Research Grants 15/17836-0 - Império Romano, Arqueologia romana - BV FAPESP
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Forms of contact: production, power and symbolism in the Roman world laboratory of provincial Roman archaeology - LARP-MAE/USP

Grant number: 15/17836-0
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Archeology - Historical Archaeology
Principal Investigator:Maria Isabel D'Agostino Fleming
Grantee:Maria Isabel D'Agostino Fleming
Host Institution: Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia (MAE). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers: Alcidio Pinheiro Ribeiro ; Alex dos Santos Almeida ; Andrea Piccini ; Diana Lorena Rodríguez Gallo ; Irmina Doneux Santos ; Lygia Ferreira Rocco ; Marcia Severina Vasques ; Renato Pinto ; Silvana Trombetta ; Tatiana Bina ; Vagner Carvalheiro Porto


The knowledge produced by academic research and its application to the educational projects in the first cycle of existence of LARP (2011-2014), supported by FAPESP (2011/51184-9), led to the criation of the project "Forms of Contact: production, power and symbolism in the Roman world", promoting other thematic axes which make possible new debates among the members and bringing up new proposals of application in the area of extension to the student and academic public. The general project is centered in the processes of inter-regional interaction with the goal of formulating questions of socio-political and cultural changes in the Italic Peninsula and Roman provinces. The pertinent archaeological research inserts itself in the reconstruction of complex intersocial networks, with prominence for the nature of these connections, by whom they are mediated, and what political, economic and ideological meaning of the goods and ideas associated to them. In this way, in the framework under the aegis of the space and of contacts in their multiple natures, production, power and symbolism in the Roman world will be analysed in consonance with the subthemes which compose the main objects of the researches of the members of LARP, such as Architecture and Urbanism, Landscape and Territory, Religion and Consumption. At the same time, the products of the investigations should feed educative pilot projects derived from the general project. They are: Herculanum, Interactive Map of the Roman Empire, Architectonic Interactive Roman Glossar (GLO.R.I.A), Religious Terms Glossar (SACRUM), Artefactual Terms Glossar (TERMINUS), Interactive Installation "Rome: Pathways in the Past" and educative Videos. (AU)

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