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Access to health services and sexual and reproductive health of women who have sex with women


This work aims investigates the access to health services and sexual and reproductive health of women who have sex with women in a dynamic scenario where they can be with men and women in a regular or sporadic way increasing STD risk through unsafe sex. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study that will be developed in Botucatu city involving women who have sex with women through three subprojects: I: "Vulnerability of women who have sex with women living in the hinterland" II: "Prevalence of infection of female lower genital tract and associated factors in women who have sex with women" III: "Health needs and access to health service of women who have sex with women ". The composition of the study group will be carried out by disseminating the research on social networks communication (radio, newspaper), in health services, and invitation of the participants to people close to them. The study's variables are sociodemographics, behavioral related by access to health services and clinical and reproductive. Data will be obtained through the interview by researchers, the oral and pelvic cavity examination, collection of oral, vaginal and cervical samples for diagnosis of infections of the oral and lower genital tract and peripheral blood collection for serological tests for HIV , hepatitis B and syphilis. Data will be analyzed by descriptive statistics and associations will be evaluate by the chi-square test or Fischer test. Logistic regression models were fitted in order to recognize the most influential variables in the onset of diseases in the lower genital tract. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MARIANA ALICE DE OLIVEIRA IGNACIO; JULIANE ANDRADE; ANA PAULA FRENEDA DE FREITAS; GABRIEL VITOR DA SILVA PINTO; MARCIA GUIMARÃES DA SILVA; MARLI TERESINHA CASSAMASSIMO DUARTE. Prevalência de vaginose bacteriana e fatores associados em mulheres que fazem sexo com mulheres. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, v. 26, . (15/04224-6)

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