Research Grants 14/19001-0 - Cotidiano escolar, Formação de professores - BV FAPESP
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Teachers work in public schools: meanings, challenges and forms of organization

Grant number: 14/19001-0
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Field of knowledge:Humanities - Education
Principal Investigator:Adriana Varani
Grantee:Adriana Varani
Host Institution: Faculdade de Educação (FE). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil


This research project aims to understand the meanings of teacher collective work within the school with the new demands of teaching organization in decades. As an example of these demands, we can enunciate: a curricular organization for cycles; the introduction of a six year old child in elementary school because the school nine years; new evaluation procedures; new times and spaces of school organization such as school full time. These changes have demanded, from professionals, new collective challenges in their daily lives. We will analyze the testimony of teachers in public schools, São Paulo state, on the living in the relationship between policies and their daily lives at school. Work recover memories of everyday changes experienced to understand the meanings produced by teachers in the context of the school community. Studying the history of individuals locally in this case teachers of some public schools not meant to restrict the work, because as noted in (EZPELETA AND ROCKWELL, 1989) local history is loaded from the broader context and may lead us to understand its plot entangled in other dimensions and spent looking at the size of the political cycle in which the subjects are caught from the demands of certain educational policies. In carrying out the work will be carried out the following activities: documentary study of political change; semi-structured interviews with teachers in the early years of elementary school; study the local context of the experiences of teachers. The theoretical references of the project are Stephen Ball, Bakhtin, Michel de Certeau, Luiz Carlos de Freitas, Corinta Geraldi, among others. (AU)

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