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A history of the city of São Paulo: entrepreneurship, race and urbanization


The presence of the prominent historian, Brazilianist and Latinamericanist Barbara Weinstein, Silver professor at New York University, USA, in the School of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences of Federal University of São Paulo plays a triple contribution. The first one is a mini-course, entitle A History of the City of São Paulo: entrepreneurship, race and urbanization, to the Graduate Program in History. This five-day mini-course will systematize the two books published by Weinstein, focusing the city of São Paulo, namely: For Social Peace in Brazil: industrialists and the remaking of the working class in São Paulo, 1920-1964 and The Color of Modernity: São Paulo and the making of race and nation in Brazil. The course will be teach in Portuguese, language that Weinstein dominates. It will take place from September 18 to 22 at EFLCH-UNIFESP. The initiative is the result of the activities of the Graduate Program in History and the Research Groups CAPPH - City, Architecture and Preservation in Historical Perspective (coordinated by Prof. Dr. Fernando Atique and Dr. Manoela R. Rufinoni) and HIMACO - History , Maps and Computers (coordinated by Prof. Dr. Luis Ferla and Dr. Janes Jorge, and of which Fernando Atique is a researcher). The mini-course celebrates also the 10th anniversary of operation of the EFLCH, and the five years of installation of the Graduate Program in History. The second contribution is the possibility of receiving from Barbara Weinstein theoretical collaboration for the development of Pauliceia 2.0: a space-time platform for Digital Humanities, under development within the HIMACO group, under a Regular E-Science Grant which Luís Ferla is a beneficiary, and Fernando Atique is an associate researcher. This project, developed in partnership with the Space Research Institute (INPE) and the Public Archive of the State of São Paulo (APESP), and Emory University of Atlanta, USA, has found great receptivity in the national academic environment and in the international, also. Weinstein's contribution to this project is to create new possibilities for approaching questions that are inserted in the history of the city of São Paulo in the temporal framework of the proposal (1870-1940), also allowing a maturation of the discussions about historiography about São Paulo in the USA, helping, in a double way, the dissemination of the project in that country. Thirdly, there is a chance to receive comments and an effective contribution from Professor Weinstein to three research groups: CAPPH, HIMACO, and LAPHA - Research Laboratory of History of America (coordinated by Prof. Dr. Mariana M. Villaça And Dr. José Carlos Vilardaga), at UNIFESP, and also at the LEHA - Laboratory of History Studies in the Americas - coordinated by Profa. Dr. Gabriela Pellegrino Soares, headquartered at USP, and who is a partner to this proposal. (AU)

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