Research Grants 16/23976-1 - Refrigeração, Interação fluido-estrutura - BV FAPESP
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Computational simulation of fluid structure interaction flows


In order to solve the flow through refrigeration compressor valves and cerebral aneurysms we have to model the fluid structure interaction phenomenon to better represent the real problem. The numerical solution of these problems requires high computational capacity because it demands very refined spatial and temporal meshes. Currently, using the available computers in our computational simulation laboratory, the computational time to run a typical teste case is from one to three weeks, which is a large running time. Adding to that the need we have to refine the meshes, the simulation of these problems using the available computers would increase exponentially. The purpose of this project is to present these two problems that are being solved by the research group - using the open-source program OpenFOAM - in order to justify the need of improving the computational capacity of the laboratory. We are requiring the acquisition of three workstations for our master and doctorate students develop their research projects. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FERREIRA, RICARDO LOPES; GASCHE, JOSE LUIZ. Effective force area and discharge coefficient for reed type valves: A comprehensive data set from a numerical study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID, v. 103, p. 287-300, . (16/23976-1)

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