Research Grants 15/18806-7 - Geração de energia elétrica, Energia renovável - BV FAPESP
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Synchronized phasor measurement applications for power systems with intermittent generation


In recent years, the power system structure is changing with the incorporation of renewable generation, intensive use of new communications systems and devices that change the traditional power flow direction (large generation units to load centers). The main drive for these changes are the assimilation of information technology techniques to the power system operation, new generation sources (wind and solar), power electronic devices, large energy storage systems and demand response. In this new environment, small generation and storage units close to the load centers share the power supply with large generation units through smart systems. The main goal is to keep the high levels supply reliability with low economic and environmental cost. Regarding these changes, the assimilation of information technology to power system operation, through the Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS), and the intermittent generation such as wind and solar, compose the main research lines to be developed in this research project. The WAMS represents a new power system operation paradigm providing the physical structure for development of new applications for monitoring, control and protection. In Brazil, the independent system operators (ISO) proposed the ESTAL project aiming the installation of a PMU network and develop new monitoring applications. This WAMS, proposed by the ISO, already use data from 36 PMUs from three different TSO (Transmission System Operators) and 100 new PMUs will be installed in the next two years. The present project main goals are: a) study the impact of high wind penetration in large power system; b) study the boundaries related with phasor measurement estimation and; c) develop and assess phasor measurement application to improve the power system operation. To reach these goals a software analyses platform needs to be build using g last generation wind turbine/storage models, to improve the PMU Matlab-Simulink model and to implement phasor measurement applications. The evaluation of the phasor measurement applications potential to improve the power system operational performance is the main contribution of this project. (AU)

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Scientific publications (9)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
BENTO, MURILO E. C.; DOTTA, DANIEL; KUIAVA, ROMAN; RAMOS, RODRIGO A.. Design of Coordinated Decentralized Damping Controllers for Power Systems Considering Uncertainties. JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, v. 29, n. 1, p. 22-31, . (15/02569-6, 15/24245-8, 15/18806-7, 16/08645-9)
BENTO, MURILO E. C.; DOTTA, DANIEL; KUIAVA, ROMAN; RAMOS, RODRIGO A.. A Procedure to Design Fault-Tolerant Wide-Area Damping Controllers. IEEE ACCESS, v. 6, p. 23383-23405, . (15/02569-6, 15/24245-8, 15/18806-7, 16/08645-9)
DOTTA, DANIEL; CHOW, JOE H.; WILEHES-BERNAL, FELIPE; IEEE. Application of Modulation Techniques for Power System Transient Response Studies. 2017 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING, v. N/A, p. 5-pg., . (15/18806-7)
BENTO, MURILO E. C.; DOTTA, DANIEL; RAMOS, RODRIGO A.; IEEE. Wide-area Measurements-based Two-level Control Design Considering Power System Operation Uncertainties. 2017 IEEE MANCHESTER POWERTECH, v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (15/02569-6, 15/18806-7, 15/24245-8)
BERNARDO, RAUL T.; OLIVEIRA, RICARDO C. L. F.; DOTTA, DANIEL. An Improved LMI-based Approach for the Design of Power System Damping Controllers. IFAC PAPERSONLINE, v. 51, n. 25, p. 6-pg., . (15/18806-7, 16/08645-9, 17/18785-5)
ZAMORA, A.; DOTTA, D.; CHOW, JOE H.; RAMIREZ, JUAN M.; PATERNINA, M. R. A.; IEEE. Identification of Power System Oscillations by a Decentralized Methodology. 2017 IEEE PES INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE - LATIN AMERICA (ISGT LATIN AMERICA), v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (15/18806-7)
LUGNANI, LUCAS; DOTTA, DANIEL; FERREIRA, JOAO M. F.; DECKER, ILDEMAR C.; CHOW, JOE H.; IEEE. Frequency Response Estimation Following Large Disturbances using Synchrophasors. 2018 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING (PESGM), v. N/A, p. 5-pg., . (16/08645-9, 15/18806-7)
MOTTA, RAFAEL T.; DOTTA, DANIEL; WILCHES-BERNAL, FELIPE; LEONARDI, BRUNO; IEEE. Second Generation Wind Turbine Generators Generic Models in the Power System Toolbox. 2018 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING (PESGM), v. N/A, p. 5-pg., . (16/08645-9, 15/18806-7)

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