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Spatially distributed population dynamics: speciation and coevolution


We intend to study speciation and coevolution processes using theoretical and computational models. Speciation studies will be focused on mathematical models of spatially structured population genetics and on the application of computer models to the Cichlids fish from African lakes. This is a work already in progress where we seek to compare simulation results with empirical data. One of the important topics of the work is to understand the process of speciation reversal due to water turbidity causedby human action. Turbidity reduces the ability of fish to distinguish partners of the same speciesand promotes Interspecies matings. These matings produce fertile offspring (for the speciationprocess of cichlids is still incipient) generating hybrids that mix the species and reduce diversity. The studies on co-evolution studies will be based on two natural systems. The first one is inspired on the salamander snake populations that inhabits the west coast of United States, where the salamanders produce a poison that protects them from the snakes. These, on the other hand, develop resistance to the venom produced by the prey generating an {\ it arms races}. The evolution of poison and resistance is counterbalanced by their cost of production, leading to a balance. In the second system we study mutualistic and antagonistic interactions involving two species in spatially structured scenarios. Previous works have shown that the same pair of species can interact mutualistically or antagonistically depending on environmental conditions. In these cases, the genetic composition of populations will vary withlocation. When there is migration of individuals between different sites it creates a mosaic thatmay not reflect the type of local interaction. We intend to study the different mosaics that form asa function of the link topology between sites and details of local interactions. (AU)

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Scientific publications (9)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
COSTA, CAROLINA L. N.; MARQUITTI, FLAVIA M. D.; IVAN PEREZ, S.; SCHNEIDER, DAVID M.; RAMOS, MARLON F.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Registering the evolutionary history in individual-based models of speciation. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 510, p. 1-14, . (16/01343-7, 15/11985-3, 16/06054-3)
CAETANO, R. A.; SANCHEZ, SERGIO; COSTA, CAROLINA L. N.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS ALOIZIO MARTINEZ. Sympatric speciation based on pure assortative mating. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, v. 53, n. 15, . (15/11985-3)
COSTA, CAROLINA L. N.; LEMOS-COSTA, PAULA; MARQUITTI, FLAVIA M. D.; FERNANDES, LUCAS D.; RAMOS, MARLON F.; SCHNEIDER, DAVID M.; MARTINS, AYANA B.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Signatures of Microevolutionary Processes in Phylogenetic Patterns. Systematic Biology, v. 68, n. 1, p. 131-144, . (15/11985-3, 15/26989-4, 16/06054-3, 16/01343-7, 14/10470-7)
MARTINS, AYANA DE BRITO; MARTINEZ DE AGUIAR, MARCUS ALOIZIO. Barriers to gene flow and ring species formation. Evolution, v. 71, n. 2, p. 442-448, . (16/06054-3, 10/10155-3)
LEMOS-COSTA, PAULA; MARTINS, AYANA B.; THOMPSON, JOHN N.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Gene flow and metacommunity arrangement affects coevolutionary dynamics at the mutualism - antagonism interface. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, v. 14, n. 130, . (14/10470-7, 16/06054-3)
FERNANDES, LUCAS D.; LEMOS-COSTA, PAULA; GUIMARAES, JR., PAULO R.; THOMPSON, JOHN N.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Coevolution Creates Complex Mosaics across Large Landscapes. American Naturalist, v. 194, n. 2, p. 217-229, . (09/54422-8, 15/26989-4, 16/06054-3)
DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.; NEWMAN, ERICA A.; PIRES, MATHIAS M.; YEAKE, JUSTIN D.; BOETTIGER, CARL; BURKLE, LAURA A.; GRAVEL, DOMINIQUE; GUIMARAES JR, PAULO R.; O'DONNELL, JAMES L.; POISOT, TIMOTHEE; et al. Revealing biases in the sampling of ecological interaction networks. PeerJ, v. 7, . (16/01343-7, 16/06054-3)
DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Speciation in the Derrida-Higgs model with finite genomes and spatial populations. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, v. 50, n. 8, . (16/06054-3)
MOREIRA, CAROLINA A.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Global synchronization of partially forced Kuramoto oscillators on networks. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 514, p. 487-496, . (16/06054-3, 15/11985-3)

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