Research Grants 15/06246-7 - Tratamento biológico de águas residuárias, Reatores anaeróbios - BV FAPESP
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Biorefinery concept applied to biological wastewater treatment plants: environmental pollution control coupled with material and energy recovery

Grant number: 15/06246-7
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Sanitary Engineering - Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
Principal Investigator:Marcelo Zaiat
Grantee:Marcelo Zaiat
Host Institution: Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Edson Luiz Silva ; Eduardo Cleto Pires ; Elisabete Moreira Assaf ; Eugenio Foresti ; José Alberto Domingues Rodrigues ; Jose Mansur Assaf ; Maria Bernadete Amâncio Varesche
Associated researchers:Alvaro José dos Santos Neto ; Claudio Augusto Oller do Nascimento ; Giovanna Lovato ; Juliano José Corbi ; Marcelo Loureiro Garcia ; Márcia Helena Rissato Zamariolli Damianovic ; Paula Rúbia Ferreira Rosa ; Rogers Ribeiro ; Suzana Maria Ratusznei ; Valeria Maia Merzel ; Wu Hong Kwong
Associated research grant(s):19/05683-5 - 16th IWA World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, AR.EXT
18/12739-4 - DAAL XIII - Latin American Workshop and Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, AR.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):21/15245-5 - Sugarcane vinasse processing in combined systems: two-phase anaerobic digestion and evaporation, BP.DR
21/09463-0 - Co-treatment of lignocellulosic waste and sulfate-rich wastewater with generation of molecules of high added value, BP.PD
22/01425-4 - Two-stage hydrogen and methane production by the treatment of soybean processing waste (molasses and okara) in thermophilic and mesophilic condition, BP.DD
+ associated scholarships 21/10685-7 - Influence of C/N ratio and nutritional conditions of anaerobic co-digestion of swine manure and coffee industry residues, BP.DR
21/13797-0 - Methane production in thermophilic AnSBBR by soybean molasses treatment, BP.IC
19/24577-1 - Atomic layer deposition (ALD) as a tool for catalysts surface design and stabilization against sintering, BE.PQ
20/11042-0 - Antibiotics in synthetic and hospital wastewater, raw and treated on anaerobic reactors: toxic effects on freshwater invertebrates, BP.DR
21/05650-0 - Characterization and diagnosis of the quality of effluents, affluent and social technologies applied in the Atlantic Forest area, BP.IC
21/02507-1 - Hydrogen and organic acids production by soy processing residue treatment (molasses and okara) in thermophilic and mesophilic conditions, BP.MS
19/26477-4 - Methane production in an AnSBBR by soy molasses treatment, BP.MS
19/04205-2 - Simultaneous biodegradation of nonylphenol ethoxylated and linear alkylbenzene sulfonated in anaerobic fluidized bed reactor, BP.DR
20/03429-1 - Investigation of the impacts of sulfate reduction in Hydrogenogenic activity during the thermophilic fermentation of sugarcane vinasse, BP.IC
19/19152-1 - Computational methods for modelling and validating cheese whey fermentation process in anaerobic structured bed reactor, BP.MS
18/16948-7 - Hydrogen production by Anabaena sp. and Chlamydomonas sp. from wastewater as alternative to renewable fuel production, BP.PD
19/25395-4 - Hydrogen production assessment by biodiesel production effluent treatment in thermophilic condition, BP.IC
19/13847-8 - Use of glycerol in substitution of sugarcane vinasse in off-season period to maintain the methane production in anaerobic reactor, BP.MS
19/11012-6 - Biohydrogen production from wastewaters in anaerobic structured bed reactor: understanding the role of the fixed bed and its influence on the acidogenic microbial community, BP.MS
19/10980-9 - Oxidative Coupling of Methane using A2B2O7 catalysts, BP.PD
18/01334-3 - Production of protein-rich cells from microbial biomass cultivation using sugarcane vinasse as substrate, BP.DR
18/24269-2 - Azo dye decolorization through fermentation and mineralization in an anaerobic-aerobic system, BP.DR
18/17744-6 - Combined system for the treatment of Tetrabromobisphenol a (TBBPA) by anaerobic digestion and advanced oxidative processes, BP.DR
18/25645-8 - Omics approaches in acidogenic reactors without alkalization for organic acid and hydrogen production, BP.PD
18/17715-6 - Biohydrogen production by treating agro-industry wastes (whey and glycerin) in an AnSBBR operated in thermophilic condition, BP.PD
17/22952-4 - Treatment of oil and gas produced water, with autotrophic denitrification using sulfide, associated with the washing of biogas produced in anaerobic reactor, BP.DR
18/04320-3 - Removal of COD and total nitrogen in constructed wetlands with intermittent aeration in relation to hydraulic detention time, BP.IC
18/00213-8 - Dynamics of trace metals in vinasse anaerobic digestion: Effect of Ba supplementation, BP.PD
17/22850-7 - Microbial characterization of removal and degradation of 4-nonylphenol in fluidized bed biofilm reactor on increased scale, BP.MS
17/23008-8 - Assessment of Iron and Nickel nanoparticles influence on batch and continuous reactors fermentative hydrogen production, BP.DR
17/22108-9 - Influence of trace elements copper, iron and manganese in the generation of biogas from the vinasse treatment, BP.IC
18/03334-0 - Strategies for hydrogen production using pentoses liquor generated from sugarcane bagasse's pretreatment during second generation ethanol production, BP.DD
17/18075-8 - Efficiency evaluation and dynamic modeling of intermittently aerated horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetlands, BP.PD
17/10049-8 - Anoxic-aerobic fixed biofilm reactor under counter-diffusion of acceptors and electron donors for nitrogen compounds removal, BP.DR
17/18718-6 - Study and evaluation of the influence of different inocules on the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole removal in anaerobic structured bed reactor, BP.IC
17/06940-6 - Evaluation of acidogenic and methanogenic anaerobic reactors in the treatment of vinasse and whey without alkalination, BP.DR
17/12333-5 - Evaluation of the enzymatic hydrolysis (Aspergillus niger) of the sugarcane bagasse applied in the biological production of hydrogen using Clostridium butyricum as fermentative inoculum, BP.IC
17/09722-0 - Biomethane production in AnSBBR from the co-digestion of vinasse and glycerin: effect of organic load, influent concentration and cycle length, BP.IC
17/10154-6 - Study on catalysts based on metal-metal oxide nanocomposites doped and encapsulated by mesoporous coating for methanol production by CO2 hydrogenation, BP.DR
17/05241-7 - Synthesis of C2+OH alcohols from CO2 hydrogenation in polyfunctional catalysts based on Cu, Rh and Fe, BP.DR
17/09144-6 - Acidogenic biomass formation and biologic hydrogen production from sugar vinasse under extreme termophilic conditions, BP.IC
16/21478-4 - Valorization of vinasse from sugar-cane industry by anaerobic digestion: treatment, organic acids recovery and biohydrogen production, BP.PD
17/01722-0 - Biogas obtainment and other compounds of biotechnological interest from citrus/orange processing residues, BP.DR
16/24526-0 - Influence of trace elements in the generation of biogas from wastewater treatment, BP.PD
17/03623-0 - Perovskite applied to the oxidative coupling of methane generated in the treatment of wastewater, BP.DD
16/21529-8 - Study of the use of ADM1 model as platform of modeling for different configurations of reactors used in the anaerobic treatment of vinasse, BP.DR
16/20048-6 - Application cellulolytic and fermentative bacteria isolated from waste banana (Musa spp.) in obtainment of interest biotechnological compounds., BP.DR
16/20047-0 - Assessment of physicochemical and phylogenetic features in the hydrogen production and Homoacetogenesis from wastes of coffee processing, BP.DR
16/16329-0 - Dry reforming of methane over La2Ce2-xNi0,5xO7-´ pyrochlore oxides for syngas production, BP.DR
16/15003-3 - Modelling and optimization of anaerobic processes for treating wastewater containing sulfamethazine, BP.PD
16/11948-3 - Effect of las loading rate on its removal efficiency by co-digestion of commercial laundry wastewater and domestic sewage in a pilot scale EGSB reactor, BP.MS
16/01253-8 - Polyhydroxyalkanoates production from sugarcane vinasse by mixed cultures, BP.PD
14/25366-0 - Using a hybrid fermentative/microbial electrolysis cell system to enhance hydrogen production from sugarcane vinasse, BP.PD
14/16426-0 - Metagenomics of microbiota of anaerobic reactors applied in anionic surfactant degradation in commercial laundry wastewater, BP.PD
13/15665-8 - Structure and functional dynamics of microbial community of anaerobic digesters applied to energy recovery and environmental framework of wastes generated in bioethanol production of 1st and 2nd generation, BP.PD - associated scholarships


The main goal of this Research Project is to establish the fundamental bases to apply the biorefinery concept to a biological wastewater treatment plant, with generation of bioenergy and high value-added products. Such conception is based on the use of anaerobic reactors as the core technology in a wastewater treatment plant, mainly because this process generates a broad spectrum of organic acids and solvents in the liquid phase besides hydrogen and methane in the biogas. In this new approach, the wastewater treatment plant, with their reactors and unit operations, is a network of facilities to produce biofuels, power, and chemicals from organic wastewater. Several challenges must be overcome with this approach, including the low concentrations of organic matter in wastewater, leading to low concentration of intermediates and end products, and the complex composition of wastewater, with spatial and temporal variations. The use of mixed microbial cultures, though important and beneficial for anaerobic process, is another drawback for the biorefinery concept, since process control tends to be difficult. In this context, a multidisciplinary research group was formed to establish the scientific and technological fundaments of a biorefinery fed with wastewater aiming at the generation of profitable products and energy besides complying with its main function of mitigating impacts from the release of wastewater into the environment. (AU)

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Scientific publications (154)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
LOVATO, GIOVANNA; ALVARADO-MORALES, MERLIN; KOVALOVSZKI, ADAM; PEPRAH, MARIA; KOUGIAS, PANAGIOTIS G.; DOMINGUES RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERTO; ANGELIDAKI, IRINI. In-situ biogas upgrading process: Modeling and simulations aspects. Bioresource Technology, v. 245, n. A, p. 332-341, . (16/12773-2, 14/07692-8, 15/06246-7)
DA COSTA, TALLES BARCELOS; SIMOES, ANDREZA NATALINE; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Anaerobic Biodegradation of Biodiesel Industry Wastewater in Mesophilic and Thermophilic Fluidized Bed Reactors: Enhancing Treatment and Methane Recovery. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, . (15/06246-7)
YABUKI, L. N. M.; QUELUZ, J. G. T.; GARCIA, M. L.. Assessment of phase distribution and removal of metals in anaerobic digesters. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, . (15/06246-7, 17/18075-8, 16/24526-0)
GOUVEA DE GODOI, LEANDRO AUGUSTO; FORESTI, EUGENIO; RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA. Down-flow fixed-structured bed reactor: An innovative reactor configuration applied to acid mine drainage treatment and metal recovery. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 197, p. 597-604, . (15/06246-7)
FUESS, L. T.; CRUZ, R. B. C. M.; ZAIAT, M.; NASCIMENTO, C. A. O.. Diversifying the portfolio of sugarcane biorefineries: Anaerobic digestion as the core process for enhanced resource recovery. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, v. 147, . (14/50279-4, 15/50684-9, 17/00080-5, 15/06246-7)
FELIPE, MAYARA C.; BERNEGOSSI, ALINE C.; PINHEIRO, FERNANDA R.; CASTRO, GLEYSON B.; MOURA, LIDIA; ZAIAT, MARCELO; CORBI, JULIANO J.. Counting Enchytraeus crypticus Juveniles in Chronic Exposures: An Alternative Method for Ecotoxicity Studies Using Tropical Artificial Soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, v. 107, n. 3, . (15/06246-7, 18/21901-0)
OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANE ARRUDA; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; SOARES, LAIS AMERICO; RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA. Thermophilic biohydrogen production from sugarcane molasses under low pH: Metabolic and microbial aspects. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 45, n. 7, p. 4182-4192, . (15/06246-7)
VILLA MONTOYA, ALEJANDRA CAROLINA; DA SILVA MAZARELI, RAISSA CRISTINA; DELFORNO, TIAGO PALLADINO; CENTURION, VICTOR BORIN; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Optimization of key factors affecting hydrogen production from coffee waste using factorial design and metagenomic analysis of the microbial community. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 45, n. 7, p. 4205-4222, . (16/20047-0, 15/06246-7)
THYSSEN, VIVIAN VAZQUEZ; ASSAF, ELISABETE MOREIRA. Ni/CaO-SiO2 catalysts for assessment in steam reforming reaction of acetol. FUEL, v. 254, . (15/06246-7)
MACEDO, THAIS ZANINETTI; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; ZAIAT, MARCELO; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE A.. Influence of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate and ethanol on the degradation kinetics of domestic sewage in co-digestion with commercial laundry wastewater. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 42, n. 9, p. 1547-1558, . (15/02640-2, 15/06246-7)
MACEDO, WILLIANE VIEIRA; BERNEGOSSI, ALINE CHRISTINE; SABATINI, CAROLINA APARECIDA; CORBI, JULIANO JOSE; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Application of Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Followed by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis to Determine Tetrabromobisphenol A in Complex Matrices. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, v. 39, n. 11, p. 2147-2157, . (18/17744-6, 15/06246-7)
CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; DELFORNO, TIAGO PALLADINO; MIDOUX, CEDRIC; SILVEIRA DUARTE, IOLANDA CRISTINA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; BIZE, ARIANE; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Microbial and functional characterization of granulated sludge from full-scale UASB thermophilic reactor applied to sugarcane vinasse treatment. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 20-pg., . (15/06246-7, 18/26182-1, 17/01722-0)
CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; BIZE, ARIANE; DUARTE, IOLANDA CRISTINA SILVEIRA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE AMANCIO. Screening design of nutritional and physicochemical parameters on bio-hydrogen and volatile fatty acids production from Citrus Peel Waste in batch reactors. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 46, n. 11, p. 7794-7809, . (17/01722-0, 18/26182-1, 15/06246-7)
ALBUQUERQUE, J. N.; RATUSZNEI, S. M.; RODRIGUES, J. A. D.. Biomethane production by thermophilic co-digestion of sugarcane vinasse and whey in an AnSBBR: Effects of composition, organic load, feed strategy and temperature. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 251, . (15/06246-7)
DUARTE DE OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME HENRIQUE; KRAUSPENHAR NIZ, MIRIAN YASMINE; ZAIAT, MARCELO; DOMINGUES RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERTO. Effects of the Organic Loading Rate on Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production from Sugarcane Stillage by Mixed Microbial Cultures. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, v. 189, n. 4, p. 1039-1055, . (16/01253-8, 15/06246-7)
FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; ENG, FELIPE; BOVIO-WINKLER, PATRICIA; ETCHEBEHERE, CLAUDIA; ZAIAT, MARCELO; NASCIMENTO, CLAUDIO AUGUSTO OLLER DO. Methanogenic consortia from thermophilic molasses-fed structured-bed reactors: microbial characterization and responses to varying food-to-microorganism ratios. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. N/A, p. 21-pg., . (17/00080-5, 15/06246-7, 14/50279-4, 15/50684-9)
LOPES, LARISSA B.; VIEIRA, LUIZ H.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Effect of Mg substitution on LaTi1-xMgxO3+delta catalysts for improving the C2 selectivity of the oxidative coupling of methane. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 11, n. 1, p. 283-296, . (17/03623-0, 15/06246-7, 18/12021-6)
SANTOS, PRISCILLA SOARES; ZAIAT, MARCELO; OLLER DO NASCIMENTO, CLAUDIO AUGUSTO; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU. Does sugarcane vinasse composition variability affect the bioenergy yield in anaerobic systems? A dual kinetic-energetic assessment. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 240, . (15/50684-9, 17/00080-5, 15/06246-7)
ROSSI, MARCO A.; VIEIRA, LUIZ H.; RASTEIRO, LETICIA F.; FRAGA, MARCO A.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Promoting effects of indium doped Cu/CeO2 catalysts on CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. 7, n. 7, p. 14-pg., . (18/12021-6, 15/06246-7, 14/50279-4, 17/22671-5, 17/10154-6)
BORGES, ANDRE DO VALE; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; TAKEDA, PAULA YUMI; ALVES, INAE; SIMOES DIAS, MARIA EDUARDA; RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA. Co-digestion of biofuel by-products: Enhanced biofilm formation maintains high organic matter removal when methanogenesis fails. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 310, p. 10-pg., . (15/06246-7)
BELINI, VALDINEI L.; FELIPE, MAYARA C.; CORBI, JULIANO J.; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Automated detection and quantification of Enchytraeus crypticus (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae) in tropical artificial soil using image analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, v. 194, n. 9, p. 14-pg., . (18/21901-0, 15/06246-7)
SOARES, LAIS A.; SOLANO, MAGNOLIA G.; LINDEBOOM, RALPH E. F.; LIER, JULES B. VAN; SILVA, EDSON L.; VARESCHE, MARIA B. A.. Valorization of sugarcane bagasse through biofuel and value-added soluble metabolites production: Optimization of alkaline hydrothermal pretreatment. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, v. 165, p. 7-pg., . (18/25748-1, 17/07194-6, 15/06246-7)
ROSSI, MARCO A.; RASTEIRO, LETICIA F.; VIEIRA, LUIZ H.; FRAGA, MARCO A.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Investigation of In Promotion on Cu/ZrO2 Catalysts and Application in CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol. CATALYSIS LETTERS, v. N/A, p. 17-pg., . (14/50279-4, 17/22671-5, 18/12021-6, 17/10154-6, 15/06246-7)
SILVA RABELO, CAMILA A. B.; DIONIZIO, BRUNA S.; MOURA, ALANA G. L.; MALAGO-, WILSON, JR.; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE A.. Dilution strategy to obtain H-2 in the 2nd acidogenic phase from enzymatically pre-treated sugarcane bagasse. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 47, n. 76, p. 18-pg., . (15/06246-7, 18/26470-7)
MOURA, A. G. L.; DELFORNO, T. P.; RABELO, C. A. B. S.; KUMAR, G.; SILVA, E. L.; VARESCHE, M. B. A.. Iron and nickel nanoparticles role in volatile fatty acids production enhancement: Functional genes and bacterial taxonomy in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 187, p. 12-pg., . (17/23008-8, 15/06246-7, 18/26470-7)
LOVATO, GIOVANNA; ALVARADO-MORALES, MERLIN; KOVALOVSZKI, ADAM; PEPRAH, MARIA; KOUGIAS, PANAGIOTIS G.; DOMINGUES RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERTO; ANGELIDAKI, IRINI. In-situ biogas upgrading process: Modeling and simulations aspects. Bioresource Technology, v. 245, p. 10-pg., . (14/07692-8, 16/12773-2, 15/06246-7)
MOURA, ALANA G. L.; RABELO, CAMILA A. B. S.; SILVA, EDSON L.; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE A.. Application of nanoparticles to increase biological hydrogen production: the difference in metabolic pathways in batch and continuous reactors. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 9-pg., . (17/23008-8, 15/06246-7, 18/26470-7)
CAVALCANTE, WILLAME A.; MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA DE; DA SILVA, FRANCISCO C. G.; GEHRING, TITO A.; LEITA, RENATO C.; ZAIAT, MARCELO. From start-up to maximum loading: An approach for methane production in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor fed with the liquid fraction of fruit and vegetable waste. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 335, p. 8-pg., . (15/06246-7)
CAMARGO, FRANCIELE P.; RABELO, CAMILA A. B. S.; DUARTE, IOLANDA C. S.; SILVA, EDSON L.; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE A.. Biogas from lignocellulosic feedstock: A review on the main pretreatments, inocula and operational variables involved in anaerobic reactor efficiency. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 48, n. 54, p. 20-pg., . (17/01722-0, 15/06246-7)
PAULINETTI, ANA PAULA; BATISTA, LIA PAULA POLONI; LAZARO, CAROLINA ZAMPOL; ALBANEZ, ROBERTA; RATUSZNEI, SUZANA MARIA; LOVATO, GIOVANNA; RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERT DOMINGUES. Treatment of soybean processing residues for energy recovery and environmental compliance: Technical and economic feasibility. ENERGY, v. 279, p. 10-pg., . (19/26477-4, 21/13810-7, 15/06246-7)
BLANCO, VIVIAN MARIA CARMINATO; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; ARAUJO, MATHEUS NEVES; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Biodigestion of easily-acidifying cheese whey in a sequential fermentative-methanogenic process: Strategies for boosting energy production and minimizing alkalinization costs. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, v. 55, p. 14-pg., . (09/15984-0, 15/06246-7)
ENG, FELIPE; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; BOVIO-WINKLER, PATRICIA; ETCHEBEHERE, CLAUDIA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Optimization of volatile fatty acid production by sugarcane vinasse dark fermentation using a response surface methodology. Links between performance and microbial community composition. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS, v. 53, p. 12-pg., . (17/00080-5, 18/12748-3, 16/21478-4, 15/06246-7)
ARAUJO, MATHEUS N.; VARGAS, SARAH R.; SOARES, LAIS A.; TRINDADE, LILIANE F.; FUESS, LUCAS T.; ADORNO, MARIA A. T.. Rapid method for determination of biogas composition by gas chromatography coupled to a thermal conductivity detector (GC-TCD). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. N/A, p. 18-pg., . (19/11012-6, 15/06246-7)
SOLCIA GUERRERO, RENATA DE BELLO; DINIZ DOS SANTOS, CARLA ELOISA; SOARES, LAIS AMERICO; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Comparison between two different fixed-bed reactor configurations for nitrogen removal coupled to biogas biodesulfurization. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 162, . (15/18976-0, 15/06246-7)
RAMOS, LUCAS RODRIGUES; LOVATO, GIOVANNA; RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERTO DOMINGUES; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Scale-up and energy estimations of single- and two-stage vinasse anaerobic digestion systems for hydrogen and methane production. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 349, p. 11-pg., . (18/17715-6, 15/06246-7)
VENTURA GUTIERREZ, JENY ELIHUT; CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Expanded granular sludge bed reactor technology feasibility for removal of nonylphenol ethoxylate in co-digestion of domestic sewage and commercial laundry wastewater: Taxonomic characterization and biogas production. PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, v. 161, p. 15-pg., . (15/06246-7)
DE SOUZA ALMEIDA, PRISCILLA; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; LOVATO, GIOVANNA; RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERTO DOMINGUES; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE AMANCIO; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Biomethane recovery through co-digestion of cheese whey and glycerol in a two-stage anaerobic fluidized bed reactor: Effect of temperature and organic loading rate on methanogenesis. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 330, p. 9-pg., . (15/06246-7)
ENG SANCHEZ, FELIPE; TADEU FUESS, LUCAS; SOARES CAVALCANTE, GUILHERME; ANGELA TALARICO ADORNO, MARIA; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Value-added soluble metabolite production from sugarcane vinasse within the carboxylate platform: An application of the anaerobic biorefinery beyond biogas production. FUEL, v. 286, n. 1, . (15/06246-7, 17/00080-5, 16/21478-4)
FONSECA, RAFAEL FREDERICO; DE OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME HENRIQUE DUARTE; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Modeling anaerobic digestion metabolic pathways for antibiotic-contaminated wastewater treatment. BIODEGRADATION, v. 31, n. 4-6, p. 341-368, . (12/18942-0, 16/15003-3, 15/06246-7)
RIBEIRO, ALEXANDRE RODRIGUES; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Potato waste as feedstock to produce biohydrogen and organic acids: A comparison of acid and alkaline pretreatments using response surface methodology. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 323, p. 12-pg., . (15/06246-7)
REGO, GABRIEL CATUCCI; FERREIRA, TIAGO BORGES; RAMOS, LUCAS RODRIGUES; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; SOARES, LAIS AMERICO; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Bioconversion of pretreated sugarcane vinasse into hydrogen: new perspectives to solve one of the greatest issues of the sugarcane biorefinery. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, v. 12, n. 12, p. 15-pg., . (15/06246-7)
NIZ, M. Y. K.; ETCHELET, I.; FUENTES, L.; ETCHEBEHERE, C.; ZAIAT, M.. Extreme thermophilic condition: An alternative for long-term biohydrogen production from sugarcane vinasse. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 44, n. 41, p. 22876-22887, . (15/06246-7)
CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SALZAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; SILVEIRA DUARTE, IOLANDA CRISTINA; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Influence of alkaline peroxide assisted and hydrothermal pretreatment on biodegradability and bio-hydrogen formation from citrus peel waste. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 44, n. 41, p. 22888-22903, . (17/01722-0, 15/06246-7)
SIMOES, ANDREZA NATALINE; DA COSTA, TALLES BARCELOS; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. One waste and two products: choosing the best operational temperature and hydraulic retention time to recover hydrogen or 1,3-propanediol from glycerol fermentation. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 44, n. 12, . (15/06246-7)
OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANE ARRUDA; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; SOARES, LAIS AMERICO; RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA. Increasing salinity concentrations determine the long-term participation of methanogenesis and sulfidogenesis in the biodigestion of sulfate-rich wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 296, . (15/06246-7, 17/22952-4)
SILVEIRA, NATALIA CAROLINA; OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME HENRIQUE DUARTE; DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI; FORESTI, EUGENIO. Two-stage partial nitrification-Anammox process for nitrogen removal from slaughterhouse wastewater: Evaluation of the nitrogen loading rate and microbial community analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 296, . (15/06246-7)
CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; DELFORNO, TIAGO PALLADINO; MARIADASSOU, MAHENDRA; LOUX, VALENTIN; MIDOUX, CEDRIC; SILVEIRA DUARTE, IOLANDA CRISTINA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; BIZE, ARIANE; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Microbial and functional characterization of an allochthonous consortium applied to hydrogen production from Citrus Peel Waste in batch reactor in optimized conditions. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 291, . (17/01722-0, 15/06246-7, 18/26182-1)
DIAS, MARIA E. S.; LOPES, JESSICA C.; CARNEIRO, RODRIGO B.; DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA H. R. Z.; FORESTI, EUGENIO. Using Compounds Derived from the Glycerol Fermentation as a Carbon Source for Denitrification and Biological Phosphorus Removal. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, v. 232, n. 8, . (15/26431-3, 15/06246-7)
MACEDO, WILLIANE VIEIRA; SANCHEZ, FELIPE ENG; ZAIAT, MARCELO. What drives Tetrabromobisphenol A degradation in biotreatment systems?. REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY, v. 20, n. 3, p. 729-750, . (18/17744-6, 15/06246-7)
RIBEIRO, JAQUELINE CARDOSO; MOTA, VERA TAINA; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; DACANAL, GUSTAVO CESAR; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Hydrogen and organic acid production from dark fermentation of sugarcane vinasse without buffers in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, . (15/06246-7, 18/25645-8, 17/06940-6)
CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; DUARTE, IOLANDA CRISTINA SILVEIRA; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE AMANCIO. Bioaugmentation with Enterococcus casseliflavus: A Hydrogen-Producing Strain Isolated from Citrus Peel Waste. WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, v. 12, n. 2, SI, p. 895-911, . (15/06246-7, 17/01722-0)
MACEDO, WILLIANE VIEIRA; POULSEN, JAN STRUCKMANN; DUARTE OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME HENRIQUE; NIELSEN, JEPPE LUND; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) biodegradation in acidogenic systems: One step further on where and who. Science of The Total Environment, v. 808, . (18/17744-6, 20/11984-5, 15/06246-7)
RIBEIRO, JAQUELINE CARDOSO; MOTA, VERA TAINA; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Hydrogen and organic acid production from dark fermentation of cheese whey without buffers under mesophilic condition. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 304, . (17/06940-6, 15/06246-7, 18/25645-8)
MACEDO, THAIS ZANINETTI; DORNELLES, HENRIQUE DE SOUZA; DO VALLE MARQUES, ANA LUIZA; PALLADINODELFORNO, TIAGO; CENTURION, VITOR BONIN; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. The influence of upflow velocity and hydraulic retention time changes on taxonomic and functional characterization in Fluidized Bed Reactor treating commercial laundry wastewater in co-digestion with domestic sewage. BIODEGRADATION, v. 31, n. 1-2, . (15/02640-2, 15/06246-7)
PALADINO LINO, ANANDA VALLEZI; RODELLA, CRISTIANE BARBIERI; ASSAF, ELISABETE MOREIRA; ASSAF, JOSE MANSUR. Methane tri-reforming for synthesis gas production using Ni/CeZrO2/MgAl2O4 catalysts: Effect of Zr/Ce molar ratio. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 45, n. 15, p. 8418-8432, . (14/25972-8, 14/50279-4, 15/06246-7)
MACEDO, WILLIANE VIEIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL K.; AZEVEDO, EDUARDO BESSA; DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA R. Z.. The effect of cations (Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+) on the activity and structure of nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial communities. Science of The Total Environment, v. 679, p. 279-287, . (15/06246-7)
PEITER, FERNANDA S.; HANKINS, NICHOLAS P.; PIRES, EDUARDO C.. Evaluation of concentration technologies in the design of biorefineries for the recovery of resources from vinasse. WATER RESEARCH, v. 157, p. 483-497, . (15/06246-7)
MACEDO, WILLIANE VIEIRA; SANTOS, CARLA E. D.; SOLCIA GUERRERO, RENATA DE BELLO; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL K.; CAVALCANTE DE AMORIM, EDUARDO LUCENA; AZEVEDO, EDUARDO BESSA; DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA R. Z.. Establishing simultaneous nitrification and denitrification under continuous aeration for the treatment of multi-electrolytes saline wastewater. Bioresource Technology, v. 288, . (15/06246-7)
SILVA RABELO, CAMILA ABREU B.; SOARES, LAIS AMERICO; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Optimization of hydrogen and organic acids productions with autochthonous and allochthonous bacteria from sugarcane bagasse in batch reactors. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 223, p. 952-963, . (15/06246-7)
VILLA MONTOYA, ALEJANDRA CAROLINA; DA SILVA MAZARELI, RAISSA CRISTINA; DELFORNO, TIAGO PALLADINO; CENTURION, VICTOR BORIN; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. New Insights into Controlling Homoacetogenesis in the Co-digestion of Coffee Waste: Effect of Operational Conditions and Characterization of Microbial Communities. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, . (16/20047-0, 15/06246-7)
DA SILVA, ALISSON H. M.; RAAIJMAN, STEFAN J.; SANTANA, CASSIA S.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; GOMES, JANAINA F.; KOPER, MARC T. M.. Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction to C2+ products on Cu and CuxZny electrodes: Effects of chemical composition and surface morphology. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 880, . (17/05241-7, 17/08420-0, 15/06246-7, 18/23601-3, 18/24339-0)
RASTEIRO, LETICIA F.; DE SOUSA, RAFAEL A.; VIEIRA, LUIZ H.; OCAMPO-RESTREPO, VIVIANNE K.; VERGA, LUCAS G.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Insights into the alloy-support synergistic effects for the CO2 hydrogenation towards methanol on oxide-supported Ni5Ga3 catalysts: An experimental and DFT study. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 302, . (17/11631-2, 15/06246-7, 19/05561-7, 18/21401-7, 18/12021-6, 14/50279-4, 17/22671-5, 19/22260-0)
PALADINO LINO, ANANDA VALLEZI; ASSAF, ELISABETE MOREIRA; ASSAF, JOSE MANSUR. Production of light hydrocarbons at atmospheric pressure from CO2 hydrogenation using CexZr((1-x))O-2 iron-based catalysts. JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION, v. 55, . (15/06246-7)
FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; ZAIAT, MARCELO; DO NASCIMENTO, CLAUDIO AUGUSTO OLLER. Thermophilic biodigestion of fermented sugarcane molasses in high-rate structured-bed reactors: Alkalinization strategies define the operating limits. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, v. 239, . (15/06246-7)
FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; FUENTES, LAURA; BOVIO-WINKLER, PATRICIA; ENG, FELIPE; ETCHEBEHERE, CLAUDIA; ZAIAT, MARCELO; OLLER DO NASCIMENTO, CLAUDIO AUGUSTO. Full details on continuous biohydrogen production from sugarcane molasses are unraveled: Performance optimization, self-regulation, metabolic correlations and quanti-qualitative biomass characterization. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 414, . (15/06246-7, 15/50684-9, 17/00080-5, 14/50279-4)
DIAS, M. E.; OLIVEIRA, G. H. D.; COUTO, P. T.; DUSSAN, K. J.; ZAIAT, M.; RIBEIRO, R.; STABLEIN, M. J.; WATSON, J. T.; ZHANG, Y.; TOMMASO, G.. Anaerobic digestion of hydrothermal liquefaction wastewater from spent coffee grounds. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, v. 148, . (15/06246-7, 17/12486-6, 16/21529-8, 18/16268-6)
RAMON, ADRIANA P.; LI, XIANSHENG; CLARK, ADAM H.; SAFONOVA, OLGA V.; MARCOS, FRANCIELLE C.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.; VAN BOKHOVEN, JEROEN A.; ARTIGLIA, LUCA; ASSAF, JOSE M.. In situ study of low-temperature dry reforming of methane over La2Ce2O7 and LaNiO3 mixed oxides. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 315, p. 16-pg., . (14/50279-4, 19/01265-4, 15/06246-7, 16/16329-0)
DA COSTA, TALLES BARCELOS; SIMOES, ANDREZA NATALINE; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Anaerobic Biodegradation of Biodiesel Industry Wastewater in Mesophilic and Thermophilic Fluidized Bed Reactors: Enhancing Treatment and Methane Recovery. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, v. 193, n. 10, p. 3336-3350, . (15/06246-7)
MIRANDA CRUZ, ALINE RODRIGUES; ASSAF, ELISABETE MOREIRA; GOMES, JANAINA FERNANDES; ASSAF, JOSE MANSUR. Active copper species of co-precipitated copper-ceria catalysts in the CO-PROX reaction: An in situ XANES and DRIFTS study. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 381, p. 42-49, . (14/50279-4, 15/06246-7)
RASTEIRO, LETICIA F.; MOTIN, ABDUL; VIEIRA, LUIZ H.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.; ZAERA, FRANCISCO. Growth of ZrO2 films on mesoporous silica sieve via atomic layer deposition. Thin Solid Films, v. 768, p. 6-pg., . (14/50279-4, 17/22671-5, 19/22260-0, 18/12021-6, 15/06246-7)
DA SILVA, ALISSON H. M.; RAAIJMAN, STEFAN J.; SANTANA, CASSIA S.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; GOMES, JANAINA F.; KOPER, MARC T. M.. Reprint of "Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction to C2+ products on Cu and CuxZny electrodes: Effects of chemical composition and surface morphology". JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 896, p. 9-pg., . (18/23601-3, 17/05241-7, 18/24339-0, 17/08420-0, 15/06246-7)
MARCOS, FRANCIELLE C. F.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. CuFe and CuCo supported on pillared clay as catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation into value-added products in one-step. MOLECULAR CATALYSIS, v. 458, n. B, SI, p. 297-306, . (15/06246-7, 12/17957-3)
REGO, GABRIEL CATUCCI; FERREIRA, TIAGO BORGES; RAMOS, LUCAS RODRIGUES; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; SOARES, LAIS AMERICO; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Bioconversion of pretreated sugarcane vinasse into hydrogen: new perspectives to solve one of the greatest issues of the sugarcane biorefinery. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, . (15/06246-7)
SILVA, ALISSON H. M. DA; VIEIRA, LUIZ H.; SANTANTA, CASSIA S.; KOPER, MARC T. M.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; GOMES, JANAINA F.. Ethanol formation from CO2 hydrogenation at atmospheric pressure using Cu catalysts: Water as a key component. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 324, p. 11-pg., . (18/23601-3, 17/05241-7, 18/24339-0, 17/08420-0, 18/12021-6, 15/06246-7, 20/15230-5)
FUESS, LUCAS T.; BRAGA, ADRIANA F. M.; ENG, FELIPE; GREGORACCI, GUSTAVO B.; SAIA, FLAVIA T.; ZAIAT, MARCELO; LENS, PIET N. L.. Solving the bottlenecks of sugarcane vinasse biodigestion: Impacts of temperature and substrate exchange on sulfate removal during dark fermentation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 455, p. 18-pg., . (15/06246-7, 16/21478-4)
DA SILVA MAZARELI, RAISSA CRISTINA; VILLA MONTOYA, ALEJANDRA CAROLINA; DELFORNO, TIAGO PALLADINO; CENTURION, VICTOR BORIN; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Enzymatic routes to hydrogen and organic acids production from banana waste fermentation by autochthonous bacteria: Optimization of pH and temperature. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 46, n. 12, p. 8454-8468, . (16/20048-6, 15/06246-7)
COLETTA, VITOR C.; GONCALVES, V, RENATO; BERNARDI, MARIA I. B.; HANAOR, DORIAN A. H.; ASSADI, M. HUSSEIN N.; MARCOS, FRANCIELLE C. F.; NOGUEIRA, FRANCISCO G. E.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.. Cu-Modified SrTiO3 Perovskites Toward Enhanced Water-Gas Shift Catalysis: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 1, p. 452-461, . (17/08293-8, 15/06246-7, 13/07296-2)
MOURA, A. G. L.; CENTURION, V. B.; OKADA, D. Y.; MOTTERAN, F.; DELFORNO, T. P.; OLIVEIRA, V. M.; VARESCHE, M. B. A.. Laundry wastewater and domestic sewage pilot-scale anaerobic treatment: Microbial community resilience regarding sulfide production. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 251, . (15/06246-7, 16/11948-3)
ALMEIDA, PRISCILLA DE SOUZA; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Producing hydrogen from the fermentation of cheese whey and glycerol as cosubstrates in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 47, n. 31, p. 14-pg., . (15/06246-7)
SILVA, BRUNO GARCIA; PEREZ-CALLEJA, PATRICIA; FORESTI, EUGENIO; NERENBERG, ROBERT. Unique biofilm structure and mass transfer mechanisms in the foam aerated biofilm reactor (FABR). ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (18/17064-5, 15/06246-7)
NOGUEIRA, ELIS WATANABE; DE GODOI, LEANDRO AUGUSTO GOUVEA; YABUKI, LAUREN NOZOMI MARQUES; BRUCHA, GUNTHER; DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI. Sulfate and metal removal from acid mine drainage using sugarcane vinasse as electron donor: Performance and microbial community of the down-flow structured-bed bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, v. 330, . (15/06246-7, 16/24526-0)
LOVATO, GIOVANNA; KOVALOVSZKI, ADAM; ALVARADO-MORALES, MERLIN; ARJUNA JEGLOT, ARNAUD TRISTAN; DOMINGUES RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERTO; ANGELIDAKI, IRINI. Modelling bioaugmentation: Engineering intervention in anaerobic digestion. RENEWABLE ENERGY, v. 175, p. 1080-1087, . (15/06246-7, 18/17715-6)
CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; DUARTE, IOLANDA CRISTINA SILVEIRA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE AMANCIO. Metataxonomic characterization of bacterial and archaeal community involved in hydrogen and methane production from citrus peel waste (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) in batch reactors. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, v. 149, . (17/01722-0, 15/06246-7)
CAVALCANTE, WILLAME A.; GEHRING, TITO A.; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Stimulation and inhibition of direct interspecies electron transfer mechanisms within methanogenic reactors by adding magnetite and granular actived carbon. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 415, . (15/06246-7)
RAMOS, LUCAS RODRIGUES; LOVATO, GIOVANNA; DOMINGUES RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERTO; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Anaerobic digestion of vinasse in fluidized bed reactors: Process robustness between two-stage thermophilic-thermophilic and thermophilic-mesophilic systems. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 314, . (15/06246-7, 18/17715-6)
SELLA, CAROLINE F.; CARNEIRO, RODRIGO B.; SABATINI, CAROLINA A.; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL K.; ZAIAT, MARCELO. an different inoculum sources influence the biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole antibiotic during anaerobic digestion. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 39, n. 1, . (15/04427-4, 17/18718-6, 15/06246-7, 09/53850-6)
NIZ, MIRIAN Y. K.; FUENTES, LAURA; ETCHEBEHERE, CLAUDIA; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Sugarcane vinasse extreme thermophilic digestion: a glimpse on biogas free management. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 44, n. 7, . (15/06246-7)
BERNAL, ANDRESSA PICIONIERI; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. A new side-looking at the dark fermentation of sugarcane vinasse: Improving the carboxylates production in mesophilic EGSB by selection of the hydraulic retention time and substrate concentration. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 46, n. 24, p. 12758-12770, . (15/06246-7)
VENTURA, JENY; CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Potential methanogenic and degradation of nonylphenol ethoxylate from domestic sewage: unravelling the essential roles of nutritional conditions and microbial community. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (15/06246-7)
RASTEIRO, LETICIA F.; ROSSI, MARCO A. L. S.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Low-pressure hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol over Ni-Ga alloys synthesized by a surfactant-assisted co-precipitation method and a proposed mechanism by DRIFTS analysis. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 381, n. SI, p. 261-271, . (14/50279-4, 17/22671-5, 15/06246-7, 17/10154-6)
PIFFER, MICHAEL ANTONIO; ZAIAT, MARCELO; DO NASCIMENTO, CLAUDIO AUGUSTO OLLER; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU. Dynamics of sulfate reduction in the thermophilic dark fermentation of sugarcane vinasse: A biohydrogen-independent approach targeting enhanced bioenergy production. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 9, n. 5, . (15/50684-9, 14/50279-4, 17/00080-5, 15/06246-7)
PETROLINI, DAVI D.; MARCOS, FRANCIELLE F. C.; LUCREDIO, ALESSANDRA F.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Exploiting oxidative coupling of methane performed over La-2(Ce1-xMgx)(2)O7-delta catalysts with disordered defective cubic fluorite structure. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 11, n. 13, p. 4471-4481, . (13/07296-2, 17/08293-8, 19/10980-9, 15/06246-7)
LOVATO, GIOVANNA; ALBANEZ, ROBERTA; STRACIERI, LUCAS; RUGGERO, LETICIA SCUDELER; RATUSZNEI, SUZANA MARIA; DOMINGUES RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERTO. Hydrogen production by co-digesting cheese whey and glycerin in an AnSBBR: Temperature effect. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 138, p. 81-90, . (15/06246-7, 16/03109-1, 14/07692-8)
BANDEIRA DE ALMEIDA, RICARDO GABRIEL; DINIZ DOS SANTOS, CARLA ELOISA; LUDERS, TAISSA COLUCIO; DEL NERY, VALERIA; LEAL, CINTIA DUTRA; PEREIRA, ALYNE DUARTE; ARAUJO, JULIANA CALABRIA; DAVENPORT, RUSSEL J.; BARANA, ANA CLAUDIA; LOPES, DEIZE DIAS; et al. Nitrogen removal by simultaneous partial nitrification, anammox and denitrification (SNAD) in a structured-bed reactor treating animal feed processing wastewater: Inhibitory effects and bacterial community. INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION, v. 133, p. 108-115, . (15/06246-7)
COUTO, P. T.; ENG, F.; NAESSENS, W.; NOPENS, I; ZAIAT, M.; RIBEIRO, R.. Modelling sugarcane vinasse processing in an acidogenic reactor to produce hydrogen with an ADM1-based model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 45, n. 11, p. 6217-6230, . (18/12748-3, 16/21529-8, 17/25778-5, 15/06246-7)
FERREIRA, GABRIELLA R.; NOGUEIRA, FRANCISCO G. E.; LUCREDIO, ALESSANDRA F.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Ethanol Steam Reforming by Ni Catalysts for H-2 Production: Evaluation of Gd Effect in CeO2 Support. CATALYSIS LETTERS, . (14/50279-4, 15/06246-7)
GOUVEA DE GODOI, LEANDRO AUGUSTO; SOLCIA GUERRERO, RENATA DE BELLO; DINIZ DOS SANTOS, CARLA ELOISA; FORESTI, EUGENIO; ZAIAT, MARCELO; RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA. Rapid and easy quantification of elemental sulphur in aqueous samples from biological reactors: the turbidimetric method revisited. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 99, n. 9, p. 809-823, . (15/18976-0, 15/06246-7)
VILLA MONTOYA, ALEJANDRA CAROLINA; DA SILVA MAZARELI, RAISSA CRISTINA; DELFORNO, TIAGO PALLADINO; CENTURION, VICTOR BONIN; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Hydrogen, alcohols and volatile fatty acids from the co-digestion of coffee waste (coffee pulp, husk, and processing wastewater) by applying autochthonous microorganisms. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 44, n. 39, p. 21434-21450, . (16/20047-0, 15/06246-7)
SANTOS LOPES, HELBERTH JUNNIOR; RAMOS, LUCAS RODRIGUES; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Simultaneous hydrogen and ethanol production in a thermophilic AFBR: a comparative approach between cellulosic hydrolysate single fermentation and the fermentation of glucose and xylose as co-substrates. Cellulose, v. 27, n. 5, . (15/06246-7)
NOGUEIRA, E. W.; LICONA, F. M.; GODOI, L. A. G.; BRUCHA, G.; DAMIANOVIC, M. H. R. Z.. Biological treatment removal of rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) and metals from actual acid mine drainage. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 80, n. 8, p. 1485-1493, . (15/06246-7)
SOARES, LAIS AMERICO; SILVA RABELO, CAMILA ABREU B.; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; SILVA, EDSON LUIS; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE AMANCIO. Screening and Bioprospecting of Anaerobic Consortia for Biofuel Production Enhancement from Sugarcane Bagasse. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, v. 190, n. 1, p. 232-251, . (15/06246-7, 09/15984-0, 13/22346-6)
BEZERRA, DEBORA M.; RODRIGUES, JOAO E. F. S.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Structural, vibrational and morphological properties of layered double hydroxides containing Ni2+ Zn2+ Al3+ and Zr4+ cations. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, v. 125, p. 29-36, . (15/06246-7)
FONSECA, RAFAEL FREDERICO; DUARTE DE OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME HENRIQUE; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Development of a mathematical model for the anaerobic digestion of antibiotic-contaminated wastewater. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN, v. 134, p. 319-335, . (12/18942-0, 16/15003-3, 15/06246-7)
DELFORNO, T. P.; BELGINI, DAIANE R. B.; HIDALGO, K. J.; CENTURION, VICTOR B.; LACERDA-JUNIOR, V, G.; DUARTE, IOLANDA C. S.; VARESCHE, M. B. A.; OLIVEIRA, V. M.. Anaerobic reactor applied to laundry wastewater treatment: Unveiling the microbial community by gene and genome-centric approaches. INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION, v. 149, . (14/16426-0, 15/06246-7)
MOURA, A. G. L.; RABELO, C. A. B. S.; OKINO, C. H.; MAINTINGUER, I, S.; SILVA, E. L.; VARESCHE, M. B. A.. Enhancement of Clostridium butyricum hydrogen production by iron and nickel nanoparticles: Effects on hydA expression. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 45, n. 53, p. 28447-28461, . (18/26470-7, 17/23008-8, 15/06246-7)
MACEDO, WILLIANE VIEIRA; DUARTE OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME HENRIQUE; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) anaerobic biodegradation occurs during acidogenesis. Chemosphere, v. 282, . (18/17744-6, 15/06246-7)
FELIPE, MAYARA CAROLINE; BERNEGOSSI, ALINE CHRISTINE; CARDOSO-SILVA, BRUNA NAYARA; DELL'ACQUA, MARCELO MARQUES; CORBI, JULIANO JOSE. Chironomus sancticaroli generation test applied to chemical contaminants and freshwater sediment samples. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 28, n. 29, p. 39282-39295, . (16/24622-9, 15/06246-7, 18/21901-0)
PIFFER, MICHAEL ANTONIO; OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANE ARRUDA; BOVIO-WINKLER, PATRICIA; ENG, FELIPE; ETCHEBEHERE, CLAUDIA; ZAIAT, MARCELO; DO NASCIMENTO, CLAUDIO AUGUSTO OLLER; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU. Sulfate- and pH-driven metabolic flexibility in sugarcane vinasse dark fermentation stimulates biohydrogen evolution, sulfidogenesis or homoacetogenesis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 47, n. 73, p. 21-pg., . (14/50279-4, 15/06246-7, 20/03429-1, 15/50684-9, 17/00080-5)
CENTURION, V. B.; MOURA, A. G. L.; DELFORNO, T. P.; OKADA, D. Y.; DOS SANTOS, V. P.; VARESCHE, M. B. A.; OLIVEIRA, V. M.. Anaerobic co-digestion of commercial laundry wastewater and domestic sewage in a pilot-scale EGSB reactor: The influence of surfactant concentration on microbial diversity. INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION, v. 127, p. 77-86, . (15/06246-7, 16/11948-3, 15/08219-7, 14/16426-0)
GOUVEA DE GODOI, LEANDRO AUGUSTO; DOS SANTOS EUGENIO FORESTI, CARLA ELOISA DINIZ; RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA. Evaluating and Refining Alkalinity Calculations Due to Sulfide and Bicarbonate Accessed by Titration in Anaerobic Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactors. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, v. 228, n. 9, . (15/06246-7)
DA SILVA, ALISSON H. M.; RODRIGUES, THENNER S.; DA SILVA, ANDERSON G. M.; CAMARGO, PEDRO H. C.; GOMES, JANAINA F.; ASSAF, JOSE M.. Systematic investigation of the effect of oxygen mobility on CO oxidation over AgPt nanoshells supported on CeO2, TiO2 and Al2O3. Journal of Materials Science, v. 52, n. 24, p. 13764-13778, . (15/06246-7)
GIL-GARCIA, CAROLINA; GOUVEA DE GODOI, LEANDRO AUGUSTO; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA. Performance improvement of a thermophilic sulfate-reducing bioreactor under acidogenic conditions: Effects of diversified operating strategies. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 207, p. 303-312, . (09/15984-0, 15/06246-7)
DINIZ DOS SANTOS, CARLA ELOISA; SOLCIA GUERRERO, RENATA DE BELLO; GOUVEA DE GODOI, LEANDRO AUGUSTO; FORESTI, EUGENIO; RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA. Dynamics of the nitrification and sulfide-driven autotrophic denitrification processes in a single reactor using oxidation-reduction potential as an indicator of the process effectiveness. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 93, n. 12, p. 3483-3491, . (15/06246-7)
LOVATO, GIOVANNA; ALBANEZ, ROBERTA; TRIVELONI, MARIANNE; RATUSZNEI, SUZANA M.; RODRIGUES, JOSE A. D.. Methane Production by Co-Digesting Vinasse and Whey in an AnSBBR: Effect of Mixture Ratio and Feed Strategy. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, v. 187, n. 1, p. 28-46, . (15/08403-2, 15/06246-7, 14/07692-8)
CARNEIRO, RODRIGO B.; SABATINI, CAROLINA A.; SANTOS-NETO, ALVARO J.; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Feasibility of anaerobic packed and structured-bed reactors for sulfamethoxazole and ciprofloxacin removal from domestic sewage. Science of The Total Environment, v. 678, p. 419-429, . (15/04427-4, 15/06246-7)
MOTA, V. T.; FERRAZ JUNIOR, A. D. N.; TRABLY, E.; ZAIAT, M.. Biohydrogen production at pH below 3.0: Is it possible?. WATER RESEARCH, v. 128, p. 350-361, . (15/06246-7, 14/22475-3, 17/05819-9, 13/15665-8)
VILLA MONTOYA, ALEJANDRA CAROLINA; DA SILVA MAZARELI, RAISSA CRISTINA; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Improving the hydrogen production from coffee waste through hydrothermal pretreatment, co-digestion and microbial consortium bioaugmentation. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, v. 137, . (16/20047-0, 15/06246-7)
PEREIRA, T. D. S.; SPINDOLA, R. H.; RABELO, C. A. B. S.; SILVEIRA, N. C.; ADORNO, M. A. T.; KUNZ, A.; PIRES, E. C.; DAMIANOVIC, M. H. R. Z.. A predictive model for N2O production in anammox-granular sludge reactors: Combined effects of nitrite/ammonium ratio and organic matter concentration. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 297, . (15/06246-7)
GOMES, MARINA MAURO; SILVA RABELO, CAMILA ABREU B.; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Methane Production Using Brewery Spent Grain: Optimal Hydrothermolysis, Fermentation of Waste and Role of Microbial Populations. WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, v. 13, n. 2, SI, . (15/06246-7)
YABUKI, L. N. M.; QUELUZ, J. G. T.; GARCIA, M. L.. Assessment of phase distribution and removal of metals in anaerobic digesters. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 19, n. 1, p. 463-474, . (15/06246-7, 17/18075-8, 16/24526-0)
ANCHIETA, CHAYENE GONCALVES; ASSAF, ELISABETE MOREIRA; ASSAF, JOSE MANSUR. yngas production by methane tri-reforming: Effect of Ni/CeO2 synthesis method on oxygen vacancies and coke formatio. JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION, v. 56, . (15/06246-7, 14/50279-4)
SILVA RABELO, CAMILA ABREU B.; OKINO, CINTIA HIROMI; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Isolation of Paraclostridium CR4 from sugarcane bagasse and its evaluation in the bioconversion of lignocellulosic feedstock into hydrogen by monitoring cellulase gene expression. Science of The Total Environment, v. 715, . (18/26470-7, 15/06246-7)
CAROSIA, MARIANA FRONJA; DOS REIS, CRISTIANE MARQUES; DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Homoacetogenesis: New insights into controlling this unsolved challenge by selecting the optimal C/N ratio, C/P ratio and hydraulic retention time. PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, v. 145, p. 273-284, . (15/06246-7)
DIAS, M. E. S.; TAKEDA, P. Y.; FUESS, L. T.; TOMMASO, G.. Inoculum-to-substrate ratio and solid content effects over in natura spent coffee grounds anaerobic digestion. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 325, p. 12-pg., . (21/15022-6, 15/06246-7, 20/07737-2)
LOVATO, GIOVANNA; GASPARI AUGUSTO, ISABELA MEHI; NUNES FERRAZ JUNIOR, ANTONIO DJALMA; ALBANEZ, ROBERTA; RATUSZNEI, SUZANA MARIA; ETCHEBEHERE, CLAUDIA; ZAIAT, MARCELO; DOMINGUES RODRIGUES, JOSE ALBERTO. Reactor start-up strategy as key for high and stable hydrogen production from cheese whey thermophilic dark fermentation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 46, n. 54, p. 27364-27379, . (15/06246-7, 18/17715-6, 19/25395-4)
LOPES, JESSICA COSTA; SILVA, BRUNO GARCIA; DIAS, MARIA EDUARDA SIMOES; CARNEIRO, RODRIGO BRAZ; RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA; FORESTI, EUGENIO. Enhanced biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal from sewage driven by fermented glycerol: comparative assessment between sequencing batch- and continuously fed-structured fixed bed reactor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (15/06246-7)
BEZERRA, DEBORA MORAIS; FERREIRA, GABRIELLA RIBEIRO; ASSAF, ELISABETE MOREIRA. Catalysts applied in biogas reforming: phases behavior study during the H-2 reduction and dry reforming by in situ X-ray diffraction. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 39, n. 3, p. 15-pg., . (15/06246-7)
SILVA, VANESSA; RABELO, CAMILA A. B. S.; CAMARGO, FRANCIELE P.; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL K.; SILVA, EDSON L.; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE A.. ptimization of Key Factors Affecting Hydrogen and Ethanol Production from Xylose by Thermoanaerobacterium calidifontis VCS1 Isolated from Vinasse Treatment Sludg. WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, v. 13, n. 4, SI, . (15/06246-7)
MOURA, ALANA G. L.; DELFORNO, TIAGO P.; RABELO, CAMILA A. B. S.; SILVA, EDSON L.; VARESCHE, MARIA B. A.. Iron zero valent nanoparticles applied in the biorefinery concept: Functional genes in continuous bioreactor fermenting vinasse. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, v. 174, p. 14-pg., . (17/23008-8, 15/06246-7, 18/26470-7)
GIL-GARCIA, CAROLINA; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; RABELO, CAMILA ABREU BORGES DA SILVA; DE OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANE ARRUDA; DE GODOI, LEANDRO AUGUSTO GOUVEA; DAMIANOVIC, MRCIA HELENA RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI. Recovering the sulfidogenic activity under harsh sulfide-rich fermentative conditions in a thermophilic structured-bed reactor: Performance and microbial aspects. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION, v. 30, p. 16-pg., . (09/15984-0, 15/06246-7)
DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; ALMEIDA, PRISCILLA DE SOUZA; CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; DELFORNO, TIAGO PALLADINO; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Two problems in one shot: Vinasse and glycerol co-digestion in a thermophilic high-rate reactor to improve process stability even at high sulfate concentrations. Science of The Total Environment, v. 862, p. 11-pg., . (15/06246-7)
VALMANA GARCIA, OSCAR DANIEL; PEREIRA NETO, ANA MARIA; DOMINGUES MORETTO, MERCIA REGINA; ZAIAT, MARCELO; MARTINS, GILBERTO. Food-to-microorganism ratio as a crucial parameter to maximize biochemical methane potential from sugarcane vinasse. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. N/A, p. 17-pg., . (15/06246-7)
TEIXEIRA, ROMULO MOTA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; MOTTERAN, FABRICIO; CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA; AMANCIO VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Removal of nonylphenol ethoxylate surfactant in batch reactors: emphasis on methanogenic potential and microbial community characterization under optimized conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (15/06246-7)
ROGERI, RENAN COGHI; FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; ENG, FELIPE; BORGES, ANDRE DO VALE; DE ARAUJO, MATHEUS NEVES; DAMIANOVIC, MARCIA HELENA RISSATO ZAMARIOLLI; DA SILVA, ARIOVALDO JOSE. Strategies to control pH in the dark fermentation of sugarcane vinasse: Impacts on sulfate reduction, biohydrogen production and metabolite distribution. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 325, p. 11-pg., . (15/06246-7)
MARCOS, FRANCIELLE C. F.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. CuFe and CuCo supported on pillared clay as catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation into value-added products in one-step. MOLECULAR CATALYSIS, v. 458, p. 10-pg., . (12/17957-3, 15/06246-7)
DE MENEZES, CAMILA APARECIDA; DE SOUZA ALMEIDA, PRISCILLA; DELFORNO, TIAGO PALLADINO; DE OLIVEIRA, VALERIA MAIA; SAKAMOTO, ISABEL KIMIKO; VARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE AMANCIO; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ. Relating biomass composition and the distribution of metabolic functions in the co-fermentation of sugarcane vinasse and glycerol. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 48, n. 24, p. 17-pg., . (15/06246-7)
FUESS, LUCAS TADEU; ZAIAT, MARCELO; OLLER DO NASCIMENTO, CLAUDIO AUGUSTO. Molasses vs. juice: Maximizing biohydrogen production in sugarcane biorefineries to diversify renewable energy generation. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, v. 37, p. 14-pg., . (15/50684-9, 17/00080-5, 15/06246-7)
VALDES, FREDDY; CAMILOTI, PRISCILA ROSSETO; BARTACEK, JAN; TORRES-ARAVENA, ALVARO; TOLEDO-ALARCON, JAVIERA; ZAIAT, MARCELO; JEISON, DAVID. Micro-Oxygenation in Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) Reactors Using a Silicon Membrane for Sulfide Oxidation. POLYMERS, v. 12, n. 9, p. 11-pg., . (15/06246-7)
CARNEIRO, RODRIGO B.; MUKAEDA, CAIO M.; SABATINI, CAROLINA A.; SANTOS-NETO, ALVARO J.; ZAIAT, MARCELO. Influence of organic loading rate on ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole biodegradation in anaerobic fixed bed biofilm reactors. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 273, p. 10-pg., . (15/04427-4, 15/06246-7)

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