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Stochastic modeling of non-equilibrium quantum systems

Grant number: 16/08721-7
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: August 01, 2016 - July 31, 2018
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Condensed Matter Physics
Principal Investigator:Gabriel Teixeira Landi
Grantee:Gabriel Teixeira Landi
Host Institution: Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil


In this project we propose a study of open quantum systems described by the Lindblad formalism, using different theoretical and computational tools. The project is divided into four parts. The first concerns an effective description of magnon-magnon collisions in magnonic crystals. The goal is to obtain an analytically tractable equation to describe the attenuation of the magnonic flux due to magnon-magnon interactions. The second part concerns the numerical implementation of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group to obtain the non- equilibrium steady-state of open quantum spin chains subject to two reservoirs kept at different temperatures. Thirdly, we propose to study the effect of dephasing noises in the heat flux of fermionic and bosonic chains. And, lastly, we propose to study the rectification of the heat and magnetization fluxes in one- dimensional spin chains, relating the results with the Onsager reciprocal relations. It is hoped that these analyzes will contribute to improve our understanding of the properties of non-equilibrium quantum systems, an area of great current importance in the context of condensed matter physics. (AU)

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Scientific publications (25)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
CAMILO, GIANCARLO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; ELIENS, SEBAS. Strong subadditivity of the Renyi entropies for bosonic and fermionic Gaussian states. Physical Review B, v. 99, n. 4, . (16/08721-7, 17/20725-0)
MALOUF, WILLIAM T. B.; GOOLD, JOHN; ADESSO, GERARDO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.. Analysis of the conditional mutual information in ballistic and diffusive non-equilibrium steady-states. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, v. 53, n. 30, . (17/06323-7, 17/07973-5, 16/08721-7, 18/08211-4)
SANTOS, JADER P.; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; PATERNOSTRO, MAURO. Wigner Entropy Production Rate. Physical Review Letters, v. 118, n. 22, . (16/08721-7)
WALD, SASCHA; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; HENKEL, MALTE. Lindblad dynamics of the quantum spherical model. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT, v. N/A, p. 62-pg., . (16/08721-7)
CAMILO, GIANCARLO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; ELIENS, SEBAS. Strong subadditivity of the Renyi entropies for bosonic and fermionic Gaussian states. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 99, n. 4, p. 8-pg., . (17/20725-0, 16/08721-7)
WALD, SASCHA; TIMPANARO, ANDRE M.; CORMICK, CECILIA; LANDI, GABRIEL T.. Energy barriers between metastable states in first-order quantum phase transitions. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 97, n. 2, p. 11-pg., . (16/08721-7)
SANTOS, JADER P.; DE PAULA JR, ALBERTO L.; DRUMOND, RAPHAEL; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; PATERNOSTRO, MAURO. Irreversibility at zero temperature from the perspective of the environment. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 97, n. 5, p. 6-pg., . (16/08721-7)
TIMPANARO, ANDRE M.; WALD, SASCHA; SEMIAO, FERNANDO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.. Dynamical chaotic phases and constrained quantum dynamics. Physical Review A, v. 100, n. 1, . (16/08721-7)
MALOUF, WILLIAM T. B.; SANTOS, JADER P.; CORREA, LUIS A.; PATERNOSTRO, MAURO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.. Wigner entropy production and heat transport in linear quantum lattices. Physical Review A, v. 99, n. 5, . (17/50304-7, 17/06323-7, 16/08721-7, 18/08211-4)
GUIMARAES, PEDRO H.; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIO J.. Thermal conductance of a two-level atom coupled to two quantum harmonic oscillators. Physical Review E, v. 95, n. 4, . (16/08721-7)
WALD, SASCHA; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; HENKEL, MALTE. Lindblad dynamics of the quantum spherical model. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT, . (16/08721-7)
WALD, SASCHA; TIMPANARO, ANDRE M.; CORMICK, CECILIA; LANDI, GABRIEL T.. Energy barriers between metastable states in first-order quantum phase transitions. Physical Review A, v. 97, n. 2, . (16/08721-7)
SANTOS, JADER P.; LANDI, GABRIEL T.. Microscopic theory of a nonequilibrium open bosonic chain. Physical Review E, v. 94, n. 6, . (16/08721-7)
SANTOS, JADER P.; CELERI, LUCAS C.; BRITO, FREDERICO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; PATERNOSTRO, MAURO. Spin-phase-space-entropy production. Physical Review A, v. 97, n. 5, . (16/08721-7)
SANTOS, JADER P.; DE PAULA JR, ALBERTO L.; DRUMOND, RAPHAEL; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; PATERNOSTRO, MAURO. Irreversibility at zero temperature from the perspective of the environment. Physical Review A, v. 97, n. 5, . (16/08721-7)
SCOPA, STEFANO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; KAREVSKI, DRAGI. Lindblad-Floquet description of finite-time quantum heat engines. Physical Review A, v. 97, n. 6, . (16/08721-7)
DE CHIARA, GABRIELE; LANDI, GABRIEL; HEWGILL, ADAM; REID, BRENDAN; FERRARO, ALESSANDRO; RONCAGLIA, AUGUSTO J.; ANTEZZA, MAURO. Reconciliation of quantum local master equations with thermodynamics. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, v. 20, . (16/08721-7)
MICADEI, KAONAN; PETERSON, JOHN P. S.; SOUZA, ALEXANDRE M.; SARTHOUR, ROBERTO S.; OLIVEIRA, IVAN S.; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; SERRA, ROBERTO M.; LUTZ, ERIC. xperimental Validation of Fully Quantum Fluctuation Theorems Using Dynamic Bayesian Network. Physical Review Letters, v. 127, n. 18, . (16/08721-7, 17/07973-5, 17/50304-7, 18/12813-0)
MICADEI, KAONAN; PETERSON, JOHN P. S.; SOUZA, ALEXANDRE M.; SARTHOUR, ROBERTO S.; OLIVEIRA, IVAN S.; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; BATALHAO, TIAGO B.; SERRA, ROBERTO M.; LUTZ, ERIC. Reversing the direction of heat flow using quantum correlations. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 10, . (16/08721-7, 18/12813-0)
SANTOS, JADER P.; CELERI, LUCAS C.; BRITO, FREDERICO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; PATERNOSTRO, MAURO. Spin-phase-space-entropy production. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 97, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (16/08721-7)
MALOUF, WILLIAM T. B.; SANTOS, JADER P.; CORREA, LUIS A.; PATERNOSTRO, MAURO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.. Wigner entropy production and heat transport in linear quantum lattices. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 99, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (17/50304-7, 16/08721-7, 17/06323-7, 18/08211-4)
TIMPANARO, ANDRE M.; WALD, SASCHA; SEMIAO, FERNANDO L.; LANDI, GABRIEL T.. Dynamical chaotic phases and constrained quantum dynamics. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 100, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (16/08721-7)
SANTOS, JADER P.; LANDI, GABRIEL T.. Microscopic theory of a nonequilibrium open bosonic chain. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 94, n. 6, p. 8-pg., . (16/08721-7)
GUIMARAES, PEDRO H.; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIO J.. Thermal conductance of a two-level atom coupled to two quantum harmonic oscillators. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 95, n. 4, p. 5-pg., . (16/08721-7)
SCOPA, STEFANO; LANDI, GABRIEL T.; KAREVSKI, DRAGI. Lindblad-Floquet description of finite-time quantum heat engines. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, v. 97, n. 6, p. 12-pg., . (16/08721-7)

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