, 10/06728-8, 17/18725-2, 17/02317-2, 18/22214-6)
SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; FOCASSIO, BRUNO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Machine learning for materials discovery: Two-dimensional topological insulators. APPLIED PHYSICS REVIEWS, v. 8, n. 3, . (17/02317-2, 17/18139-6, 19/04527-0)
HUNVIK, KRISTOFFER W. BO; LOCH, PATRICK; WALLACHER, DIRK; KIRCH, ALEXSANDRO; CAVALCANTI, LEIDE P.; RIESS, MARTIN; DAAB, MATTHIAS; JOSVANGER, VEGARD; GRAETZ, SVEN; YOKAICHIYA, FABIANO; et al. CO2 Adsorption Enhanced by Tuning the Layer Charge in a Clay Mineral. Langmuir, v. 37, n. 49, p. 14491-14499, . (17/02317-2)
FOCASSIO, BRUNO; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; DE LIMA, FELIPE CRASTO; LEWENKOPF, CAIO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. morphous Bi2Se3 structural, electronic, and topological nature from first principle. Physical Review B, v. 104, n. 21, . (17/02317-2, 17/18139-6, 19/04527-0, 19/20857-0)
TOFANELLO, A.; FREITAS, A. L. M.; DE QUEIROZ, T. B.; BONADIO, A.; MARTINHO, H.; SOUZA, J. A.. agnetism in a 2D Hybrid Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite through Charge Redistribution Driven by an Organic Functional Space. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v. 13, n. 6, p. 1406-1415, . (18/15682-3, 18/14181-0, 20/09563-1, 17/02317-2, 20/13466-1)
DE LIMA, FELIPE CRASTO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. t the Verge of Topology: Vacancy-Driven Quantum Spin Hall in Trivial Insulator. Nano Letters, v. 21, n. 22, p. 9398-9402, . (17/02317-2, 19/20857-0)
DE ALMEIDA, RAFAEL M.; FERRARI, VICTORIA C.; SOUZA, JULIANA DOS S.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Tailoring a Zinc Oxide Nanorod Surface by Adding an Earth-Abundant Cocatalyst for Induced Sunlight Water Oxidation. ChemPhysChem, v. 21, n. 6, p. 476-483, . (14/50867-3, 17/02317-2)
GANHARUL, GRACE KELLY Q.; TOFANELLO, ARYANE; BONADIO, ARIANY; FREITAS, ANDRE L. M.; ESCOTE, MARCIA T.; POLO, ANDRE S.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.; SOUZA, JOSE ANTONIO. isclosing the hidden presence of Ti3+ ions in different TiO2 crystal structures synthesized at low temperature and photocatalytic evaluation by methylene blue photobleachin. Journal of Materials Research, v. 36, n. 16, SI, . (18/15682-3, 20/09563-1, 17/02317-2, 19/23277-4)
RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO B.; LEITE, EDSON R.; VAYSSIERES, LIONEL; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. An intensity modulated photocurrent spectroscopy study of the role of titanium in thick hematite photoanodes. Applied Physics Letters, v. 119, n. 7, . (19/06654-9, 17/11986-5, 13/07296-2, 17/02317-2)
GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANO L. P.; SILVA, EMERSON R.; HAMLEY, IAN W.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Amyloid Formation by Short Peptides in the Presence of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Membranes. Langmuir, v. 36, n. 48, p. 14793-14801, . (17/02317-2, 19/20907-7, 18/16092-5, 14/50867-3, 17/27078-0, 18/05888-3)
MELLO, LUCAS R.; AGUIAR, RODRIGO B.; YAMADA, RENATA Y.; MORAES, JANE Z.; HAMLEY, IAN W.; ALVES, WENDEL A.; REZA, MEHEDI; RUOKOLAINEN, JANNE; SILVA, EMERSON R.. Amphipathic design dictates self-assembly, cytotoxicity and cell uptake of arginine-rich surfactant-like peptides. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, v. 8, n. 12, p. 2495-2507, . (15/24018-1, 14/50867-3, 17/02317-2, 16/24409-3)
AMARAL, PAULO H. R.; TORREZ-BAPTISTA, ALVARO D.; DIONISIO, DAWANY; LOPES, THIAGO; MENEGHINI, JULIO R.; MIRANDA, CAETANO R.. A Machine Learning Model for Adsorption Energies of Chemical Species Applied to CO2 Electroreduction. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 169, n. 11, p. 8-pg., . (17/02317-2, 14/22130-6, 14/50279-4, 17/15304-6, 20/15230-5, 22/03716-6)
FOCASSIO, BRUNO; FIUZA, TANNA E. R.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; RODRIGUES, MURILLO H. M.; JUNIOR, JOAO B. SOUZA; LEITE, EDSON R.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; CAPAZ, RODRIGO B.. Stability and Rupture of an Ultrathin Ionic Wire. Physical Review Letters, v. 129, n. 4, p. 6-pg., . (20/06257-7, 13/07296-2, 19/04527-0, 17/02317-2, 17/18139-6)
NASCIMENTO, DIEGO M.; COLOMBARI, FELIPPE M.; FOCASSIO, BRUNO; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; COSTA, CARLOS A. R.; BIFFE, CLEYTON A.; LING, LIU Y.; GOUVEIA, RUBIA F.; STRAUSS, MATHIAS; ROCHA, GEORGE J. M.; et al. How lignin sticks to cellulose-insights from atomic force microscopy enhanced by machine-learning analysis and molecular dynamics simulations. NANOSCALE, v. 14, n. 47, p. 11-pg., . (14/50884-5, 19/04527-0, 20/07794-6, 17/02317-2, 16/04514-7)
SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; PADILHA, ANTONIO C. M.; ACOSTA, CARLOS MERA; COSTA, MARCIO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. From DFT to machine learning: recent approaches to materials science-a review. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 3, p. 46-pg., . (18/11856-7, 18/05565-0, 17/02317-2, 16/14011-2, 17/18139-6)
MELLO, LUCAS R.; HAMLEY, IAN W.; MIRANDA, ANTONIO; ALVES, WENDEL A.; SILVA, EMERSON R.. beta-sheet assembly in amyloidogenic glutamic acid nanostructures: Insights from X-ray scattering and infrared nanospectroscopy. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE, v. 25, n. 6, . (15/24018-1, 14/50867-3, 17/02317-2, 16/24409-3)
BONADIO, A.; DE OLIVEIRA, L. S.; POLO, A. S.; SOUZA, J. A.. Liquid water-induced growth of the 1D morphology of CH3NH3PbI3 hybrid perovskites. CrystEngComm, v. 21, n. 48, p. 7365-7372, . (18/14181-0, 17/02317-2, 18/15682-3)
MCCLURE, JOSHUA P.; BOLTERSDORF, JONATHAN; BAKER, DAVID R.; FARINHA, THOMAS G.; DZURICKY, NICHOLAS; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.; LEITE, MARINA S.. Structure-Property-Performance Relationship of Ultrathin Pd-Au Alloy Catalyst Layers for Low-Temperature Ethanol Oxidation in Alkaline Media. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 11, n. 28, p. 24919-24932, . (16/01343-7, 17/02317-2)
PADILHA, A. C. M.; SOARES, M.; LEITE, E. R.; FAZZIO, A.. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of 2D Hematite. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 123, n. 26, p. 16359-16365, . (17/02317-2, 18/05565-0)
SOARES, MARIO R. S.; COSTA, CARLOS A. R.; LANZONI, EVANDRO M.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; RAMIREZ, CARLOS A. O.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.; LONGO, ELSON; LEITE, EDSON R.. Unraveling the Role of Sn Segregation in the Electronic Transport of Polycrystalline Hematite: Raising the Electronic Conductivity by Lowering the Grain-Boundary Blocking Effect. ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 5, n. 6, . (17/03135-5, 17/02317-2, 13/07296-2)
SABINO, FERNANDO P.; ZUNGER, ALEX; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.. ntrinsic doping limitations in inorganic lead halide perovskite. MATERIALS HORIZONS, v. 9, n. 2, . (17/02317-2, 19/21656-8)
DE OLIVEIRA, LEONARDO S.; SABINO, FERNANDO P.; DE FLORIO, DANIEL Z.; JANOTTI, ANDERSON; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.; SOUZA, JOSE A.. Insulator-Metal Transition in the Nd2CoFeO6 Disordered Double Perovskite. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 41, p. 22733-22742, . (15/24999-2, 18/15682-3, 17/02317-2, 19/21656-8)
PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; SOARES, BRUNA M.; AGUILAR, ANDREA M.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Amyloidogenic model peptides as catalysts for stereoselective aldol reactions. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 9, n. 16, p. 4304-4313, . (14/50867-3, 17/02317-2, 18/05888-3, 15/20446-9)
DAMAS, GIANE B.; MIRANDA, CAETANO R.; SGARBI, RICARDO; PORTELA, JAMES M.; CAMILO, MARIANA R.; LIMA, FABIO H. B.; ARAUJO, C. MOYSES. On the Mechanism of Carbon Dioxide Reduction on Sn-Based Electrodes: Insights into the Role of Oxide Surfaces. CATALYSTS, v. 9, n. 8, . (14/26699-3, 16/13323-0, 13/16930-7, 17/02317-2)
ICIMOTO, MARCELO YUDI; BRITO, ADRIANNE MARLISE MENDES; RAMOS, MARCOS PAULO CYRILLO; OLIVEIRA, VITOR; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI LOURENCO. Increased Stability of Oligopeptidases Immobilized on Gold Nanoparticles. CATALYSTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (19/01487-7, 17/02317-2, 18/09158-0)
ALBANO, LUIZ G. S.; VELLO, TATIANA P.; DE CAMARGO, DAVI H. S.; DA SILVA, RICARDO M. L.; PADILHA, ANTONIO C. M.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; BUFON, CARLOS C. B.. Ambipolar Resistive Switching in an Ultrathin Surface-Supported Metal-Organic Framework Vertical Heterojunction. Nano Letters, v. 20, n. 2, p. 1080-1088, . (17/25553-3, 14/50906-9, 17/02317-2, 16/25346-5, 14/25979-2, 18/05565-0)
PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; EDWARDS-GAYLE, CHARLOTTE J. C.; AGUILAR, ANDREA M.; CASTELLETTO, VALERIA; HAMLEY, IAN W.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Amyloid Peptide Mixtures: Self-Assembly, Hydrogelation, Nematic Ordering, and Catalysts in Aldol Reactions. Langmuir, v. 36, n. 11, p. 2767-2774, . (14/50867-3, 17/02317-2, 18/05888-3, 18/12535-0, 15/20446-9)
SANTOS, HEBERT F.; DOS SANTOS, CAROLINA G.; NASCIMENTO, OTACIRO R.; REIS, ADRIANA K. C. A.; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; DE OLIVEIRA, HUEDER P. M.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Charge separation of photosensitized phenothiazines for applications in catalysis and nanotechnology. DYES AND PIGMENTS, v. 177, . (17/02317-2)
SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO BATISTA; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL RAVANHANI; COLOMBARI, FELIPPE MARIANO; DE FARIAS, MARCELO ALEXANDRE; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; VAN HEEL, MARIN; PORTUGAL, RODRIGO VILLARES; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO. Pair Distribution Function from Electron Diffraction in Cryogenic Electron Microscopy: Revealing Glassy Water Structure. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v. 11, n. 4, p. 1564-1569, . (17/02317-2, 13/07296-2, 17/18139-6, 18/05159-1)
MERCES, LEANDRO; CANDIOTTO, GRAZIANI; MINATOGAU FERRO, LETICIA MARIE; DE BARROS, ANERISE; SANTOS BATISTA, CARLOS VINICIUS; NAWAZ, ALI; RIUL JR, ANTONIO; CAPAZ, RODRIGO B.; BOF BUFON, CARLOS CESAR. Reorganization Energy upon Controlled Intermolecular Charge-Transfer Reactions in Monolithically Integrated Nanodevices. SMALL, v. 17, n. 45, . (14/25979-2, 18/18136-0, 14/50906-9, 19/10188-3, 17/02317-2, 17/21117-4, 19/14949-9)
PETRY, ROMANA; FOCASSIO, BRUNO; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; MARTINEZ, DIEGO STEFANI T.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Conformational analysis of tannic acid: Environment effects in electronic and reactivity properties. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 154, n. 22, . (19/04527-0, 17/02317-2, 17/18139-6, 18/25103-0)
TOFANELLO, ARYANE; BELLETI, ELISANGELA; BRITO, ADRIANNE M. M.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Photodegradation of Ciprofloxacin-Zinc Complexes Produced at the Interface of ZnO and Cu-Doped ZnO Crystals. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 24, n. 6, . (17/02317-2)
DOGNINI, PAOLO; COXON, CHRISTOPHER R.; ALVES, WENDEL A.; GIUNTINI, FRANCESCA. Peptide-Tetrapyrrole Supramolecular Self-Assemblies: State of the Art. Molecules, v. 26, n. 3, . (14/50867-3, 17/02317-2)
DE SOUZA MELO, BRUNO MAX; DA SILVA, LUIS G. G. V. DIAS; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY; LEWENKOPF, CAIO. Quantitative comparison of Anderson impurity solvers applied to transport in quantum dots. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 32, n. 9, . (16/01343-7, 16/18495-4, 17/02317-2)
FERRARI, VICTORIA C.; ALVIM, RAPHAEL S.; DE QUEIROZ, THIAGO B.; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Controlling the Activation Energy for Single-Ion Diffusion through a Hybrid Polyelectrolyte Matrix by Manipulating the Central Coordinate Semimetal Atom. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v. 10, n. 24, p. 7684-7689, . (17/02317-2, 13/07296-2)
FREITAS, ANDRE L. M.; TOFANELLO, ARYANE; BONADIO, ARIANY; SOUZA, JOSE A.. Unraveling the effect of mixed charge carrier on the electrical conductivity in MAPbBr(3) perovskite due to ions incorporation. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 33, n. 23, p. 18-pg., . (18/14181-0, 17/02317-2, 18/15682-3, 20/09563-1, 21/11446-6)
SALVADOR, CAMILO A. F.; ZORNIO, BRUNO F.; MIRANDA, CAETANO R.. Discovery of Low-Modulus Ti-Nb-Zr Alloys Based on Machine Learning and First-Principles Calculations. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 12, n. 51, p. 56850-56861, . (17/02317-2)
BRAGA, HELDER M.; FREITAS, ANDRE L. M.; POMAR, CESAR A. D.; SOUZA, JOSE A.. Designing a Multifunctional Magnetic Microtube with Enhanced Conductivity through Local Heterojunction Decoration of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 52, p. 28580-28588, . (20/09563-1, 18/15682-3, 17/02317-2)
HUNVIK, KRISTOFFER W. BO; LOCH, PATRICK; CAVALCANTI, LEIDE P.; SELJELID, KONSTANSE KVALEM; ROREN, PAUL MONCEYRON; RUDIC, SVEMIR; WALLACHER, DIRK; KIRCH, ALEXSANDRO; KNUDSEN, KENNETH DAHL; MIRANDA, CAETANO RODRIGUES; et al. CO2 Capture by Nickel Hydroxide Interstratified in the Nanolayered Space of a Synthetic Clay Mineral. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 48, p. 26222-26231, . (17/02317-2)
DUDAL, DAVID; MATUSALEM, FILIPE; MIZHER, ANA JULIA; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY; VILLAVICENCIO, CRISTIAN. Half-integer anomalous currents in 2D materials from a QFT viewpoint. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (17/02317-2, 20/06896-0, 16/01343-7, 16/12705-7)
DE PAULA, V. G.; DIAZ POMAR, C.; PADILHA, A. C. M.; SOUZA, J. A.. Magnetic ordering contribution on diffusion process forming hollow materials. Solid State Ionics, v. 339, . (16/09769-3, 17/02317-2, 11/19924-2, 18/15682-3)
LIBERATO, MICHELLE S.; MANCINI, RODRIGO S. N.; FACTORI, IRINA M.; FERREIRA, FABIO F.; DE OLIVEIRA, VIVIAN L.; CARNIELLI, JULIANA B. T.; GUHA, SUCHISMITA; PERONI, LUIS A.; OLIVEIRA, MARCONE A. L.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Peptide-Based Assemblies on Electrospun Polyamide-6/Chitosan Nanofibers for Detecting Visceral Leishmaniasis Antibodies. ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 1, n. 10, p. 2086-2095, . (14/50867-3, 17/02317-2, 16/50188-4)
LIMA, MATHEUS P.; MIWA, R. H.; FAZZIO, A.. The role played by the molecular geometry on the electronic transport through nanometric organic films. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 21, n. 44, p. 24584-24591, . (17/02317-2)
SILVESTRE, G. H.; DE LIMA, F. CRASTO; BERNARDES, J. S.; FAZZIO, A.; MIWA, R. H.. Nanoscale structural and electronic properties of cellulose/graphene interfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 25, n. 2, p. 8-pg., . (17/02317-2, 16/04514-7)
SOBRINHO, LUIZA F.; NASCIMENTO, OTACIRO R.; ICIMOTO, MARCELO Y.; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; DROPPA, ROOSEVELT; NANTES, ISELI L.. Oligomerization of photochemically oxidized phenothiazine by nanostructured alpha-Fe2O3. Polymer International, v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2)
SOMBRIO, G.; ZHANG, Z.; BONADIO, A.; DE OLIVEIRA, L. S.; DE QUEIROZ, T. B.; FERREIRA, F. F.; JANOTTI, A.; SOUZA, J. A.. Charge Transport in MAPbI(3) Pellets across the Tetragonal-to-Cubic Phase Transition: The Role of Grain Boundaries from Structural, Electrical, and Optical Characterizations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 20, p. 10793-10803, . (19/01785-8, 17/02317-2, 18/15682-3)
PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; EDWARDS-GAYLE, CHARLOTTE J. C.; AGUILAR, ANDREA M.; KAUR, AMANPREET; HAMLEY, IAN W.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Polymorphism of asymmetric catalysts based on amphiphilic lipopeptides in solution. SOFT MATTER, v. 16, n. 19, p. 4615-4624, . (14/50867-3, 15/20446-9, 18/12535-0, 17/02317-2)
FERRARI, VICTORIA C.; DUPIM, IVALDETE S.; SOUSA, VINICIUS; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Photoactive multilayer WO3 electrode synthesized via dip-coating. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 18, p. 22983-22990, . (17/02317-2, 13/07296-2)
PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; GATTO, EMANUELA; VENANZI, MARIANO; CAVALIERI, FRANCESCA; OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANO L. P.; MARTINHO, HERCULANO; SILVA, EMERSON R.; AGUILAR, ANDREA M.; SOUZA, JULIANA S.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Hybrid Conjugates Formed between Gold Nanoparticles and an Amyloidogenic Diphenylalanine-Cysteine Peptide. CHEMISTRYSELECT, v. 3, n. 24, p. 6756-6765, . (15/24018-1, 15/20446-9, 17/02317-2, 16/24409-3, 14/50867-3)
RIGO, VAGNER A.; MIRANDA, CAETANO R.; BALETTO, FRANCESCA. Ethanol chemisorption on core-shell Pt-nanoparticles: an ab initio study. European Physical Journal B, v. 92, n. 2, . (17/02317-2)
GOMES-FILHO, MARCIO S.; TORRES, ALBERTO; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY; PEDROZA, LUANA S.. Size and Quality of Quantum Mechanical Data Set for Training Neural Network Force Fields for Liquid Water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 127, n. 6, p. 7-pg., . (17/10292-0, 20/09011-9, 16/01343-7, 17/02317-2)
SABINO, FERNANDO P.; CHATRATIN, INTUON; JANOTTI, ANDERSON; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.. Hole conductivity through a defect band in ZnGa2O4. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (17/02317-2, 19/21656-8)
CATURELLO, NAIDEL A. M. S.; SABINO, FERNANDO P.; SOUZA, JOSE A.; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.. Pressure-Induced Stabilization of Sodium Halide Perovskites. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 126, n. 8, p. 7-pg., . (19/21656-8, 18/15682-3, 17/02317-2, 20/11560-0)
WATANABE, YASMIN; CAPAZ, RODRIGO B.; SIMAO, RENATA A.. Surface characterization using Friction Force Microscopy and the Jarzynski equality. Applied Surface Science, v. 607, p. 7-pg., . (17/02317-2)
PORTUGAL, GUILHERME RIBEIRO; ARANTES, JEVERSON TEODORO. Strain modulation of TaO4 planarity in tantalates ultrathin films: surface states engineering. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (17/02317-2)
PAULIN, JOAO V.; ALBANO, LUIZ G. S.; CAMARGO, DAVI H. S.; PEREIRA, MARIANE P.; BREGADIOLLI, BRUNA A.; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.; BUFON, CARLOS C. B.. Eumelanin-based multisensory platform: A case of study for photolithographic patterning. APPLIED MATERIALS TODAY, v. 28, p. 9-pg., . (20/15869-6, 17/07627-0, 14/25979-2, 17/02317-2, 17/25553-3)
MENEZES, LUCIVALDO R.; ARAUJO-CHAVES, JULIANA C.; LOPES, DAVID M.; BRONZATO, JULIA D.; SOMBRIO, GUILHERME; CRIADO, DENISE; ZUNIGA, ALEJANDRO; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; SOUZA, JOSE A.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Effect of the protein structure and heme iron coordination sphere on the long-range electron transfer from hematite and zinc oxide nanostructures to cytochrome c. International Journal of Nanotechnology, v. 17, n. 1, SI, p. 42-56, . (17/02317-2)
SOUZA, JR., JOAO B.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.; VAYSSIERES, LIONEL; VARGHESE, OOMMAN K.. On the relevance of understanding and controlling the locations of dopants in hematite photoanodes for low-cost water splitting. Applied Physics Letters, v. 119, n. 20, . (17/02317-2, 17/11986-5)
DA SILVA, GABRIELA H.; FRANQUI, LIDIANE S.; PETRY, ROMANA; MAIA, MARCELLA T.; FONSECA, LEANDRO C.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; ALVES, OSWALDO L.; MARTINEZ, DIEGO STEFANI T.. Recent Advances in Immunosafety and Nanoinformatics of Two-Dimensional Materials Applied to Nano-imaging. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, v. 12, . (18/25103-0, 17/02317-2, 14/50906-9)
DE LIMA, FELIPE C.; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO B.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.; DESTRO, FABRICIO B.; MIWA, ROBERTO H.; LEITE, EDSON R.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Unveiling the dopant segregation effect at hematite interfaces. Applied Physics Letters, v. 118, n. 20, . (18/05159-1, 17/02317-2, 17/18139-6, 19/20857-0, 13/07296-2)
MARTINS-NASCIMENTO, LILIAN S.; BRITO, ADRIANNE M. M.; BRONZATO, JULIA D.; OLIVEIRA, MARTHA T.; COSTA, SILGIA A.; COSTA, SIRLENE M.; NASCIMENTO, OTACIRO R.; NANTES, ISELI L.. Virucidal action of photogenerated pink phenothiazine radical cation impregnated in cotton fabric and polypropylene face mask. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 445, p. 10-pg., . (17/02317-2)
MORISHITA, GUSTAVO M.; RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; CASTRO, RICARDO H. R.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Hafnium boosts charge carrier dynamics in hematite for improved solar water splitting. Materials Letters, v. 340, p. 4-pg., . (17/02317-2, 17/11986-5, 13/07296-2)
BONADIO, ARIANY; SABINO, FERNANDO P.; FREITAS, ANDRE L. M.; FELEZ, MARISSOL R.; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.; SOUZA, JOSE A.. Comparing the Cubic and Tetragonal Phases of MAPbI3 at Room Temperature. Inorganic Chemistry, v. 62, n. 19, p. 12-pg., . (20/09563-1, 17/02317-2, 21/11446-6, 21/14422-0, 21/10585-2, 18/14181-0, 19/21656-8)
FOCASSIO, BRUNO; DOMINA, MICHELANGELO; PATIL, URVESH; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; SANVITO, STEFANO. Linear Jacobi-Legendre expansion of the charge density for machine learning-accelerated electronic structure calculations. NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS, v. 9, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (19/04527-0, 17/02317-2, 21/12204-6)
GALHARDO, THALITA S.; BRAGA, ADRIANO H.; ARPINI, BRUNO H.; SZANYI, JANOS; GONCALVES, V, RENATO; ZORNIO, BRUNO F.; MIRANDA, CAETANO R.; ROSSI, LIANE M.. Optimizing Active Sites for High CO Selectivity during CO2 Hydrogenation over Supported Nickel Catalysts. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v. 143, n. 11, p. 4268-4280, . (17/24348-7, 17/02317-2, 14/50279-4)
COSTA, MARCIO; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; MERA ACOSTA, CARLOS; PADILHA, ANTONIO C. M.; CERASOLI, FRANK; BUONGIORNO NARDELLI, MARCO; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Discovery of higher-order topological insulators using the spin Hall conductivity as a topology signature. NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS, v. 7, n. 1, . (17/02317-2, 16/14011-2, 17/18139-6, 18/11856-7, 18/05565-0)
GERBELLI, BARBARA B.; FILHO, PEDRO L. O.; CORTEZ, BRUNA; SODRE, PEDRO T.; COUTINHO-NETO, MAURICIO D.; HAMLEY, IAN W.; SEITSONEN, JANI; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Interaction between glyphosate pesticide and amphiphilic peptides for colorimetric analysis. NANOSCALE ADVANCES, v. 4, n. 17, p. 8-pg., . (14/50867-3, 17/02317-2, 20/13204-7, 18/05888-3, 19/12301-1, 20/02192-8)
MANCINI, RODRIGO S. N.; SABAINE, AMANDA E.; CASTRO, CARLOS E.; CARNIELLI, JULIANA B. T.; DIETZE, REYNALDO; DE OLIVEIRA, VIVIAN L.; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; KUBOTA, LAURO T.; MAMIAN-LOPEZ, MONICA B.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Development and Validation of a SERS-Based Serological Test Combined with PLS-DA Method for Leishmaniasis Detection. ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 8, p. 10-pg., . (14/50867-3, 16/21070-5, 17/02317-2)
MENEZES, LUCIVALDO R.; LOPES, DAVID M.; BRONZATO, JULIA D.; SOMBRIO, GUILHERME; CRIADO, DENISE; ZUNIGA, ALEJANDRO; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; SOUZA, JOSE A.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.; IEEE. Photo-induced Electron Transfer from Hematite and Zinc Oxide Nanostructures to Cytochrome C: Systems Applicable to Spintronics. 2019 IEEE 9TH INTERNATIONAL NANOELECTRONICS CONFERENCES (INEC), v. N/A, p. 8-pg., . (17/02317-2)
NUNEZ, FREDDY A.; CASTRO, ANA C. H.; DAHER, ISABELA P.; CUNHA-NETO, EDECIO; KALIL, JORGE; BOSCARDIN, SILVIA B.; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; DE OLIVEIRA, VIVIAN L.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. ZnO-Based Electrochemical Immunosensor to Assess Vaccine-Induced Antibody-Mediated Immunity against Wild-Type and Gamma SARS-CoV-2 Strains. BIOSENSORS-BASEL, v. 13, n. 3, p. 14-pg., . (17/02317-2, 14/50867-3)
ACOSTA, CARLOS MERA; OGOSHI, ELTON; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.; ZUNGER, ALEX. The Rashba Scale: Emergence of Band Anti-crossing as a Design Principle for Materials with Large Rashba Coefficient. MATTER, v. 3, n. 1, p. 145-165, . (17/02317-2, 18/11641-0, 18/11856-7)
NASCIMENTO, GABRIEL M.; OGOSHI, ELTON; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; ACOSTA, CARLOS MERA; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.. High-throughput inverse design and Bayesian optimization of functionalities: spin splitting in two-dimensional compounds. SCIENTIFIC DATA, v. 9, n. 1, p. 18-pg., . (17/02317-2, 19/04176-2, 18/11856-7, 18/11641-0)
BEDIN, KAREN C.; RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; PEREGRINO, LIZANDRA R. P.; VAYSSIERES, LIONEL; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. On electron loss lowering at hematite photoelectrode interfaces. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (17/02317-2, 17/11986-5, 13/07296-2, 21/07459-5)
VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Near-Infrared Optical Response and Carrier Dynamics for High Photoconversion in Tellurene. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 126, n. 14, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
DA SILVA, RICARDO M. L.; ALBANO, LUIZ G. S.; VELLO, TATIANA P.; DE ARAUJO, WAGNER W. R.; DE CAMARGO, DAVI H. S.; PALERMO, LEIRSON D.; CORREA, CATIA C.; WOELL, CHRISTOF; BUFON, CARLOS C. B.. Surface-Supported Metal-Organic Framework as Low-Dielectric-Constant Thin Films for Novel Hybrid Electronics. ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (16/25346-5, 14/25979-2, 17/02317-2, 17/25553-3, 14/50906-9)
BELLETI, ELISANGELA; BEVILAQUA, VANESSA R.; BRITO, ADRIANNE M. M.; MODESTO, DIEGO A.; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; VIVIANI, VADIM R.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Synthesis of bioluminescent gold nanoparticle-luciferase hybrid systems for technological applications. PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, v. 20, n. 11, . (10/05426-8, 17/02317-2, 15/17688-0)
ARPINI, BRUNO H.; BRAGA, ADRIANO H.; BORGES, LAIS R.; VIDINHA, PEDRO; GONCALVES, RENATO, V; SZANYI, JANOS; ROSSI, LIANE M.. Tuning CO2 Hydrogenation Selectivity by N-Doped Carbon Coating over Nickel Nanoparticles Supported on SiO2. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. 10, n. 7, p. 12-pg., . (14/50279-4, 17/02317-2)
RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; MOURINO, BEATRIZ; FREITAS, ANDRE L. M.; COSTA, CARLOS A. R.; PIRES, ELCIO L.; GONCALVES, RENATO, V; VAYSSIERES, LIONEL; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. On the Effect of Thermal Processing on Sn Diffusion and Efficiency Enhancement in Hematite/FTO Photoanodes. ECS JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 11, n. 4, p. 8-pg., . (19/06654-9, 17/11986-5, 17/11986-5, 17/02317-2, 13/07296-2)
CASTRO, ANA C. H.; BEZERRA, ITALO R. S.; PASCON, ALINE M.; DA SILVA, GABRIELA H.; PHILOT, ERIC A.; DE OLIVEIRA, VIVIAN L.; MANCINI, RODRIGO S. N.; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; CASTRO, CARLOS E.; DE CARVALHO, LUCIANI R. S.; et al. Modular Label-Free Electrochemical Biosensor Loading Nature-Inspired Peptide toward the Widespread Use of COVID-19 Antibody Tests. ACS NANO, v. 16, n. 9, p. 15-pg., . (17/02317-2, 19/19939-1, 14/50867-3, 20/05761-3)
NUNEZ, FREDDY A.; CASTRO, ANA C. H.; DE OLIVEIRA, VIVIAN L.; LIMA, ARIANE C.; OLIVEIRA, JAMILLE R.; DE MEDEIROS, GIULIANA X.; SASAHARA, GREYCE L.; SANTOS, KEITY S.; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE J. C.; ALVES, WENDEL A.. Electrochemical Immunosensors Based on Zinc Oxide Nanorods for Detection of Antibodies Against SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein in Convalescent and Vaccinated Individuals. ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, v. 9, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (17/02317-2, 14/50867-3)
CASTELLETTO, VALERIA; EDWARDS-GAYLE, CHARLOTTE J. C.; HAMLEY, IAN W.; PELIN, JULIANE N. B. D.; ALVES, WENDEL A.; AGUILAR, ANDREA M.; SEITSONEN, JANI; RUOKOLAINEN, JANNE. Self-Assembly of a Catalytically Active Lipopeptide and Its Incorporation into Cubosomes. ACS APPLIED BIO MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 8, p. 9-pg., . (15/24018-1, 17/02317-2, 15/20446-9, 14/50867-3)
DE LIMA, F. CRASTO; FOCASSIO, B.; MIWA, R. H.; FAZZIO, A.. Topological insulating phase arising in transition metal dichalcogenide alloy. 2D MATERIALS, v. 10, n. 3, p. 8-pg., . (17/02317-2, 19/04527-0, 19/20857-0)
ACOSTA, CARLOS MERA; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.; ZUNGER, ALEX. Inverse design of compounds that have simultaneously ferroelectric and Rashba cofunctionality. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 14, p. 16-pg., . (17/02317-2, 18/11856-7)
DE LIMA, F. CRASTO; MIWA, R. H.; FAZZIO, A.. Jacutingaite-family: A class of topological materials. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 23, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2, 19/20857-0)
MUKIM, S.; AMORIM, F. P.; ROCHA, A. R.; MUNIZ, R. B.; LEWENKOPF, C.; FERREIRA, M. S.. Disorder information from conductance: A quantum inverse problem. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 7, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7, 17/10292-0)
SILVESTRE, GUSTAVO H.; PINTO, LIDIANE O.; BERNARDES, JULIANA S.; MIWA, ROBERTO H.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO. Disassembly of TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Fibers: Intersheet and Interchain Interactions in the Isolation of Nanofibers and Unitary Chains. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 125, n. 14, p. 8-pg., . (17/02317-2, 16/04514-7)
MENEZES, LUCIVALDO R.; SOMBRIO, GUILHERME; COSTA, CLAUDIA A.; BRONZATO, JULIA D.; RODRIGUES, TIAGO; SOUZA, JOSE A.; NANTES-CARDOSO, ISELI L.. Nanostructured Hematite Decorated with Gold Nanoparticles for Functionalization and Biocompatibility. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 217, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (19/01425-1, 17/02317-2, 19/01785-8)
FREITAS, ANDRE L. M.; SOUZA, JOSE A.. Water-induced dimensionality conversion from 3D perovskites to microwires and 2D hybrid halide perovskites. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 11, n. 20, p. 11-pg., . (20/09563-1, 17/02317-2, 21/11446-6)
COSTA, MARCIO; FOCASSIO, BRUNO; CANONICO, LUIS M.; CYSNE, TARIK P.; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; MUNIZ, R. B.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; RAPPOPORT, TATIANA G.. Connecting Higher-Order Topology with the Orbital Hall Effect in Monolayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides. Physical Review Letters, v. 130, n. 11, p. 7-pg., . (19/04527-0, 17/02317-2)
DE MIRANDA, ERICA G. A.; TOLEDO, VICTOR H.; DOS SANTOS, CAROLINA G.; COSTA, FANNY; DIAZ-LOPEZ, MARIA; DE QUEIROZ, THIAGO B.; NASCIMENTO, OTACIRO R.; NANTES, ISELI L.. Organic matrix-entrapped methylene blue as a photochemical reactor applied in chemical synthesis and nanotechnology. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 444, p. 14-pg., . (17/02317-2, 19/26919-7)
ACOSTA, CARLOS MERA; OGOSHI, ELTON; SOUZA, JOSE ANTONIO; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.. Machine Learning Study of the Magnetic Ordering in 2D Materials. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 14, n. 7, p. 15-pg., . (18/11856-7, 18/11641-0, 17/02317-2)

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