Research Grants 16/11470-6 - Corrosão, Biomateriais - BV FAPESP
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Magnetron sputtering deposition of tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) films onto titanium surface for biomedical applications: electrochemical behavior, biocompatibility and microbiologic analysis


This study aims to develop tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) films onto commercially-pure titanium (cp-Ti) surface using magnetron sputtering deposition and to evaluate its electrochemical behavior, biocompatibility and biofilm formation. Cp-Ti discs will be divided into groups: machined (surface I - control) and treated with Ta2O5 films (surface II - experimental). In the electrochemical assay, standard tests such as open circuit potential, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and potentiodynamic tests will be conducted in simulated body fluid solution (pH 7.4) An appropriate electrical circuit will be used to determine the capacitance (Cdl) and polarization resistance (Rp) of the oxide layer. The Tafel's method will be used to ascertain the corrosion current density (Icorr) and corrosion potential (Ecorr). The passivation current density (Ipass) will be the amount of current in the transition between the active and passive region in the polarization curve. Discs' topography will be characterized by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, perfilometry and surface free energy. For biological tests, murine osteoprogenitor cell line (MC3T3E1) will be used. The structure and cell morphology will be evaluated by SEM and fluorescence microscopy. The quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) will be used to check the levels of osteogenic genes expression. MTT assay will be used to assess cell viability. Alizarin test will be performed to identify and quantify the mineral deposits in the cells. The immersion of the samples in body fluid will be conducted to test the bioactivity of the surfaces. For microbiological test, the biofilm composed of Streptococcus sanguinis will formed onto the surface of the discs. The log of colony forming units will be determined (log CFU) and structural biofilm analysis will be performed by SEM. The real-time kinetics of serum protein absorption (albumin, fibrinogen and fibronectin) and S. sanguinis biofilm growth will be determined using Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance. Quantitative data will be submitted to the most appropriate statistical analysis with 5% significance level. The number of specimens for each test will be determined after the pilot study. (AU)

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Scientific publications (15)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SILVA SOUZA, JOAO GABRIEL; BELINE, THAMARA; MATOS, ADAIAS OLIVEIRA; COSTA OLIVEIRA, BARBARA EMANOELE; RICOMINI-FILHO, ANTONIO PEDRO; RICARDO BARAO, VALENTIM ADELINO. Electrochemical behavior of titanium exposed to a biofilm supplemented with different sucrose concentrations. JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY, v. 120, n. 2, p. 290-298, . (15/23118-2, 16/11470-6)
BELINE, THAMARA; DE ALMEIDA, AMANDA B.; AZEVEDO NETO, NILTON F.; MATOS, ADAIAS O.; RICOMINI-FILHO, ANTONIO P.; SUKOTJO, CORTINO; SMEETS, PAUL J. M.; DA SILVA, JOSE H. D.; NOCIT, JR., FRANCISCO H.; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.. 0-Ta 2 O 5 thin film for implant surface modification triggers superior anti- corrosion performance and cytocompatibility of titanium. Applied Surface Science, v. 520, . (16/11470-6, 16/07269-3, 17/18916-2)
DINI, CAROLINE; NAGAY, BRUNA E.; CORDEIRO, JAIRO M.; DA CRUZ, NILSON C.; RANGEL, ELIDIANE C.; RICOMINI-FILHO, ANTONIO P.; DE AVILA, ERICA D.; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.. UV-photofunctionalization of a biomimetic coating for dental implants application. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 110, . (16/11470-6, 17/01320-0)
PANTAROTO, HELOISA N.; RICOMINI-FILHO, ANTONIO P.; BERTOLINI, MARTINNA M.; DIAS DA SILVA, JOSE HUMBERTO; AZEVEDO NETO, NILTON F.; SUKOTJO, CORTINO; RANGEL, ELIDIANE C.; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.. Antibacterial photocatalytic activity of different crystalline TiO2 phases in oral multispecies biofilm. Dental Materials, v. 34, n. 7, p. E182-E195, . (15/17055-8, 16/11470-6)
PANTAROTO, HELOISA NAVARRO; CORDEIRO, JAIRO MATOZINHO; PEREIRA, LUCAS TONIOLO; DE ALMEIDA, AMANDA BANDEIRA; NOCITI JUNIOR, FRANCISCO HUMBERTO; RANGEL, ELIDIANE CIPRIANO; AZEVEDO NETO, NILTON FRANCELOSI; DIAS DA SILVA, JOSE HUMBERTO; RICARDO BARAO, VALENTIM ADELINO. Sputtered crystalline TiO2 film drives improved surface properties of titanium-based biomedical implants. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 119, . (15/17055-8, 16/11470-6)
CORDEIRO, JAIRO M.; FAVERANI, LEONARDO P.; GRANDINI, CARLOS R.; RANGEL, ELIDIANE C.; DA CRUZ, NILSON C.; NOCITI JUNIOR, FRANCISCO H.; ALMEIDA, AMANDA B.; VICENTE, FABIO B.; MORAIS, BRUNA R. G.; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.; et al. Characterization of chemically treated Ti-Zr system alloys for dental implant application. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 92, p. 849-861, . (13/08451-1, 16/11470-6, 15/03159-6, 13/15545-2, 15/25562-7, 14/23575-1)
CORDEIRO, JAIRO M.; PANTAROTO, HELOISA N.; PASCHOALETO, EMANUELLA M.; RANGEL, ELIDIANE C.; DA CRUZ, NILSON C.; SUKOTJO, CORTINO; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.. Synthesis of biofunctional coating for a TiZr alloy: Surface, electrochemical, and biological characterizations. Applied Surface Science, v. 452, p. 268-278, . (17/01320-0, 16/11470-6)
SOUZA, JOAO GABRIEL SILVA; BERTOLINI, MARTINNA; COSTA, RAPHAEL CAVALCANTE; LIMA, CAROLINA VELOSO; BARAO, VALENTIM ADELINO RICARDO. Proteomic profile of the saliva and plasma protein layer adsorbed on Ti-Zr alloy: the effect of sandblasted and acid-etched surface treatment. BIOFOULING, v. 36, n. 4, . (16/11470-6)
PANTAROTO, HELOISA NAVARRO; DE ALMEIDA, AMANDA B.; GOMES, ORISSON P.; MATOS, ADAIAS O.; LANDERS, RICHARD; CASARIN, RENATO CORREA V.; DA SILVA, JOSE HUMBERTO D.; NOCITI, JR., FRANCISCO H.; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.. Outlining cell interaction and inflammatory cytokines on UV-photofunctionalized mixed-phase TiO2 thin film. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 118, . (16/06117-5, 16/11470-6)
CORDEIRO, JAIRO M.; NAGAY, BRUNA E.; RIBEIRO, ANA LUCIA R.; DA CRUZ, NILSON C.; RANGEL, ELIDIANE C.; FAIS, LAIZA M. G.; VAZ, LUIS G.; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.. Functionalization of an experimental Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta alloy with a biomimetic coating produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 770, p. 1038-1048, . (17/01320-0, 16/11470-6)
SOUZA, JOAO G. S.; BERTOLINI, MARTINNA; COSTA, RAPHAEL C.; CORDEIRO, JAIRO M.; NAGAY, BRUNA E.; DE ALMEIDA, AMANDA B.; RETAMAL-VALDES, BELEN; NOCITI, FRANCISCO H.; FERES, MAGDA; RANGEL, ELIDIANE C.; et al. Targeting Pathogenic Biofilms: Newly Developed Superhydrophobic Coating Favors a Host-Compatible Microbial Profile on the Titanium Surface. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 12, n. 9, p. 10118-10129, . (15/23118-2, 16/11470-6)
NAGAY, BRUNA E.; DINI, CAROLINE; CORDEIRO, JAIRO M.; RICOMINI-FILHO, ANTONIO P.; DE AVILA, ERICA D.; RANGEL, ELIDIANE C.; DA CRUZ, NILSON C.; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.. Visible-Light-Induced Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Activity of TiO2 Codoped with Nitrogen and Bismuth: New Perspectives to Control Implant-Biofilm-Related Diseases. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 11, n. 20, p. 18186-18202, . (16/11470-6, 17/01320-0, 17/00314-6)
CORDEIRO, JAIRO M.; BELINE, THAMARA; RIBEIROC, ANA LUCIA R.; RANGEL, ELIDIANE C.; DA CRUZ, NILSON C.; LANDERS, RICHARD; FAVERANI, LEONARDO P.; VAZ, LUIS GERALDO; FAIS, LAIZA M. G.; VICENTE, FABIO B.; et al. Development of binary and ternary titanium alloys for dental implants. Dental Materials, v. 33, n. 11, p. 1244-1257, . (16/11470-6, 15/25562-7, 13/08451-1, 14/26853-2)
BELINE, THAMARA; DA SILVA, JOSE H. D.; MATOS, ADAIAS O.; AZEVEDO NETO, NILTON F.; DE ALMEIDA, AMANDA B.; NOCITI JUNIOR, FRANCISCO H.; LEITE, DOUGLAS M. G.; RANGEL, ELIDIANE CIPRIANO; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.. Tailoring the synthesis of tantalum-based thin films for biomedical application: Characterization and biological response. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 101, p. 111-119, . (16/11470-6, 16/07269-3, 17/18916-2)
PANTAROTO, HELOISA NAVARRO; AMORIM, KARINA PINTAUDI; CORDEIRO, JAIRO MATOZINHO; SOUZA, JOAO GABRIEL S.; RICOMINI-FILHO, ANTONIO PEDRO; RANGEL, ELIDIANE C.; RIBEIRO, ANA LUCIA R.; VAZ, LUIS GERALDO; BARAO, VALENTIM A. R.. Proteome analysis of the salivary pellicle formed on titanium alloys containing niobium and zirconium. BIOFOULING, v. 35, n. 2, . (16/11470-6, 16/11610-2, 14/26853-2)

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