Grant number: | 15/00565-3 |
Support Opportunities: | Regular Research Grants |
Field of knowledge: | Health Sciences - Dentistry - Pediatric Dentistry |
Principal Investigator: | Daniela Prócida Raggio |
Grantee: | Daniela Prócida Raggio |
Host Institution: | Faculdade de Odontologia (FO). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
Associated researchers: | Daniela Hesse ; Fausto Medeiros Mendes ; Mariana Minatel Braga Fraga |
The aim of this in vivo study is to evaluate restoration longevity of occlusal and occluo-proximal restorations performed with Atraumatic Restorative Treatment(ART), comparing three restorative materials: High viscous glass ionomer cement, (GIC), Glass Carbomer (GC) and resin modified by polyacid - compomer (COM). We will select 600 cavities (300 ocluso-proximaland 300 occlusal) in children with carires lesions in primary molars. Cavities will be randomly alocated to three groups:HVGIC (Fuji IX Extra - GC Corp), GC(Glass Carbomer - GCP Dental) and Compomer (Dyract - Denstply). Parents will answer a questionaire (Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale - ECOHIS) for assesing the Oral Helath related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) before and 6 months after completing treatment.Restorations will be evaluated after 1, 6, 12 and 24 months by two calibrated examiners. For restoration longevity, we will evaluate by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and log rank test. To test the association between outcome and patient variables, Cox regression test will be performed. For OHRQoL in total scores, Poisson regression analysis will be done. The significant level will be set at 5%. (AU)
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