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Product development with bioactive promoting corn and voluntary control weeds resistant glyphosate

Grant number: 16/08420-7
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Innovative Research in Small Business - PIPE
Duration: May 01, 2017 - January 31, 2018
Field of knowledge:Agronomical Sciences - Agronomy - Crop Science
Principal Investigator:Dana Katia Meschede
Grantee:Dana Katia Meschede
Host Company:Dana Agro Science Ltda
City: Tarumã
Associated researchers: Juliana Cristiani Molina
Associated scholarship(s):17/17297-7 - Development of an adjuvant that potentiates D glyphosate and controls volunteer corn and resistant weed plants, BP.PIPE


The problem with resistant weeds and maize volunteers has been accentuated in recent years due to the implantation of genetically modified, specifically RR technology (Roundap Ready) which has caused a drastic reduction in crop yield, increasing the cost of production and environmental impact the abusive use of herbicides in the environment. Current data show that the losses, depending on the infestation, can reach more than 90%, and in the last five years the losses with interference of resistant weeds, even using the methods of control, accounted for more than 20% of losses harvest of soybeans and corn. They are scarce the mechanism of action for the control of resistant weeds, in addition to the problem of heavy use of pesticides in the environment, studies of alternative control is necessary. Thus, the project in question has as main objective to study and develop procedures to increase control of percentage of weeds resistant to glyphosate, and RR volunteer corn, with application of bioactive with low environmental impact and selectivity for culture Soy. To increase this percentage will be prioritized control foliar application of bio assets, methyl salicylate, and salicylic acid. These products is effectively a flag hormone plant defense system to abiotic stress in high concentrations promote oxidative stress that can lead to cell death, and applied postemergence in weed can promote the control of weeds without harming the environment. The study and use of procedures will allow the control of resistant weeds that compete directly with crops reducing their productivity and can be applied within the main culture without phytotoxic effect, allowing the simplification and uses to control for different species of weeds. The project also has high potential to generate patents for new uses developed and procedures, as well as having great potential for use with selectivity for different cultures. (AU)

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