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Characterization of gene expression profiles in children and adolescents at risk for mental disorders

Grant number: 17/05339-7
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: September 01, 2017 - February 29, 2020
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Medicine - Psychiatry
Principal Investigator:Vanessa Kiyomi Ota Kuniyoshi
Grantee:Vanessa Kiyomi Ota Kuniyoshi
Host Institution: Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM). Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Campus São Paulo. São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Ary Gadelha de Alencar Araripe Neto ; Giovanni Abrahão Salum Júnior ; Marcos Leite Santoro ; Rodrigo Affonseca Bressan ; Síntia Iole Nogueira Belangero


Neuropsychiatric disorders are the main cause of years lost because of disability in the worldwide young people. Many of these disorders present a high heritability, suggeting that the genome contains a large amount of information with a diagnosis potential. However, polygenic nature of these diseases, added to the influence of environmental factors makes it difficult to explore this information. Mental disorders and early environmental factors (such as neglect and abuse) appear to alter the expression of certain genes, as well as genetic variants. The aim of this study is to identify gene expression changes in blood of children and adolescents at risk for mental disorders after a 3 year folow-up. For this we will select 120 children/adolescents from the INPD cohort that have the baseline and the 3-year follow-up data, and we expect to divide them into four groups, based on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): 1) subjects without psychopathology in the baseline, but with symptoms after 3 years (incident group); 2) subjects without psychopathology and that continued to be healthy (control group); 3) subjects with psychopathology in the baseline and that continued with symptoms (persistent group); 4) subjects with psychopatology, but that were healthy after 3 years (remitted group). Blood was collected from all participants and we are currently performing RNA extraction and analyzing the clinical data to try to fit them into these groups to perform gene expression analysis using Illumina HT12 microarrays (which targets more than 47,000 probes). Early environmental factors, such as abuse, will also be correlated with gene expression. We intend to help identify risk factors for mental disorders in order to act in the early prevention and diagnosis. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SPINDOLA, LETICIA M.; SANTORO, MARCOS L.; PAN, PEDRO M.; OTA, VANESSA K.; XAVIER, GABRIELA; CARVALHO, CAROLINA M.; TALARICO, FERNANDA; SLEIMAN, PATRICK; MARCH, MICHAEL; PELLEGRINO, RENATA; et al. Detecting multiple differentially methylated CpG sites and regions related to dimensional psychopathology in youths. CLINICAL EPIGENETICS, v. 11, n. 1, . (16/04983-7, 14/50917-0, 15/10733-0, 16/25374-9, 17/05339-7, 14/07280-1)
HONORATO-MAUER, JESSICA; XAVIER, GABRIELA; OTA, VANESSA KIYOMI; CHEHIMI, SAMAR NASSER; MAFRA, FERNANDA; CUOCO, CASSIA; ITO, LUCAS TOSHIO; ORMOND, RAFAELLA; ASPRINO, PAULA FONTES; OLIVEIRA, ADRIELLE; et al. Alterations in microRNA of extracellular vesicles associated with major depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity and anxiety disorders in adolescents. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY, v. 13, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (17/25016-8, 17/05339-7, 21/09584-1, 08/57896-8, 20/02247-7, 14/50917-0, 21/05332-8, 16/19462-2)
SPINDOLA, LETICIA M.; SANTORO, MARCOS L.; PAN, PEDRO M.; OTA, VANESSA K.; XAVIER, GABRIELA; CARVALHO, CAROLINA M.; TALARICO, FERNANDA; SLEIMAN, PATRICK; MARCH, MICHAEL; PELLEGRINO, RENATA; et al. Detecting multiple differentially methylated CpG sites and regions related to dimensional psychopathology in youths. CLINICAL EPIGENETICS, v. 11, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (15/10733-0, 17/05339-7, 16/04983-7, 14/50917-0, 14/07280-1, 16/25374-9)
OTA, VANESSA KIYOMI; SANTORO, MARCOS LEITE; SPINDOLA, LETICIA MARIA; PAN, PEDRO MARIO; SIMABUCURO, ANDRESSA; XAVIER, GABRIELA; VIEIRA-FONSECA, TAMIRIS; ZANARDO, EVELIN ALINE; CAMARGO DOS SANTOS, FELIPE RODOLFO; SCHAFER, JULIA LUIZA; et al. Gene expression changes associated with trajectories of psychopathology in a longitudinal cohort of children and adolescents. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY, v. 10, n. 1, . (16/04983-7, 08/57896-8, 14/50917-0, 14/07280-1, 17/05339-7)

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