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Simulating and analyzing electromagnetic transients with modified numeric model

Grant number: 15/21390-7
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: February 01, 2016 - January 31, 2018
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Power Systems
Principal Investigator:Afonso José do Prado
Grantee:Afonso José do Prado
Host Institution: Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus Experimental São João da Boa Vista. São João da Boa Vista , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:André Alves Ferreira ; Jose Pissolato Filho


The research project presented in this proposal will be developed in two years and it focuses on the development of numerical routine for improving the numerical model of transmission lines using state variables techniques and considering the influence of frequency on the transmission line parameters. The analysis and simulations based on this numerical model should be appropriate for studying and simulating electrical systems based on power centers and the introduction of power distributed generation. This follows the directions of a research working group of Power & Energy Society (PES / IEEE), which coordinates the development of EMTP software applications (Electromagnetic Transient Programs) used for analysis and simulations of electromagnetic transients in power systems. The described proposal is based on research projects developed during the undergraduate period at UNICAMP and the post-doctorate one at UNESP, as well as, the collaboration with professors of UNEMAT. (AU)

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Scientific publications
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
SANTOS, M. O.; JUS, L. H.; PRADO, A. J.; GENNARO, E. M.; PISSOLATO FILHO, J.; IEEE. Influence of Damping Resistance in Electromagnetic Transients Using Alternate Structures of pi Circuits. 2017 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM - SPRING (PIERS), v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (15/20590-2, 15/20684-7, 15/21390-7, 16/02559-3)
PEREIRA, T. G.; MOREIRA, A. C.; PRADO, A. J.; FERREIRA, A. A.; PISSOLATO FILHO, J.; IEEE. Laboratorial Tests with Transmission Line Model Based on Modified pi Circuits. 2017 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM - SPRING (PIERS), v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (15/20590-2, 15/20684-7, 15/21390-7, 16/02559-3)
PEREIRA, T. G.; PRADO, A. J.; LESSA, L. S.; DER AGOPIAN, P. G.; PENCHEL, R. A.; FERREIRA, A. A.; PISSOLATO FILHO, J.; IEEE. Transmission Line Model Based on PCB Units and Modified pi Circuits. 2019 PHOTONICS & ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM - SPRING (PIERS-SPRING), v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (15/20590-2, 15/20684-7, 15/21390-7, 16/02559-3)

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