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Plasmonic and nonlinear effects in graphene coupled to optical waveguides


This project is currently being submitted within the Thematic Projects line following the advice of FAPESP's Area Coordination, and consists of the same project previously submitted and well refereed in the Young Researchers line [process no. 2012/18400-2]. There has been no change in the budget and only minor amendments in the text were made in this cover page and in section 6 (marked in blue). The team was updated to reflected the personnel that is currently available. Regarding documentation, only the CV, the description of the available infrastructure and equipment, the description of previous funding, as well as forms, were updated. The present proposal aims to study plasmonic and nonlinear optical effects obtained in graphene and other two-dimensional crystals, which will be excited and observed via optical waveguides. Two types of waveguides will be considered: optical fibers and integrated waveguides on planar substrates. Two-dimensional crystals will be incorporated into the waveguide structure in two ways: deposition onto surfaces near the core or introduction into microfluidic channels of the crystals in suspension. In the case of deposition, optical fibers with a D-shaped cross section and waveguides in planar substrates will be used. In the case of crystal suspensions, microstructured optical fibers will be used. For increasing the efficiency of plasmonic effects and of nonlinear optical effects, metallic nanoparticles can be deposited onto graphene. In addition, doping methods, for displacing the Fermi level of graphene, and patterning methods will be studied, aiming at adjusting the plasmonic and optical properties. The resulting waveguides will contribute to a better understanding of the interaction of guided light with the studied nanomaterials, besides presenting a huge technological potential for the development of devices for telecommunications, signal processing and sensing. (AU)

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Scientific publications (57)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
RIBEIRO, HENRIQUE B.; PIMENTA, MARCOS A.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.. Raman spectroscopy in black phosphorus. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 49, n. 1, SI, p. 76-90, . (15/11779-4, 12/50259-8)
RIBEIRO, H. B.; RAMOS, S. L. L. M.; SEIXAS, L.; DE MATOS, C. J. S.; PIMENTA, M. A.. Edge phonons in layered orthorhombic GeS and GeSe monochalcogenides. Physical Review B, v. 100, n. 9, . (15/11779-4, 12/50259-8, 17/20100-0, 18/04926-9)
TORRES, V; SILVA, P.; DE SOUZA, E. A. T.; SILVA, L. A.; BAHAMON, D. A.. Valley notch filter in a graphene strain superlattice: Green's function and machine learning approach. Physical Review B, v. 100, n. 20, . (15/11779-4, 12/50259-8, 18/07276-5)
KESSLER, FELIPE; MUNOZ, PABLO A. R.; PHELAN, CIARAN; ROMANI, ERIC C.; LARRUDE, DUNIESKYS R. G.; FREIRE JUNIOR, FERNANDO L.; DE SOUZA, EUNEZIO A. THOROH; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; FECHINE, GUILHERMINO J. M.. Direct dry transfer of CVD graphene to an optical substrate by in situ photo-polymerization. Applied Surface Science, v. 440, p. 55-60, . (15/12734-4, 14/22840-3, 12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
GIL-MOLINA, A.; PEREZ-RAMIREZ, A.; RAMIREZ, J. C.; GABRIELLI, L. H.; FRAGNITO, H. L.. Shift of zero-dispersion wavelength in bent optical fibers. Optics Express, v. 26, n. 6, p. 6700-6714, . (15/11779-4, 08/57857-2, 12/50259-8, 13/20180-3)
BATISTA, ANDRE JAQUES; VIANNA, PILAR GREGORY; RIBEIRO, HENRIQUE BUCKER; SANTIAGO DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO JOSE; LEONIDAS GOMES, ANDERSON STEVENS. QR code micro-certified gemstones: femtosecond writing and Raman characterization in Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 9, . (15/11779-4, 17/20100-0, 12/50259-8)
WOODWARD, R. I.; MURRAY, R. T.; PHELAN, C. F.; DE OLIVEIRA, R. E. P.; RUNCORN, T. H.; KELLEHER, E. J. R.; LI, S.; DE OLIVEIRA, E. C.; FECHINE, G. J. M.; EDA, G.; et al. Characterization of the second- and third-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities of monolayer MoS2 using multiphoton microscopy. 2D MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 1, . (15/11779-4, 14/50460-0, 15/12734-4, 12/50259-8)
GRASSESCHI, D.; BAHAMON, D. A.; MAIA, F. C. B.; CASTRO NETO, A. H.; FREITAS, R. O.; DE MATOS, C. J. S.. Oxygen impact on the electronic and vibrational properties of black phosphorus probed by synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopy. 2D MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 3, . (15/11779-4, 15/10405-3, 12/50259-8)
STEINBERG, DAVID; GEROSA, RODRIGO M.; PELLICER, FERNANDA N.; ZAPATA, JUAN D.; DOMINGUES, SERGIO H.; THOROH DE SOUZA, EUNEZIO A.; SAITO, LUCIA A. M.. Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide as saturable absorbers onto D-shaped fibers for sub 200-fs EDFL mode-locking. OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, v. 8, n. 1, p. 144-156, . (16/25836-2, 15/11779-4, 12/50259-8)
GEROSA, RODRIGO M.; STEINBERG, DAVID; NAGAOKA, DANILO A.; ZAPATA, JUAN D.; DOMINGUES, SERGIO H.; THOROH DE SOUZA, EUNEZIO A.; SAITO, LUCIA A. M.. Liquid phase exfoliated black phosphorus and reduced graphene oxide polymer-based saturable absorbers fabrication using the droplet method for mode-locking applications. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, v. 106, p. 107-112, . (16/25836-2, 15/11779-4, 12/50259-8)
RODRIGUES, MANUEL J. L. F.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; HO, YI WEI; PEIXOTO, HELDER; DE OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL E. P.; WU, HSIN-YU; CASTRO NETO, ANTONIO H.; VIANA-GOMES, JOSE. Resonantly Increased Optical Frequency Conversion in Atomically Thin Black Phosphorus. Advanced Materials, v. 28, n. 48, p. 10693+, . (15/11779-4, 12/50259-8)
ALDAYA, I.; GIL-MOLINA, A.; PITA, J. L.; GABRIELLI, L. H.; FRAGNITO, H. L.; DAINESE, P.. Nonlinear carrier dynamics in silicon nano-waveguides. OPTICA, v. 4, n. 10, p. 1219-1227, . (15/11779-4, 12/50259-8, 15/04113-0, 13/20180-3)
VIANNA, PILAR G.; SAFEER, SYED HAMZA; ORE, ALEXANDRE S. M. V.; GORDO, VANESSA O.; CARVALHO, ISABEL C. S.; CAROZO, VICTOR; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; IEEE. Synthesis and Characterization of MoS2/WS2 Heterostructures by Second Harmonic Generation. 2019 SBFOTON INTERNATIONAL OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (SBFOTON IOPC), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
SAITO, L. A. M.; THOROH DE SOUZA, E. A.; IEEE. Ultrafast Graphene-based Optical Modulators. 2019 SBFOTON INTERNATIONAL OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (SBFOTON IOPC), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
CAMACHO, W. A.; DE CARVALHO, M. M.; RAMIREZ, J. C.; DE SOUZA, E. A. THOROH; SAITO, L. A. M.. Adaptive PAM-4/PAM-8 graphene-based electro-optical modulator integrated into a polymer waveguide platform for data-center communication. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, v. 157, p. 6-pg., . (12/50259-8, 18/08988-9, 15/11779-4)
ZAPATA, J. D.; STEINBERG, D.; SAITO, L. A. M.; DE OLIVEIRA, R. E. P.; CARDENAS, A. M.; THOROH DE SOUZA, E. A.. Efficient graphene saturable absorbers on D-shaped optical fiber for ultrashort pulse generation. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 6, . (15/11779-4, 12/50259-8, 15/12716-6)
VIANNA, PILAR G.; GRASSESCHI, DANIEL; DOMINGUES, SERGIO H.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.. Real-time optofluidic surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy based on a graphene oxide/gold nanorod nanocomposite. Optics Express, v. 26, n. 18, p. 22698-22708, . (15/11779-4, 15/10405-3, 12/50259-8)
RIBEIRO, HENRIQUE B.; PIMENTA, MARCOS A.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.. Raman spectroscopy in black phosphorus. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 49, n. 1, p. 15-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
ALDAYA, I.; GIL-MOLINA, A.; PITA, J. L.; FRAGNITO, H. L.; DAINESE, P.; IEEE. Lifetime Dependence on Carrier Density in Silicon Nanowires. 2022 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION 2022), v. N/A, p. 1-pg., . (15/04113-0, 13/20180-3, 08/57857-2, 12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
BONANDO, MATHEUS G.; ARAUJO, MARIA C. S.; SAITO, LUCIA A. M.; IEEE. All-fiber graphene electro-optic modulators with different dielectric materials. 2018 SBFOTON INTERNATIONAL OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (SBFOTON IOPC), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4, 17/07557-1)
CASALLAS, FABIANA C.; DE OLIVEIRA, AFAEL E. P.; IEEE. Design of Optimized Integrated Optical Phase Modulators with Graphene. 2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE AND OPTOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (IMOC), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
STEINBERG, D.; ZAPATA, J. D.; THOROH DE SOUZA, E. A.; SAITO, L. A. M.; IEEE. Ultrashort Pulse Generation Using Mechanically Exfoliated Graphite onto D-shaped Optical Fiber in Erbium Doped Fiber Laser. 2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE AND OPTOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (IMOC), v. N/A, p. 3-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
STEINBERG, D.; GEROSA, R. M.; PELLICER, F. N.; DOMINGUES, S. H.; THOROH DE SOUZA, E. A.; SAITO, L. A. M.; IEEE. Sub-300 fs Mode-locked Erbium Doped Fiber Laser Using Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide onto D-Shaped Optical Fibers. 2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE AND OPTOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (IMOC), v. N/A, p. 3-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
VIANNA, PILAR G.; ALMEIDA, ALINE DOS S.; GEROSA, RODRIGO M.; BAHAMON, DARIO A.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; IEEE. Enhancement of the SHG in monolayer MoS2 by an epsilon-near-zero substrate. 2020 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), v. N/A, p. 2-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
LIU, HE; GRASSESCHI, DANIEL; DODDA, AKHIL; FUJISAWA, KAZUNORI; OLSON, DAVID; KAHN, ETHAN; ZHANG, FU; ZHANG, TIANYI; LEI, YU; BRANCO, RICARDO BRAGA NOGUEIRA; et al. Spontaneous chemical functionalization via coordination of Au single atoms on monolayer MoS2. SCIENCE ADVANCES, v. 6, n. 49, . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4, 17/01817-1)
MALDONADO, MELISSA E.; DAS, AVISHEK; JAWAID, ALI M.; RITTER, ALLYSON J.; VAIA, RICHARD A.; NAGAOKA, DANILO A.; VIANNA, PILAR G.; SEIXAS, LEANDRO; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; BAEV, ALEXANDER; et al. Nonlinear Optical Interactions and Relaxation in 2D Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Probed by Optical and Photoacoustic Z-Scan Methods. ACS PHOTONICS, v. 7, n. 12, p. 5440-5447, . (18/25339-4, 15/11779-4)
LIU, HE; SILVA, WALNER COSTA; GONCALVES DE SOUZA, LEONARDO SANTANA; VEIGA, AMANDA GARCEZ; SEIXAS, LEANDRO; FUJISAWA, KAZUNORI; KAHN, ETHAN; ZHANG, TIANYI; ZHANG, FU; YU, ZHUOHANG; et al. 3d transition metal coordination on monolayer MoS2: a facile doping method to functionalize surfaces. NANOSCALE, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (12/50259-8, 18/25339-4, 15/11779-4, 17/01817-1)
BAHAMON, DARIO A.; GOMEZ-SANTOS, G.; STAUBER, T.. Emergent magnetic texture in driven twisted bilayer graphene. NANOSCALE, v. 12, n. 28, p. 15383-15392, . (15/11779-4, 18/07276-5)
ALVARENGA, VINICIUS T.; BAHAMON, DARIO A.; PERES, NUNO M. R.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.. Relaxing Graphene Plasmon Excitation Constraints Through the Use of an Epsilon-Near-Zero Substrate. Plasmonics, v. 18, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (18/25339-4, 15/11779-4, 18/07276-5)
FERES, FLAVIO H.; BARCELOS, INGRID D.; MAYER, RAFAEL A.; DOS SANTOS, THIAGO M.; FREITAS, RAUL O.; RASCHKE, MARKUS B.; BAHAMON, DARIO A.; MAIA, FRANCISCO C. B.. Dipole modelling for a robust description of subdiffractional polariton waves. NANOSCALE, v. 11, n. 44, p. 21218-21226, . (18/05425-3, 15/11779-4, 19/08818-9, 18/07276-5)
AIUB, EDUARDO J.; STEINBERG, DAVID; THOROH DE SOUZA, EUNEZIO A.; SAITO, LUCIA A. M.. 200-fs mode-locked Erbium-doped fiber laser by using mechanically exfoliated MoS2 saturable absorber onto D-shaped optical fiber. Optics Express, v. 25, n. 9, p. 10546-10552, . (15/11779-4, 14/50460-0, 12/50259-8)
RIBEIRO, H. B.; VILLEGAS, C. E. P.; BAHAMON, D. A.; MURACA, D.; CASTRO NETO, A. H.; DE SOUZA, E. A. T.; ROCHA, A. R.; PIMENTA, M. A.; DE MATOS, C. J. S.. Edge phonons in black phosphorus. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 7, . (12/24227-1, 11/01235-6, 12/50259-8, 15/11779-4, 11/11973-4)
BARCELOS, INGRID D.; BECHTEL, HANS A.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; BAHAMON, DARIO A.; KAESTNER, BERND; MAIA, FRANCISCO C. B.; FREITAS, RAUL O.. Probing Polaritons in 2D Materials with Synchrotron Infrared Nanospectroscopy. ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, v. 8, n. 5, SI, . (15/11779-4, 12/50259-8, 18/07276-5)
ETCHEVERRY, SEBASTIAN; ARAUJO, LEONARDO F.; DA COSTA, GREICE K. B.; PEREIRA, JOAO M. B.; CAMARA, ALEXANDRE R.; NACIRI, JAWAD; RATNA, BANAHALLI R.; HERNANDEZ-ROMANO, IVAN; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; CARVALHO, ISABEL C. S.; et al. Microsecond switching of plasmonic nanorods in an all-fiber optofluidic component. OPTICA, v. 4, n. 8, p. 864-870, . (12/05916-0, 15/11779-4)
ALDAYA, IVAN; DAINESE, PAULO; GIL-MOLINA, ANDRES; PITA, JULIAN L.; FRAGNITO, HUGO L.; IEEE. Characterization of nonlinear carrier dynamics in silicon strip nanowaveguides. 2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE AND OPTOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (IMOC), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (13/20180-3, 15/04113-0, 15/11779-4, 12/50259-8)
CAMACHO, WANDERSON A.; THOROH DE SOUZA, EUNEZIO A.; SAITO, LUCIA A. M.; IEEE. Graphene-based electro-optical modulators integrated into polymer waveguide with three dielectric materials proposals. 2018 SBFOTON INTERNATIONAL OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (SBFOTON IOPC), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
DAINESE, PAULO; ALDAYA, IVAN; GIL-MOLINA, ANDRES; GABRIELLI, LUCAS H.; FRAGNITO, HUGO L.; PITA, JULIAN L.; SCHRODER, H; CHEN, RT. Generation and recombination of free-carriers in silicon nano-waveguides. OPTICAL INTERCONNECTS XIX, v. 10924, p. 7-pg., . (12/50259-8, 13/20180-3, 15/11779-4, 15/04113-0)
RIBEIRO, H. B.; RAMOS, S. L. L. M.; SEIXAS, L.; DE MATOS, C. J. S.; PIMENTA, M. A.. Edge phonons in layered orthorhombic GeS and GeSe monochalcogenides. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 100, n. 9, p. 8-pg., . (12/50259-8, 18/04926-9, 15/11779-4, 17/20100-0)
BARCELOS, INGRID D.; BECHTEL, HANS A.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; BAHAMON, DARIO A.; KAESTNER, BERND; MAIA, FRANCISCO C. B.; FREITAS, RAUL O.. Probing Polaritons in 2D Materials with Synchrotron Infrared Nanospectroscopy. ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, v. 8, n. 5, p. 16-pg., . (12/50259-8, 18/07276-5, 15/11779-4)
MARQUES, ISRAEL A.; DE OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL E. P.; IEEE. Design of a DAC-less PAM-4 Integrated Optical Modulator Based on Silicon Photonics with Graphene. 2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE AND OPTOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (IMOC), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
TORRES, V; SILVA, P.; DE SOUZA, E. A. T.; SILVA, L. A.; BAHAMON, D. A.. Valley notch filter in a graphene strain superlattice: Green's function and machine learning approach. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 100, n. 20, p. 10-pg., . (12/50259-8, 18/07276-5, 15/11779-4)
DE OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL E. P.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.. Graphene Based Waveguide Polarizers: In-Depth Physical Analysis and Relevant Parameters. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 5, . (15/11779-4, 12/50259-8)
DE FREITAS, F. P. R.; TEINBERG, D. S.; ROSA, H. G.; DE SOUZA, E. A THOROH. Study on the mechanically exfoliated graphene saturable absorption dependence on the number of layers and its influence on passive mode-locking erbium-doped fiber laser dynamics. OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, v. 12, n. 12, p. 12-pg., . (12/50259-8, 16/25836-2, 15/11779-4)
HAMZA SAFEER, SYED; ORE, ALEXANDRE S. M., V; CADORE, ALISSON R.; GORDO, VANESSA O.; VIANNA, PILAR G.; CARVALHO, ISABEL C. S.; CAROZO, VICTOR; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.. CVD growth and optical characterization of homo and heterobilayer TMDs. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 132, n. 2, p. 13-pg., . (20/04374-6, 18/25339-4, 15/11779-4)
GIL-MOLINA, A.; CASTANEDA, J. A.; LONDONO-GIRALDO, D. F.; GABRIELLI, L. H.; CARDENAS, A. M.; FRAGNITO, H. L.. High-order dispersion mapping of an optical fiber. Optics Express, v. 28, n. 3, p. 4258-4273, . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4, 19/16793-6, 17/16151-9, 18/08988-9)
DA SILVA-NETO, MANOEL L.; BARBOSA-SILVA, RENATO; DE ARAUJO, CID B.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; JAWAID, ALI M.; RITTER, ALLYSON J.; VAIA, RICHARD A.; GOMES, ANDERSON S. L.. Hyper-Rayleigh scattering in 2D redox exfoliated semi-metallic ZrTe2 transition metal dichalcogenide. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 47, p. 27845-27849, . (18/25339-4, 15/11779-4)
MALDONADO, MELISSA; DA SILVA NETO, MANOEL L.; VIANNA, PILAR G.; RIBEIRO, HENRIQUE B.; DE ARAUJO, CID B.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; SEIXAS, LEANDRO; JAWAID, ALI M.; BUSCH, ROBERT; RITTER, ALLYSON J.; et al. Femtosecond nonlinear refraction of 2D semi-metallic redox exfoliated ZrTe2 at 800nm. Applied Physics Letters, v. 118, n. 1, . (18/25339-4, 17/20100-0, 18/04926-9, 15/11779-4)
GARCIA-BASABE, YUNIER; GORDO, VANESSA ORSI; DAMINELLI, LARA M.; MENDOZA, CESAR D.; VICENTIN, FLAVIO C.; MATUSALEM, FILIPE; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; LARRUDE, DUNIESKYS G.. Interfacial electronic coupling and band alignment of P3HT and exfoliated black phosphorous van der Waals heterojunctions. Applied Surface Science, v. 541, . (18/08988-9, 15/11779-4, 17/02317-2)
VIANNA, PILAR G.; ALMEIDA, ALINE DOS S.; GEROSA, RODRIGO M.; BAHAMON, DARIO A.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.. Second-harmonic generation enhancement in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides by using an epsilon-near-zero substrate. NANOSCALE ADVANCES, v. 3, n. 1, p. 272-278, . (15/11779-4, 18/25339-4)
GEROSA, RODRIGO M.; SUAREZ, FELIPE G.; VIANNA, PILAR G.; DOMINGUES, SERGIO H.; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.. One-step deposition and in-situ reduction of graphene oxide in photonic crystal fiber for all-fiber laser mode locking. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, v. 121, . (15/11779-4, 12/50259-8)
STEINBERG, DAVID; DIEGO ZAPATA, JUAN; THOROH DE SOUZA, EUNEZIO A.; SAITO, LUCIA A. M.. Mechanically Exfoliated Graphite Onto D-Shaped Optical Fiber for Femtosecond Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser. Journal of Lightwave Technology, v. 36, n. 10, p. 1868-1874, . (16/25836-2, 15/11779-4, 12/50259-8)
DE OLIVEIRA, EMERSON C.; GEROSA, RODRIGO M.; PHELAN, CIARAN; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.; IEEE. Fabrication and characterization of silicon nitride waveguides for mid-infrared applications. 2019 SBFOTON INTERNATIONAL OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (SBFOTON IOPC), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (15/12734-4, 18/07276-5, 15/11779-4, 18/19736-0)
BONANDO, MATHEUS G.; GIMENES, SRGIO A., JR.; SAITO, LICIA A. M.; IEEE. Graphene Coplanar Capacitor for Electro-Optical Modulation. 2019 SBFOTON INTERNATIONAL OPTICS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (SBFOTON IOPC), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)
GRASSESCHI, D.; BAHAMON, D. A.; MAIA, F. C. B.; BARCELOS, I. D.; FREITAS, R. O.; DE MATOS, C. J. S.. an der Waals materials as dielectric layers for tailoring the near-field photonic response of surface. Optics Express, v. 30, n. 1, p. 255-264, . (12/50259-8, 18/25339-4, 19/14017-9, 15/10405-3, 15/11779-4)
VIANNA, PILAR G.; GRASSESCHI, DANIEL; COSTA, GREICE K. B.; CARVALHO, ISABEL C. S.; DOMINGUES, SERGIO H.; FONTANA, JAKE; DE MATOS, CHRISTIANO J. S.. Graphene Oxide/Gold Nanorod Nanocomposite for Stable Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. ACS PHOTONICS, v. 3, n. 6, p. 1027-1035, . (15/11779-4, 15/10405-3, 12/50259-8)
STEINBERG, DAVID; ZAPATA, JUAN DIEGO; SAITO, LUCIA A. M.; DE SOUZA, EUNEZIO A. THOROH. Study of Pulse Formation in an EDFL Under a Large Dispersion Variation Hybridly Mode-Locked by Graphene and Nonlinear Polarization Rotation. IEEE Photonics Journal, v. 13, n. 2, . (15/11779-4, 16/25836-2, 12/50259-8)
STEINBERG, DAVID; ZAPATA, JUAN D.; NASCIMENTO, REGIANE; ROSA, HENRIQUE G.; SAITO, LUCIA A. M.; DE SOUZA, EUNEZIO A. THOROH. Mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser based on a mechanically exfoliated ReS2 saturable absorber onto D-shaped optical fiber. OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, v. 12, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (16/25836-2, 17/14705-7, 18/08988-9, 12/50259-8, 15/11779-4)

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