Research Grants 16/26171-4 - Saúde pública, Epidemiologia - BV FAPESP
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Evaluate of health literacy in an adult cohort in Piracicaba - SP


Health Literacy (LS) is the ability to obtain health information and make informed knowledge based decisions. Systematic reviews of literacy have found evidence of the association between low literacy and worse health indicators, but little is known about the instruments for measuring health literacy. Currently, the Health Literacy Scale (HLS-14) is the first health literacy tool that measures three dimensions: functional literacy, critical literacy, and communicative literacy. The objective of the present study is to evaluate health literacy and to analyze the validity of the instrument used for this measurement. This study is part of the Piracicaba-SP adult cohort conducted by the School of Dentistry of Piracicaba-UNICAMP. In 2015 (n = 143) oral clinical exams and interviews were conducted to obtain demographic, socioeconomic and LS data through the Health Literacy Scale (HLS-14) (Suka et al., 2013). The HLS-14 is the first instrument that measures LS in three dimensions: functional, critical and communicative. The study will be divided into two stages. In the first stage, the cohort data will be used to determine the Oral Health Clinical Profiles (PCSB) of the study population (2015), such as: use of prosthesis (partial, total or fixed), decayed teeth, periodontal disease, among others. From the PCSB, illustrative materials (photographs and oral health self-care recommendations) will be created for each profile found. The second step will be a new data collection with the same individuals followed in the cohort, to be reapplied the HLS-14 instrument and then verify by means of validation methods the three dimensions of LS: for functional literacy, reading ability will be Measured through the dipyrone soma leaflet, for communicative literacy, comprehension ability will be evaluated with the use of diclofenac sodium prescription and critical literacy will be evaluated in two aspects: one through the identification by photograph of the oral health conditions that more resembles its own condition and if it understands the recommendations for the selected oral conditions. These three dimensions will be assessed by completing a supplementary questionnaire developed by the group that helps the evaluator fill out the HLS-14 in their perception of the volunteer's performance. The data are grouped in a database and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software version 20.0. The health literacy assessed will be dichotomized into two groups (high and low literacy) taking into account a median. There will be a descriptive analysis, obtaining a median and quarantine for the total score and a score for three dimensions of the instrument in 2015 and 2017. It will also be used a score for each dimension evaluated by the researcher. An internal consistency of the HLS-14 will be tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficient for dimensions and for the entire instrument. The test-retest reliability will be evaluated by the intraclass correlation coefficient for dimensions, and for the total, comparing with the filling of the voluntary instrument in two moments (2015 and 2017). For purposes of evaluation, the calculations are as correlations of agreement between the instrument and the results obtained in the assessment of each literacy dimension refer to the data completed in 2017. Literacy proposes to measure. The level of significance was adopted 5%. It is expected that the HLS-14B instrument will validate a health literacy of individuals. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
PEREZ PUELLO, STHEFANIE DEL CARMEN; SILVA-JUNIOR, MANOELITO FERREIRA; DE SOUSA, MARIA DA LUZ ROSARIO; BATISTA, MARILIA JESUS. Criterion validity of 14-item Health Literacy Scale (HLS-14) questionnaire in Brazilian adults and older people. HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL, v. 37, n. 5, p. 13-pg., . (16/26171-4)
MANOELITO FERREIRA SILVA-JUNIOR; MARIA JOSÉ DUARTE OSIS; MARIA DA LUZ ROSÁRIO DE SOUSA; MARÍLIA JESUS BATISTA. Percepção de adultos e idosos sobre os seus comportamentos e sua condição de saúde bucal segundo o seu nível de literacia em saúde. Cad. saúde colet., v. 31, n. 2, . (11/00545-1, 16/26171-4, 14/15184-2, 09/16560-0)
SILVA-JUNIOR, MANOELITO FERREIRA; ROSARIO DE SOUSA, MARIA DA LUZ; BATISTA, MARILIA JESUS. Health literacy on oral health practice and condition in an adult and elderly population. HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL, v. 36, n. 4, p. 933-942, . (11/00545-1, 14/15184-2, 16/26171-4, 09/16560-0)

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