Research Grants 17/08123-5 - Microbiologia de alimentos, Agentes microbianos - BV FAPESP
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Bioproduction of antimicrobials, proteases and symbiotic products of food industry concern


The Visiting Researcher (VR) belongs to the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering of Genoa University (UNIGE), is currently one of 2 vice-coordinators of the homonymous PhD and coordinates the research group of Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology of UNIGE. He collaborates with the Post-Graduation Program of Biochemical Pharmaceutical Technology (PPG/TBF) since 1998 and is the UNIGE teacher responsible for the International Academic Agreement for Double PhD Degree, through which 10 PhD students of the two institutions already obtained the double degree, while an additional USP student ended his one year-stage at UNIGE and will defend his thesis on August. The brilliant results so far achieved, proven by the joint scientific production (52 papers published in international journals since 2012), have enabled both PhD programs to reach levels of international excellence, which are reflected in very positive judgments by the respective evaluation bodies. Precisely thanks to this intense activity, additional interactions recently emerged between research groups of the two programs that were not initially involved in the interchange, which now would require a new impetus to strive even higher levels of quality. Hence, the idea to propose a project to reinforce collaboration activities between the two institutions, which would not be limited to a specific subject, but would involve as much as possible the different research groups working in the field of biotechnology. Therefore, the 5 research subprojects, 4 of which funded by FAPESP, mostly related to these objectives, were selected for active PV collaboration in their implementation as well as preparation and publication of results, through a 54 day-stage at USP starting on July 30th 2017. These subprojects are: 1) "Biotechnological production and application of antimicrobial biomolecules by Lactobacillus plantarum grown in whey", 2) "Biotechnological production of pediocin: Optimization of yield and biological effects on cells of the immune system" and 5) "Biotechnological production and evaluation of properties of biosurfactants produced by Lactococcus lactis CECT-4434 from agroindustrial residues" (coordinated by me, Prof. Ricardo Pinheiro de Souza Oliveira, 3) double degree PhD project: "Synbiotic aerated dessert: development of diet product and assessment of the effects of ingestion on patients with metabolic syndrome" (coordinated by Prof. Susana Marta Isay Saad), 4) "Purification of proteolytic enzymes released by the psychrotrophic yeast Rhodoturola mucilaginosa by PEG/NAPA two-aqueous phase systems and chromatographic processes" (coordinated by prof. Adalberto Pessoa Jr.). It is planned, in addition to research-activities, the VR participation to the international evaluation commissions of one student engaged in subproject 3. During this period, the VR will focus exclusively on these research activities, except for a brief course (15 h) and 2 seminaries. Previous experience indicates that at least two other students of the two institutions will be approved during the VR visit at USP to make their double PhD stage, one of which of another PhD Program. The VR has actively participated in the preparation of all proposed subprojects. Given these results, during the term of this project at least 3 articles will be drawn up, as well as new directions of the chosen projects will be highlighted. Finally, two new Double Degree Agreements will be submitted in the areas of Pharmacy and Engineering. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
DE SOUZA DE AZEVEDO, PAMELA OLIVEIRA; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; GIERUS, MARTIN; DE SOUZA OLIVEIRA, RICARDO PINHEIRO. Application of nisin as biopreservative of pork meat by dipping and spraying methods. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 50, n. 2, p. 523-526, . (17/08123-5, 16/06284-9)
MEDEIROS DE BRITO, ANNA EMMANUELA; PESSOA, JR., ADALBERTO; CONVERTI, ATTILIO; RANGEL-YAGUI, CARLOTA DE OLIVEIRA; DA SILVA, JOSE ALEXSANDRO; APOLINARIO, ALEXSANDRA CONCEICAO. Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanospheres allow for high L-asparaginase encapsulation yield and activity. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 98, p. 524-534, . (13/08617-7, 14/10456-4, 17/08123-5)

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