Research Grants 15/17763-2 - Química orgânica marinha, Poluentes orgânicos - BV FAPESP
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Mudbelts from the South and Southeast Brazil: implications about the anthropogenic influence on the marine environment

Grant number: 15/17763-2
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Oceanography - Chemical Oceanography
Principal Investigator:Márcia Caruso Bícego
Grantee:Márcia Caruso Bícego
Host Institution: Instituto Oceanográfico (IO). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques ; Rubens Cesar Lopes Figueira
Associated researchers:Cesar de Castro Martins ; Rafael Andre Lourenço ; Renata Hanae Nagai ; Rosalinda Carmela Montone ; Silvia Helena de Mello e Sousa
Associated research grant(s):16/18348-1 - Multi-User Equipment approved in grant 2015/17763-2: triple quadrupole gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC/MS/MS), AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):21/00940-0 - Evaluation of environmental variations using elemental composition from mudbelts of Brazilian southern shelf, BP.MS
19/15252-1 - Composition, origin and evolution of the terrigenous organic matter in the South Continental margin of Brazil along Holocene: use of molecular markers and 13C in specific organic compounds in high resolution sediment cores, BP.DR
19/07093-0 - South Brazilian mudbelts geochemical characterization by analysis of marine sediments using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 18/13618-6 - Mudbelts from the South and Southeast Brazil: implications for the anthropogenic influence on the marine environment, BP.IC
17/08987-0 - Mudbelts of the South and Southeast Brazil: a geochemical dataset to investigate anthropogenic impacts, BP.DR
17/20344-7 - Mudbelts from the South and Southeast Brazil: implications for the anthropogenic influence on the marine environment, BP.PD
17/19505-6 - Study of the origin and evolution of the moving belts of the Southern and Southeastern continental shelf of Brazil, BP.DD
17/00427-5 - Living benthic foraminifera vertical distribution at mud-belts in the southwestern margin of the South Atlantic Ocean: faunal response to redox condition and organic matter input., BP.PD - associated scholarships


Mudbelts are elongated sediment deposits, which have bathymetric expression, three-dimensional shapes and sedimentological characteristics that reflect the tectonic conditioning, the climate of the adjacent continent and the continental shelf. Continental shelves are very sensitive environments on the continent-ocean interaction; they may contain features that are limited to humans; they influence the impact of risky events for society and can be a potential target for anthropogenic materials. The project's main objective is to evaluate the potential for accumulation of anthropogenic materials on the Brazilian southern continental shelf through the study of organic compounds and metals deposited in the mudbelts. This assessment will be done through the association of sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of the sediments deposited in mudbelts in order to diagnose the input mechanisms of terrigenous material and contaminants in the study region as well as to investigate the correlation between the intensity of regional human activities and the time-space distribution along the region. From the collected data, it is expected that one can define the extent structure, continuity, geometry and depocentre of the mudbelts as well as to evaluate the potential of accumulation of terrigenous and anthropogenic materials in the marine sediments of the southwest Atlantic. (AU)

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Scientific publications (15)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
YAMASHITA, CINTIA; OMACHI, CLAUDIA; AOKI SANTAROSA, ANA CLAUDIA; IWAI, FABIANE SAYURI; ARAUJO, BEATRIZ DIAS; DISARO, SIBELLE TREVISAN; ALVES MARTINS, MARIA VIRGINIA; VICENTE, THAISA MARQUES; TANIGUCHI, NANCY; BURONES, LETICIA; et al. Living benthic foraminifera of Santos continental shelf, southeastern Brazilian continental margin (SW Atlantic): chlorophyll-a and particulate organic matter approach. JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS, v. 5, n. 1, . (17/00427-5, 15/17763-2, 10/06147-5)
MALY, MASCIMILIANO; SCHATTNER, URI; JOSE LOBO, FRANCISCO; SOARES DIAS, RODOLFO JASAO; RAMOS, RAISSA BASTI; COUTO, DANIEL DE MATOS; GOMES SUMIDA, PAULO YUKIO; DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH. The Alpha Crucis Carbonate Ridge (ACCR): Discovery of a giant ring-shaped carbonate complex on the SW Atlantic margin. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 9, . (15/17763-2, 16/22194-0, 17/50191-8, 14/08266-2)
DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH; VIOLANTE, ROBERTO; FRANCO-FRAGUAS, PAULA; BURONE, LETICIA; ROCHA, CESAR BARBEDO; ORTEGA, LEONARDO; DOS SANTOS, ROSANGELA FELICIO; KIM, BIANCA SUNG MI; LOPES FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR; BICEGO, MARCIA CARUSO. Control of oceanic circulation on sediment distribution in the southwestern Atlantic margin (23 to 55 degrees S). Ocean Science, v. 17, n. 5, p. 1213-1229, . (16/22194-0, 14/08266-2, 15/17763-2, 19/00256-1)
TIMOSZCZUK, CRISTIAN TABOADA; DOS SANTOS, FELIPE RODRIGUES; ARAUJO, LIGIA DIAS; TANIGUCHI, SATIE; LOURENCO, RAFAEL ANDRE; DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH; DE LIMA FERREIRA, PAULO ALVES; LOPES FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR; NEVES, PATRICIA ANDRADE; PRATES, DENISE; et al. Historical deposition of PAHs in mud depocenters from the Southwestern Atlantic continental shelf: The influence of socio-economic development and coal consumption in the last century. Environmental Pollution, v. 284, . (16/18348-1, 15/17763-2)
DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH; CAZZOLI Y GOYA, SAMARA; DA SILVA NOGUEIRA DE MATOS, MARIA CAROLINA; UDENAL DE OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO AUGUSTO; MI KIM, BIANCA SUNG; DE LIMA FERREIRA, PAULO ALVES; LOPES FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR; BICEGO, MARCIA CARUSO. Grain-size end-members and environmentally sensitive grain-size components: A comparative study in the mud shelf depocenters off southern Brazil. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEDIMENT RESEARCH, v. 36, n. 2, p. 317-327, . (15/17763-2, 10/06147-5)
DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH; LOPES FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR; DE MELLO SOUSA, SILVIA HELENA; DOS SANTOS, ROSANGELA FELICIO; DE LIMA FERREIRA, PAULO ALVES; MI KIM, BIANCA SUNG; CAZZOLI Y GOYA, SAMARA; SILVA NOGUEIRA DE MATOS, MARIA CAROLINA; BICEGO, MARCIA CARUSO. Sedimentation on the southern Brazilian shelf mud depocenters: Insights on potential source areas. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 100, . (15/17763-2, 16/22194-0)
DE MAHIQUES, M. M.; LOBO, F. J.; SCHATTNER, U.; LOPEZ-QUIROS, A.; ROCHA, C. B.; DIAS, R. J. S.; MONTOYA-MONTES, I; VIEIRA, A. C. B.. Geomorphological imprint of opposing ocean bottom currents, a case study from the southeastern Brazilian Atlantic margin. MARINE GEOLOGY, v. 444, . (14/08266-2, 10/06147-5, 19/06250-5, 15/17763-2, 20/03363-0)
RAMOS, RAISSA BASTI; DOS SANTOS, ROSANGELA FELICIO; SCHATTNER, URI; FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR LOPES; BICEGO, MARCIA CARUSO; LOBO, FRANCISCO JOSE; DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH. Deep pockmarks as natural sediment traps: a case study from southern Santos Basin (SW Atlantic upper slope). GEO-MARINE LETTERS, v. 40, n. 6, SI, p. 989-999, . (14/08266-2, 15/17763-2, 17/50191-8)
DIAS, CAROLINE APARECIDA PEREIRA; KIM, BIANCA SUNG MI; FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR LOPES; FERREIRA, PAULO ALVES LIMA; DA SILVA, SHEILA CARDOSO; DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH; BICEGO, MARCIA CARUSO. Geochemical characterization and assessment of contamination in mud depocenters from the southern Brazilian shelf. CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH, v. 257, p. 12-pg., . (21/00940-0, 15/17763-2, 19/07093-0)
YAMASHITA, CINTIA; OMACHI, CLAUDIA; AOKI SANTAROSA, ANA CLAUDIA; IWAI, FABIANE SAYURI; ARAUJO, BEATRIZ DIAS; DISARO, SIBELLE TREVISAN; ALVES MARTINS, MARIA VIRGINIA; VICENTE, THAISA MARQUES; TANIGUCHI, NANCY; BURONES, LETICIA; et al. Living benthic foraminifera of Santos continental shelf, southeastern Brazilian continental margin (SW Atlantic): chlorophyll-a and particulate organic matter approach. JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS, v. 5, n. 1, p. 18-pg., . (15/17763-2, 10/06147-5, 17/00427-5)
DE LIMA FERREIRA, PAULO ALVES; LOPES FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR; CAZZOLI Y GOYA, SAMARA; DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH. Insights on the marine sedimentation of the continental shelf and upper slope off SE Brazil during the 20th century with natural radionuclides. REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 39, . (15/17763-2)
SCHATTNER, URI; DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVITCH. Post-rift regional volcanism in southern Santos Basin and the uplift of the adjacent South American coastal range. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 104, . (15/17763-2, 19/06250-5)
SANTOS, FELIPE R.; NEVES, PATRICIA A.; KIM, BIANCA S. M.; TANIGUCHI, SATIE; LOURENCO, RAFAEL A.; TIMOSZCZUK, CRISTIAN T.; SOTAO, BASILIO M. T.; MONTONE, ROSALINDA C.; FIGUEIRA, RUBENS C. L.; MAHIQUES, MICHEL M.; et al. Organic contaminants and trace metals in the western South Atlantic upper continental margin: Anthropogenic influence on mud depocenters. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 154, . (15/17763-2, 16/18348-1)
KIM, BIANCA SUNG MI; FIGUEIRA, RUBENS CESAR LOPES; ANGELI, JOSE LOURENCO FRIEDMANN; FERREIRA, PAULO ALVES LIMA; DE MAHIQUES, MICHEL MICHAELOVICH; BICEGO, MARCIA CARUSO. Insights into leaded gasoline registered in mud depocenters derived from multivariate statistical tool: southeastern Brazilian coast. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, v. 43, n. 1, p. 47-63, . (17/08987-0, 15/17763-2)

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