Research Grants 16/02656-9 - Paleoclimatologia, Sedimentologia - BV FAPESP
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The response of sedimentary dynamics of the Xingu and Tapajós rivers to climate changes and hydropower dams: risks for biodiversity conservation and energy production in Amazonia


The Xingu and Tapajós rivers comprise the main hydropower projects planned or under construction in Amazônia. These rivers also stand out due to their specific biodiversity, with emphasis on lithophilic (rocky substrates) and rheophilic (rapids) fishes and endemic birds of flooded areas. Additionally, the Xingu and Tapajós watersheds are hot spots for the expansion of agriculture and pasture activities over Amazônia during the last decades. Climate models forecast an increase of the intensity and/or frequency of extreme events, with special regard to severe droughts, in areas drained by the Xingu and Tapajós rivers. In this context, the sustainable management of hydropower production, agriculture/pasture and biodiversity conservation in the Xingu and Tapajós rivers is a great challenge for a climate change future. Precipitation changes, deforestation and rivers impoundment shift the fluvial sedimentary dynamics (supply, erosion and deposition of sediments). Shifts in sedimentation can affect the characteristics of aquatic or flooded ecosystems as well as the availability and storage of water for hydropower production, agriculture and pasture. This project comprises a multidisciplinary approach to characterize the past hydrology variability (last 3,000 years), the present sedimentary dynamics and biodiversity and forecasting of future sedimentation scenarios and their possible impacts over biodiversity conservation and hydropower production in the Xingu and Tapajós rivers. We will combine methods for reconstruction of paleohydrology, paleovegetation and paleolimnology, present distribution and abundancy of biodiversity (lithophilic and rheophilic fishes, birds from flooded areas and diatoms) and forecasting of precipitation scenarios and their effects over sedimentation. Data produced by this project will help to support strategies for a sustainable management of biodiversity conservation and hydropower production. (AU)

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Scientific publications (11)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BERTASSOLI, JR., DAILSON J.; SAWAKUCHI, HENRIQUE O.; DE ARAUJO, KLEITON R.; DE CAMARGO, MARCELO G. P.; ALEM, VICTOR A. T.; PEREIRA, TATIANA S.; KRUSCHE, V, ALEX; BASTVIKEN, DAVID; RICHEY, JEFFREY E.; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE O.. How green can Amazon hydropower be? Net carbon emission from the largest hydropower plant in Amazonia. SCIENCE ADVANCES, v. 7, n. 26, . (19/24977-0, 18/18491-4, 16/02656-9, 19/24349-9, 11/14502-2, 14/21564-2, 15/09187-1, 18/15123-4, 16/11141-2)
MORAIS, KRYSNA S.; COSTA, LIVIA F.; BICUDO, CARLOS E. DE M.; ECTOR, LUC; WETZEL, CARLOS E.. A new Planothidium species (Achnanthidiaceae, Bacillariophyceae) from Xingu Ria, Amazon River basin, Brazil. PHYTOTAXA, v. 477, n. 2, p. 194-204, . (16/02656-9)
BERTASSOLI, JR., D. J.; SAWAKUCHI, A. O.; CHIESSI, C. M.; SCHEFUSS, E.; HARTMANN, G. A.; HAEGGI, C.; CRUZ, F. W.; ZABEL, M.; MCGLUE, M. M.; SANTOS, R. A.; et al. Spatiotemporal Variations of Riverine Discharge Within the Amazon Basin During the Late Holocene Coincide With Extratropical Temperature Anomalies. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 46, n. 15, p. 9013-9022, . (16/11141-2, 17/25735-4, 17/50085-3, 14/23334-4, 16/02656-9)
AZEVEDO, VITOR; STRIKIS, NICOLAS M.; SANTOS, RUDNEY A.; DE SOUZA, JONAS GREGORIO; AMPUERO, ANGELA; CRUZ, FRANCISCO W.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO; IRIARTE, JOSE; STUMPF, CINTIA F.; VUILLE, MATHIAS; et al. Medieval Climate Variability in the eastern Amazon-Cerrado regions and its archeological implications. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 9, . (16/02656-9, 17/50085-3)
SAWAKUCHI, A. O.; SCHULTZ, E. D.; PUPIM, F. N.; BERTASSOLI JR, D. J.; SOUZA, D. F.; CUNHA, D. F.; MAZOCA, C. E.; FERREIRA, M. P.; GROHMANN, C. H.; WAHNFRIED, I. D.; et al. Rainfall and sea level drove the expansion of seasonally flooded habitats and associated bird populations across Amazonia. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 13, n. 1, p. 15-pg., . (18/23899-2, 19/24349-9, 11/06609-1, 18/15123-4, 16/02656-9, 14/23334-4)
MORAIS, KRYSNA S.; COSTA, LIVIA F.; BICUDO, CARLOS E. M.; WETZEL, CARLOS E.. Psammothidium elnatanianum sp. nov. (Achnanthidiaceae, Bacillariophyta) a new diatom species found in Holocene sediments (Meghalayan Age) of the Xingu River, Eastern Amazon. BOTANY LETTERS, v. 169, n. 3, p. 9-pg., . (16/02656-9)
BERTASSOLI, D. J., JR.; HAEGGI, C.; CHIESSI, C. M.; SCHEFUSS, E.; HEFTER, J.; AKABANE, T. K.; SAWAKUCHI, A. O.. Controls on the distributions of GDGTs and n-alkane isotopic compositions in sediments of the Amazon River Basin. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, v. 594, p. 12-pg., . (16/02656-9, 19/24349-9, 19/24977-0, 16/11141-2, 19/19948-0, 18/15123-4, 18/23899-2, 17/25735-4)
NIYONZIMA, P.; SAWAKUCHI, A. O.; BERTASSOLI JR, D. J.; PUPIM, F. N.; PORAT, N.; FREIRE, M. P.; GOES, A. M.; RODRIGUES, F. C. G.. Luminescence dating of quartz from ironstones of the Xingu River, Eastern Amazonia. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY, v. 67, . (16/02656-9, 19/04059-6, 19/24349-9, 19/24977-0, 18/15123-4, 16/11141-2, 18/12472-8)
HAEGGI, C.; HOPMANS, E. C.; SCHEFUSS, E.; SAWAKUCHI, A. O.; SCHREUDER, L. T.; BERTASSOLI, D. J. JR JR; CHIESSI, C. M.; MULITZA, S.; SAWAKUCHI, H. O.; BAKER, P. A.; et al. Negligible Quantities of Particulate Low-Temperature Pyrogenic Carbon Reach the Atlantic Ocean via the Amazon River. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, v. 35, n. 9, . (19/24977-0, 16/02656-9, 19/24349-9, 18/23899-2, 18/15123-4, 11/06609-1)
ZULAR, ANDRE; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE OLIVEIRA; CHIESSI, CRISTIANO MAZUR; D'HORTA, FERNANDO MENDONCA; CRUZ, FRANCISCO WILLIAM; MELO DEMATTE, JOSE ALEXANDRE; RIBAS, CAMILA CHEREM; HARTMANN, GELVAM ANDRE; FONSECA GIANNINI, PAULO CESAR; AMARAL SOARES, EMILIO ALBERTO. The role of abrupt climate change in the formation of an open vegetation enclave in northern Amazonia during the late Quaternary. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, v. 172, p. 140-149, . (12/17517-3, 16/02656-9, 12/50260-6, 11/06609-1)
DE ARAUJO, KLEITON R.; SAWAKUCHI, HENRIQUE O.; BERTASSOLI, JR., DAILSON J.; SAWAKUCHI, ANDRE O.; DA SILVA, KARINA D.; VIEIRA, THIAGO B.; WARD, NICHOLAS D.; PEREIRA, TATIANA S.. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and emission in the newly constructed Belo Monte hydropower complex in the Xingu River, Amazonia. BIOGEOSCIENCES, v. 16, n. 18, p. 3527-3542, . (16/11141-2, 16/02656-9)

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