Research Grants 14/27342-1 - Transmissão de energia elétrica, Distribuição de energia elétrica - BV FAPESP
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Intelligent and hybrid techniques for the resolution of power systems problems


This document presents the 2 years term research project to be carried out at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the São Carlos School of Engineering - University of São Paulo. The theme of this project aims for the application of methods and intelligent techniques for complex and large scale power systems optimization problems. The research encompasses the electrical power transmission and distribution areas.In power system distribution, the communication and autonomous control units that can embed the multi-agent systems in an environment defined as intelligent distribution networks is taken into account. In power transmission area, the main topics consider the expansion of the system, modeling and optimal operation. Generally, the earlier problems are modeled as decision making problem or as optimization problems with high complexity. Therefore, the achievable computational solution represents a critical part of the research. The application of intelligent methods is also justified by the flexibility and adaptation nature when searching for high quality feasible solutions. The main research topics covered in this project are: transmission and distribution system planning, transmission system operation and novel techniques for modern distribution systems operation. The systems to be used as references for all problems are those already published in technical journals and made available to the scientific community. (AU)

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Scientific publications (8)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MOMESSO, ANTONIO E. C.; BERNARDES, WELLINGTON MAYCON S.; ASADA, EDUARDO N.. Fuzzy adaptive setting for time-current-voltage based overcurrent relays in distribution systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS, v. 108, p. 135-144, . (14/27342-1, 12/25292-1)
ISMAIL NETO, MOHAMAD SALEM; ASADA, EDUARDO N.. Considerations on three-phase modelling for branch-current state estimation?. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 213, p. 9-pg., . (15/04538-0, 22/04710-1, 14/27342-1)
ISMAIL NETO, MOHAMAD S.; ASADA, EDUARDO N.; IEEE. State Estimation for Distribution Systems using Branch Currents as State Variables. 2016 12TH IEEE/IAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS (INDUSCON), v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (15/04538-0, 14/27342-1)
MOMESSO, ANTONIO E. C.; BERNARDES, WELLINGTON MAYCON S.; ASADA, EDUARDO N.. Adaptive directional overcurrent protection considering stability constraint. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 181, . (14/27342-1, 12/25292-1)
MAZZINI, ANA PAULA; ASADA, EDUARDO N.; LAGE, GUILHERME GUIMARAES. Minimisation of active power losses and number of control adjustments in the optimal reactive dispatch problem. IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION, v. 12, n. 12, p. 2897-2904, . (14/27342-1)
BOTTURA, FERNANDO B.; BERNARDES, WELLINGTON M. S.; OLESKOVICZ, MARIO; ASADA, EDUARDO N.. Setting directional overcurrent protection parameters using hybrid GA optimizer. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 143, p. 400-408, . (14/27342-1, 12/25292-1)
MOMESSO, ANTONIO E. C.; BERNARDES, WELLINGTON M. S.; ASADA, EDUARDO N.. Fuzzy-based Non-communicating Adaptive Overcurrent Relay. IFAC PAPERSONLINE, v. 51, n. 28, p. 6-pg., . (14/27342-1, 12/25292-1)
FERREIRA, ELLEN C.; ISMAIL NETO, MOHAMAD S.; ASADA, EDUARDO N.; IEEE. Metaheuristic Strategies for Solving the Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch with Discrete Variables. 2016 12TH IEEE/IAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS (INDUSCON), v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (14/27342-1)

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