Traces of the European avant-garde on the Brazilian modernist theatricality
"Bárbaro e nosso": indigenismo and avant-garde in Oswald de Andrade and Gamaliel C...
Vertiginous perspectives in reformulations of history: the primitive, the savage a...
Grant number: | 14/25544-6 |
Support Opportunities: | Regular Research Grants - Publications - Books published abroad |
Field of knowledge: | Linguistics, Literature and Arts - Arts - Plastic Arts |
Principal Investigator: | Jorge Schwartz |
Grantee: | Jorge Schwartz |
Host Institution: | Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil |
Fervor of the vanguards. Art and literature in Latin America broaches the best of works by key artists and writers like Oswald de Andrade, Tarsila do Amaral, Vicente do Rego Monteiro, Xul Solar, Joaquin Torres-Garcia, Lasar Segall, Oliverio Girondo and Horacio Coppola. And indirectly, Jorge Luis Borges is also always present. These pioneers focused on the "primitive" substratum of the "criollo", indigenous and Afro-American traditions with the aim of creating an original art simultaneously rooted in national values and connected to recent trends abroad. The fourteen chapters that make up the Fervor of the Vanguards analyze the cross-fertilization of word and image as well as the points of contact and areas distance between the Brazilian modernists and their Hispanic-American confreres. (AU)
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