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Comparative study of biomolecules composition of Bothrops jararaca snake venom milked and processed in the herpetology of Butantan Institute between 1963 and 2008


Snake venoms produced in the Herpetology Laboratory at Butantan Institute are, basically, freezed and dried by liophilization to retain their activities; but the eficiency of these treatments is not studied so far, as well as their longevities. The proteomic analysis of B. jararaca venoms pools collected at the Butantan Institute between 1963 and 2008 has great relevance for the development of this project. Such analysis will allow evaluating the longevity of biochemical and physiological activities of snake venoms used for the production of antiophidic serum. Since the Butantan Institute is one of the largest producer of antiophidic serum in Latin America, these data are extremely important not only for scientific research but also for the public health. Considering the vast experience of Dr. Juan Jose Calvete, as well as the experience of his group in the venomics field, their participation in this project will be essential. Another factor to be considered is the infrastructure and equipment provided by the Spanish group, such as mass spectrometry facilities, which are not available in the Brazilian laboratory. Additionally, this collaboration will also allow the training of professionals in proteomics in the Spanish institute. The Spanish laboratory has a long-standing record of collaboration with Brazilian research groups, including some in Instituto Butantan. The proposed collaborative project will create new partnerships contributing thereby to to strengthening the already excellent relations between the Spanish Structural and Functional Laboratory and its Brazilian counterparts. (AU)

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(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
HATAKEYAMA, DANIELA M. `; DE MORAIS-ZANI, KAREN; SERINO-SILVA, CAROLINE; GREGO, KATHLEEN F.; SANT'ANNA, SAVIO S.; FERNANDES, WILSON; ANIZ, PATRICIA A. E. A.; TORQUATO, RICARDO J. S.; TANAKA, APARECIDA S.; SANZ, LIBIA; et al. Examination of biochemical and biological activities of Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes: Viperidae; Wied-Neuwied 1824) snake venom after up to 54 years of storage. Toxicon, v. 141, p. 34-42, . (12/10266-5, 14/11108-0, 13/00267-7, 12/12997-7, 14/50510-8, 13/05357-4)

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