Research Grants 17/06254-5 - Literatura francesa, Literatura brasileira - BV FAPESP
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Literature and Catholicism in the 20th century: three studies


This project has as its main goal to deepen the study of the relationship between French and Brazilian literature and Catholicism in the XX century. In this stage, it is divided into three main paths, two of them partially covered. The first one comprises the study of two important Catholic critics for the modernist panorama: Alceu Amoroso Lima and Álvaro Lins. The first contact of this cross-reading will go through the criticism both of them devoted to Machado de Assis between the 1930s and 1940s and by their reception of French authors such as André Gide, Jacques Maritain and Georges Bernanos. The second path will try to encompass the reading of some poets of the 1930s generation in their relation to the notion of "pure poetry" in Henri Brémond, starting from the study of Guilherme de Almeida. The third, finally, intends to deepen the dialogue between the poets Murilo Mendes and Pierre Jean Jouve. (AU)

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