Research Grants 16/11192-6 - Dentina, Cimentos de resina - BV FAPESP
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Researcher visit from University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada: consolidation of interdisciplinary researches cooperation (operative dentistry/dental materials x prosthesis)

Grant number: 16/11192-6
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - International
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Dentistry - Dental Materials
Principal Investigator:Linda Wang
Grantee:Linda Wang
Visiting researcher: Ricardo Marins de Carvalho
Visiting researcher institution: University of British Columbia, Vancouver (UBC), Canada
Host Institution: Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru (FOB). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Bauru , SP, Brazil


The activities will focus on three main approaches: - Research Expansion in collaboration:a- Research in the Department of Dentistry: Intensify research on durability of adhesive interfaces. Professor Ricardo works with the adhesion durability on research for 20 years. Currently he incorporated nanofiber technology for the development of strategies that can improve the clinical application of procedures aimed at increasing the longevity of restorations by including anti-enzymatic agents. This technology is currently unknown in our department and this collaboration will open new opportunities to strengthen our research in this area; b- Research in Prosthodontics: It is known that Zirconia-made dental prothesis present adaptation distortions due to the necessary laboratory sintering step, howerve, it is not known about the mechanisms that control these distortions in the material. Professor Ricardo is currently working in collaboration with the engineering department of UBC materials in the development of laboratory methods to investigate qualitatively and quantitatively distortions regarding to Zirconia and characterize the causative elements of the dimensional changes of the material during processing. Learning this method will provide opportunities to expand the lines of research in Prosthodontics and establish cooperation for development projects in the area. - Lectures: two topics are planned, which are in line with research lines of their work and are in collaboration with the requesting institution; Fundamentals of electrospun nanofibers to produce scaffolds with applications in dentistry: drug delivery agent and reinforcing (delievered in two sessions)the nanofiber mats containing drugs to prolong durability of resin-dentin bondsthe Investigative methods to characterize distortion in Zirconia (Department of Prosthodontics); Adhesive Prosthodontics (Sacred Heart University); - Scientific discussions with students of graduate and teachers / researchersActivities such as "Coffee and learn" and discussions in smaller groups according to the lines of research will be conducted to allow closer ties with graduate students and other teachers. Also exchange of experiences will be discussed to enable the realization of joint projects; - Visits to other state centers of São PauloInteraction with the Sacred Heart University in Bauru. Ministering lecture and discuss possibilities for collaboration in research and teaching. (AU)

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