Research Grants 15/11075-7 - Avaliação psicológica, Adaptação cultural - BV FAPESP
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Jesness personality inventory: adptation for the Brazilian context


Involvement in activities that involve risk behaviors, including those consisting some laws violations, is frequent in adolescents' years. There is, however, different patterns of engagement in these activities, especially those that refer to illegal acts, reflecting differences in the "level of infraction engagement". From this perspective, evaluate teens prosecuted in Juvenile Justice for involvement in criminal activity, in view of the need to assist in judicial decision-making and direction of social and educational interventions, is one of the crucial tasks assigned to Psychologist, working in the forensics context. The personality assessment, amid other evaluation activities, can help you check how much the infraction activity refers to developing a positive attitude towards violation of the laws and other difficulties and developmental lags. To this process is relevant have instruments to auxiliary evaluation. We highlighted the Jesness Personality Inventory (JPI) here. Developed in the North American, especially to assess attitudinal changes resulting from interventions in programs for young offenders, the IPJ consists of 160 items grouped into 13 scales: Ten refer to patterns of attitudes and personality traits; two to behaviors related to DSM-IV disorders classification criteria; and a final scale, called Asocial Index, offers a risk indicator to infracional recurrence. Studies on the applicability of JPI to the Brazilian context have been implemented since the 1980s. The actual research is aligned to these in order to conduct further analysis in order to adapt the Brazilian adolescents, male, aged between 12 and 18 years. The procedures already performed involving translation, back translation and qualitative assessment of the instrument, which contributed to the production of the Brazilian version of the Inventory (IPJ-R-Br), as well as testing some of its psychometric properties (evidence of validity and reliability) and the establishment of normative standards of interpretation for ages 14-18 years. This proposal is to expand testing of its psychometric qualities. We aim getting new instrument validity indicators (concurrent validity, construct validity - discriminant and factorial), and identifying personality profiles in the total sample and by age group, and in the subsamples, involving adolescents from population and from judicialized samples. Also, we aim getting new reliability indicators (by the half method and by the test-retest) and establishing more robust normative standards for instrument, expanding the sample of adolescents between the ages have studied (14 to 18), and now involving ages never before studied, 12 and 13. As well as data stored into data bases will be used, along with new data, collected with teenagers who will be recruited in schools / educational equipment, estimating work with a total sample of about 1,380 adolescents. The data will be compiled and analyzed by specific statistical analysis, using the IBM® SPSS® Amos " 22 software, as needed. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
AMENGUAL, LORENA WENGER; COSTA, RAFAELLE CAROLYNNE SANTOS; KOMATSU, ANDRE VILELA; BAZON, MARINA REZENDE; ANDRES-PUEYO, ANTONIO. Personality differences between Brazilian and Spanish adolescent' offenders, assessed with the Jesness Inventory Revised. REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA CLINICA CON NINOS Y ADOLESCENTES, v. 9, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (15/11075-7)

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