Research Grants 17/11334-8 - Alimentos infantis, Contaminação de alimentos - BV FAPESP
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Study of the total content and bioaccessibility of aluminum in baby foods


Aluminum is the third element in abundance in the Earth's crust (8%) and the first among metals. It can be found in medicines, beverages and food, as a result of its natural occurrence in the environment, contamination by industrial sources, or due to its wide use as food additives. Recent works have reported the presence of aluminum in infant foods and reveal that when ingested it can accumulate in the intestinal mucosa. Due to this possibility of contamination, in vitro bioavailability tests of aluminum present in infant foods will be carried out to evaluate the soluble fraction of this inorganic contaminant in the gastrointestinal tract. The intake of this contaminant through the diet will also be evaluated in order to verify the safety of commercially available infant foods. Aluminum concentrations will be determined using the inductively coupled plasma source atomic emission spectrometry (ICP OES) technique and bioavailability assays based on membrane dialysis methods. This study is the first one to be conducted in the country and is of great importance to public health since aluminum has a cumulative potential and can be toxic to newborns and children. (AU)

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Scientific publications (9)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DE PAIVA, ESTHER LIMA; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO; ARISSETO-BRAGOTTO, ADRIANA PAVESI. Occurrence and determination of inorganic contaminants in baby food and infant formula. CURRENT OPINION IN FOOD SCIENCE, v. 30, p. 60-66, . (17/11334-8)
DE PAIVA, ESTHER LIMA; MEDEIROS, CAMILA; MILANI, RAQUEL FERNANDA; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO; LIMA PALLONE, JULIANA AZEVEDO; ARISSETO-BRAGOTTO, ADRIANA PAVESI. Aluminum content and effect of in vitro digestion on bioaccessible fraction in cereal-based baby foods. Food Research International, v. 131, . (17/11334-8)
ANDREKOWISK FIORAVANTI, MARIA ISABEL; MILANI, RAQUEL FERNANDA; DE PAIVA, ESTHER LIMA; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO. Simple and fast ultrasound-assisted method for mineral content and bioaccessibility study in infant formula by ICP OES. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 12, n. 25, p. 3225-3234, . (17/11334-8)
DE PAIVA, ESTHER LIMA; MEDEIROS, CAMILA; ANDREKOWISK FIORAVANTI, MARIA ISABEL; MILANI, RAQUEL FERNANDA; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO; LIMA PALLONE, JULIANA AZEVEDO; ARISSETO-BRAGOTTO, ADRIANA PAVESI. Aluminium in infant foods: Total content, effect of in vitro digestion on bioaccessible fraction and preliminary exposure assessment. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 90, . (17/11334-8)
MARIA ISABEL ANDREKOWISK FIORAVANTI; MARCELO ANTÔNIO MORGANO. Uma abordagem dos ensaios in vitro para estimar a absorção dos minerais em fórmulas infantis. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, v. 24, . (17/11334-8)
DE PAIVA, ESTHER LIMA; RUTTENS, ANN; WAEGENEERS, NADIA; DU LAING, GIJS; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO; CHEYNS, KARLIEN; ARISSETO-BRAGOTTO, ADRIANA PAVESI. Selenium in selected samples of infant formulas and milk commercialized in Belgium and Brazil: Total content, speciation and estimated intake. Food Research International, v. 164, p. 10-pg., . (17/11334-8)
DE PAIVA, ESTHER LIMA; MILANI, RAQUEL FERNANDA; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO; ARISSETO-BRAGOTTO, ADRIANA PAVESI. Aluminum in infant formulas commercialized in Brazil: Occurrence and exposure assessment. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 82, . (17/11334-8)
ANDREKOWISK FIORAVANTI, MARIA ISABEL; MILANI, RAQUEL FERNANDA; DE PAIVA, ESTHER LIMA; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO. Influence of various ingredients on mineral bioaccessibility in infant formula and whole milk. INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL, v. 110, . (17/11334-8)
PAIVA, ESTHER LIMA DE; LIMA, SANDY GALVANI; WAEGENEERS, NADIA; ANDJELKOVIC, MIRJANA; MARQUES, RENATA ELISA FAUSTINO DE ALMEIDA; MORGANO, MARCELO ANTONIO; ARISSETO-BRAGOTTO, ADRIANA PAVESI. Aluminium intake through the consumption of selected baby foods and risk characterization in a population of Brazilian infants aged 0 to 36 months. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v. 115, p. 11-pg., . (17/11334-8)

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