Research Grants 17/14759-0 - Polímeros (materiais), Sensores - BV FAPESP
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Development of organic sensors and photovoltaic devices: work discussions


Organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) and sensors have been the subject of research by the scientific community in recent times. Among the materials used are fullerene derivatives, polyfullerenes (PF), which are a new class of materials with great potential for application in sensors and OPVs. Our laboratory, LabElTec - Laboratório de Eletrofiação e Tecnologia, and the laboratory of Profa. Dr. Clarissa de Almeida Olivati, LOFF - Laboratório de Optoeletrônica e Filmes Finos, has in recent years researched and trained personnel in the area of development and characterization of sensors and OPVs, but we have no experience in the synthesis and theoretical modeling of polymers. The interaction with our collaborators is of fundamental importance to overcome this deficiency, so our research collaborators are the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (France), where we collaborate more specifically with two researchers. Dr. Hiorns and Dr. Didier Bégué, who work with synthesis and theoretical modeling of polymers, respectively. This request for aid is for the visit of Dr. Hiorns to our laboratories. (AU)

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