Research Grants 16/03492-0 - Drama, Emoções - BV FAPESP
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Development and significance of emotions in the experiences of the child in early childhood education


The research project has as its central problem of research and analysis the development and meaning of human emotions and their status in the psyche, in a historical and cultural perspective of human development and its educational implications. Assuming this perspective - based on the work of Vygotsky, in dialogue with authors such as Bakhtin - we consider that the human emotion in close relationship to language and the signification process, goes beyond mere organic expressiveness and affects the subjects and its relationship to knowledge in the social and educational practices. Taking these placements and the contemporary authors formulations in this perspective about emotions and their relationship to the genetic law of cultural development of Vygotsky, the process of internalization and the psichological instruments and signs (Veresov; Delefosse-Santiago; Holodynski), we propose to deepen the theoretical-methodological approach of the problem here pointed. Taking these considerations and the contemporary authors formulations in this perspective about emotions as psichological instruments and their relationship to the genetic law of cultural development, the process of internalization (Santiago-Delefosse; Veresov; Holodynski), we propose to deepen the theoretical-methodological approach of the problem in a historical and cultural perspective of development. We highlight as the conceptual core to the analysis of emotions: emotional experience (perejivánie) and signification in the dramatic process of subject constitution; and we chose as a privileged locus of research and analysis the play and the theater in the context of early childhood education. The research field will be in a public institution, based theoretical and methodological principles of the assumed perspective, of the theory of enunciation (Bakhtin) and some of the assumptions of ethnographic research (Ezpeleta and Rockwell) and microgenetic analysis (Wertsh; Forman) in the construction process and data analysis. We hope that, the theoretical depth and the development of research methods about emotions and signification, open possibilities for the production of knowledge in the area and the transformation of teaching practices in educational institutions of early childhood. (AU)

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