Research Grants 14/02162-0 - Geologia de engenharia, Vulnerabilidade - BV FAPESP
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Development of procedures to assess groundwater vulnerability based on geological and geotechnical data


The main objective of this proposal is to develop a group of procedures for assessing the vulnerability of sub-surface waters whereas saturated zone and unsaturated zones are considered from a integration of field data, geotechnical characterization of geological materials (scale 1: 50,000) in field and laboratory, as well as continuous rainfall data and land uses. The development of the following aims to contribute towards creating wider from methods of data integration, given that existing methods were developed for regions and very specific situations, and often deal with the problem of very simplified way and without differentiation of the problems and areas due to the attribute and parameter limitations. The application of the method is aimed at vulnerability zoning of sub-surface waters from the region comprising the IBGE Topographical map at 1: 50,000 scale of Ibaté, São Carlos, Ribeirão Bonito, Brotas, Itirapina and Araraquara. Where there are areas of outcropping of sandstone of the Botucatu Formation, being occupied by urban and tourist activities, sanitary landfills, roads, pipelines and agricultural activities. Such activities require a large amount of water, as well as affect the relationship infiltration/runoff ratio varies temporal and spatial, and are sources of pollution both punctual and diffuse. The region is located between the UTM coordinates of 784 km W the 216 km W and 7510 km N of 7492 km N of 23 UTM zone, with approximately 4500km2. The focal point will be the integration of geotechnical units mapped, the characteristics of geological materials, rain data and land uses in order to assess what the magnitude of the vulnerability. The vulnerability will be assessed also from modeling considering the above information by means of the methods known as DRASTIC and GOD. (AU)

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Scientific publications (4)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
FAILACHE, MOISES FURTADO; ZUQUETTE, LAZARO VALENTIN. Soil water infiltration under different land use conditions: in situ tests and modeling. RBRH-REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE RECURSOS HIDRICOS, v. 26, . (14/02162-0)
ZUQUETTE, LAZARO VALENTIN; FAILACHE, MOISES. Mapping groundwater pollution vulnerability with application in a basin in southern Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, v. 77, n. 19, . (14/02162-0)
FAILACHE, MOISES FURTADO; ZUQUETTE, LAZARO VALENTIN. Geological and geotechnical land zoning for potential Hortonian overland flow in a basin in southern Brazil. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, v. 246, p. 107-122, . (14/02162-0)
ZUQUETTE, LAZARO; FAILACHE, MOISES; BARBASSA, ADEMIR. Assessment of Depressional Wetland Degradation, Spatial Distribution, and Geological Aspects in Southern Brazil. GEOSCIENCES, v. 10, n. 8, p. 31-pg., . (14/02162-0)

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